SST LINKÖPING 2011-08-13 P Gregory




101. Ziams Gentle To Me SE24979/2011 f  110320 e SE UCH Ziams Don´t Get Mad Get Even  u C.I.B  FI UCH NORD UCH SE V-10  Ziams Delicious Design Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist Åsa äg Berit Hård Angered

Has a good wide doned? Head Correct nose A wide jaw Good earplacement Good arched neck going in to good shoulderplacement Good ribcage Good turn of stifle Would like slightly better tailcarriage When possible showing? Pads Going ot make a good shape





1. Nellie-Nette’s Papa Razzi SE61104/2010 f 20100826 e Tangse Maharadjah u Nelli-Nette´s Exotic By Balvenie Uppf Anette Nelhage, Landvetter, Äg Rose Åkersten  Sollentuna

Lovely large masculine head Correct dark eyes Good wide open nostrils and good wide jaw Good deep chest Good length of neck Good ribcage Would like slightly more level back Good muscle Well intiered Correct tail Is in good coat Good movement moving away but a little close in front



2. Shu-Ling Chilli Explosion SE22153/2010 f 100220 e SE UCH Lyckobringarens Feeling Fine u SE  UCH Shu-Ling A Wish Came True uppf Yvette Schönnemann Mölnlycke äg Ulla Olsson Mölndal

Good masculine head Corr earplacement Dark eyes Good nose Would like slightly straighter teeth but still has all Good deep chest Correct length of neck Good ribcage Would like a little bit more weight Good topline Good turn of stifle Correct tail In good coat A little close back and front



3. Tispy Toe’s In The High Skies  SE5996/2010 f 100531 e. SE UCH Fosella Simple Simon u. SE UCH NO UCH  Tipsy-Toe’s Cowgirl Uppf. Lena Rehn och Therese Gustafsson, Agnesberg Äg. Lena Carlsson, Danderyd     

Wide masculine head Dark eye Corr nose Slightly too undershot Good chest and front Strong bone Slightly short in rib Good muscle Good turn of stifle Level topline Coat slightly curly Little bit too long in back Movement front is fine not corr back movement



4. Tipsy -Toe’s  Take Me Higher  SE46000/2010 f 20100531 e SE UCH  Fossella Simple Simon u SE UCH NO UCH  Tipsy-Toe´s Cowgirl   Upp Lena Rehn & Therése Gustafsson, Agnesberg, Äg Lilian Nordell, Haninge

A good width of head Dark eyes Eyes slightly too wide apart Corr nose and mouth Good deep chest Strong neck Shoulders slightly straight Good rib Corr length of loin Good muscle and bone Good tailcarriage and in good coat Good front movement Backmovement slightly wide



5. Ziams Thunder Storm SE50240/2010 f 100706 e SE UCH Ziams Snow Dancer u SE UCH Ziams The Eye Of The Storm uppf Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist Åsa äg Berit Hård Angered

Good doned head Good dark eye Good open nostrils Corr wide jaw Good deep chest Good shoulder placement Good ribcage and corr length of loin Good muscle Good turn of stifle Corr tail Good movement Corr shape on the move





6. Ao Chins King Bee SE14289/2010 f 091112  e. FI UCH  SE UCH TaMaria Al Capone u SE UCH  Mai-Tai`s Lady Marmelade  uppf Anders Ottosson, Norrköping äg. Marianne Jonasson Furudal

Good wide masculine head Dark eye Good wide open nostrils Good mouth and chin Good deep chest Strong neck Strong bone but would like slightly higher on the leg Corr length of loin and good muscle Strong turn of stifle Would like better tailplacement In good coat Corr movement for and after



7. Il Pericolos Something For Fun SE17250/2010 f 100207 e EUW-06 FI UCH INT UCH NORD UCH NORDV-05 NV-06 SV,FIN,KBHV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra u Lovelions Something Else uppf Rita o Kim Bokdalen Fjärås äg Heidi Strand-Sköld Stenstorp

Good strong head with lovely large dark eyes Good noseplacement Would like slightly better mouth Strong neck but would like it slightly longer Good strong bone Good ribcage Good length of loin Would like a little ting bit more weight Strong bone Good tailcarriage Movement could be better





8. Khe-San´s Paint A´Z SE16000/2010 f 100112 e. SE UCH Khe-San´s Zin Go Alla

u. Limapas Magic Fighter uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen, Prässebo äg ds

Good strong head Nice dark eye Corr length of nose Good mouth and chin Good deep chest Good shoulderplacement Good length of neck Good ribcage Corr length of loin Good strong bone Good muscle tone? Good tailcarriage In exc coat Good movement for and after



9. Lillefots Memories From My Heart S28529/2008 f 080306 e Kjeanns Walking In The Rain u Lady Chimas X-Lion –To Bee uppf Eva Lennemar Kristinehamn äg Heidi Strandh-Sköld Stenstorp

Good width of head Good earplacement Would like a slightly larger eye Corr wide open nostrils Good chin Would like a better nose Corr length of neck Good strong bone Good corr length of ribcage Good bone would like more muscle tone? Good tailcarriage Is in good coat Movement good but would like to see him stride out more



10. Max Garden’s Ziggy Marley  S69823/2007,f . 071106. e. Tipsy-Toe’s Son Of Cowboy u. Tangse Nightengale. Uppf. Gunnel Andersson, Onsala. Äg. Maria Johansson, Angered

 Good strong head Nice dark eye Good nose Would like a better mouth  Good chin Good length of neck A little straight in shoulder Good ribcage Would like more level topline Good bone well muscled Slighlty too ??? Movement is a not flowing



11. Once Again’s Be Mine S56658/2009 f 090722 e Mismås Secret Amaretto u Satly’s India uppf Marie Pettersson Kareby äg ds

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12. Phe-Khan Lord Cutler S66094/2008 f 081015   e. NORD UCH   Yung Lo's Double Fantasy u. Phe-Khan Twist And Tango Uppf Petra Karlsson, Västra Frölunda äg Ulla Olsson Mölndal Specialtecken C

Good wide head Good dark eye Corr nose with wide open nostrils Good chin Would like slightly  better mouth Good ear placement Nice doned neck Strong shoulders Good level topline Would like a bit more weight Good muscle Good turn of stifle Needs better tailfurnishing ?????? in good coat Good movement Kept his shape on the move



13. Tangse Maharadjah S62468/2008 f 080724. e. Tangse Going Kronos u. Tangse China Doll Uppf. & Äg. Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna Specialtecken C

Good masculine expression without being corse? Good head Dark eye Good mouth and chin Corr depth of chest and front Good neck going into corr shoulders Good ribcage Corr length of loin Good bone Corr tailcarriage Good shape Moved well but fluent tail on the move



14. Tipsy-Toe´s Top Of The Line S29179/2009 f  090314 e Tipsy Toe´s Top To Toe u  SE UCH DK UCH   Tangse Tina Turner uppf. Lena Rehn, Agnesberg äg Ulrika Ovring, Lindome

Specialtecken C

Strong head Dark eye Good nose Corr mouth He is got a good front and chest Slightly straight in shoulders Good rib Corr length of body Good bone Good tailset Is in good coat Moved well kept his shape on the move



15. Veralice Bake A Cake S10164/2009 f 200811 04  e INT UCH NORD UCH  SEV-07 Ziams Grease Lightning u. Il Pericolos Cat-Balloo Uppf. Susanne o Jens Sandberg, Trelleborg  Äg. Susanne Sandberg  Trelleborg

Good head Nice dark eye Good nose placement Good wide mouth and corr chin Would like slightly longer neck Strong bone Good front Good corr length of rib Would like more level topline Good rear angulation Good turn of stifle Good tailcarriage Exc coat Moved well for and after





16. SE UCH Amie-Bells Balvenie The Classic S18556/2005 f 050110 e. EUW-06 FI UCH INT UCH NORD UCH NORDV-05 NV-06 SV,FI ,KBHV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra u. Amie-Bells Mesi Marja uppf, Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn, äg,ds

Good masculine head Dark eye Wide open nostrils Good mouth Lacks chin Good strong neck Good bone Nice shoulder placement Good ribcage Slightly long in loin Good turn of stifle Corr tailcarriage In exc coat Good back movement but slightly close in front



17. SE UCH Mismås Three Cheers At Midnight S36826/2009 f 090409 e EUW-06 FI UCH INT UCH NORD UCH NORDV-05 NV-06 SV,FIN,KBHV-04Fossella Kama Sutra u Mismås Beat’ M With Love uppf Birgitta Norström Lerum äg Lena Rehn o Therese Gustafsson  Agnesberg

Strong wide head with good dark eye Would like better mouth Lacks chin wich effects the overall face Good deep chest Strong neck Good bone Slighlty straight in shoulder Lovely ribcage Corr length of loin Good muscle Exc coat Would like to see stronger movement



18. SE UCH Shu-Ling Utah Jazz S49169/2009 f 090704 e. NORD UCH  Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u.NordJV-03 SE UCH Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim uppf Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke äg Lena Persson Höllviken

Exc width of head Lovely dark eyes Good nose Like better slightly better mouth Good chin Strong front Corr length of neck going in to good strong shoulders Good bar?? Rib and corr length of loin Strong bone with good muscle ?? and good turn of stifle Corr tailcarriage Overall a good shape Moved well Strided out showing his pads



19. C.I.B. FI UCH NORD UCH  NORD V -07 SE V-2010 Tanbell´s On Demand S37211/2005  f  050805 e.NO V-02 SE V-02 SE UCH NO UCH FI UCH Tanbell´s King Of The Savannah u. Tangse Pamela Uppf. Susanne Sarmell, Vendelsö  Äg: Ewa Marie Lindquist, Tyresö

Good strong head good width Lovely dark eye Nose slightly longer?than I like needs a better mouth Has a good chin Good depth of chest Nice doned neck going in to strong shoulders Good bone Good length of rib Good length of back Good muscle tone and good turn of stifle Lovely coat Well presented Moved well kept his shape on the move



20. SE UCH Tangse Conrad  S29523/2008, f 080303 e. SE UCH FI UCH  Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Tangse Pretty Belinda. Uppf. Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna. Äg. Anette Nelhage, Landvetter

Good strong masculine head without being corse Good strong open nostrils Exc mouth Good chin Good strong depth of chest Lovely doned neck Strong muscle and bone Good ribcage Corr length of body Good bone in rear wa?? Corr shape and good turn of stifle Nice tailcarriage In good coat Lovely personality Moved well both coming and going



21. SE UCH Ziams My Sony Boy S42681/2006 f.2006-05-23 e. EUW-06 FI UCH INT UCH NORD UCH NORDV-05 NV-06 SV,FIN,KBHV-04Fossella Kama Sutra u.NordUChTipsy- Toe’s Black Velvet Uppf: Lars & Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa Äg: Bo & Ingela Gullmar, Partille

Good head Dark eye but showing slight white Good mouth lacks chin Little corse looking Strong depth of chest In good bone Corr length of rib Would like slightly level topline Good bone but lacks muscle tone Good turn of stifle Good tailcarriage Exc coat Moved well





22. EUW-06 FI UCH INT UCH NORD UCH NORDV-05NV-06 SV,FI,KBHV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra 13016/2003 f 021207 e Santosha Midnight Caller u EUW-06 FINV-04 INT UCH NORD UCH KBHV-03 NO UCH  SV-04  Fossella Smell of Chanel, Bodil Fossenius, Skurup, äg, Sofi Pålsson, Tygelsjö

Lovely strong wide head Lovely masculine expression Good open wide nostrils Corr mouth with good chin Good depth of chest Lovely good wide front Good neck Strong shoulders Lovely barrelled ribcage Good length of loin Strong bone Good muscle Good tailcarriage Exc tailcarriage Well presented  A good ambassador for the breed Moved well for and after



23. INT UCH SE UCH NO UCH   Tanbell´s Napo-LeonS40110/2002 f  020512 e. Kin-Day´s Frosty Flower u.  SE UCH FI UCH   Tanbell´s Jungle Jane Uppf. Susanne Sarmell, Vendelsö Äg Lilian Nordell, Haninge

Good strong masculine head Lovely dark well placed eye Slightly longer? In nose Very good mouth and chin Strong front Well placed shoulders Corr length of neck Good ribcage Would like slightly more level topline Good bone Lacks slight muscle tone Good tailcarriage In exc coat Very well presented Moved well but didn’t keep level topline on the move





24. Il Pericolos Trick Or Treat SE63735/2010 f 101102 e Phe-Khan Lord Cutler u Pericolos Gucci uppf Rita o Kim Bokdalen Fjärås äg Rita Bokdal Fjärås

Lovely feminine expression Good length of nose Nice dark eyes Good under shot Mouth needs slightly better teeths Good chin Good length of neck Good bone for age Good length of rib Nice bone Good coat Well presented Moved well Good shape



25. Mismås Once Upon A Dream SE60397/2010 f 100908 e Mismås Three Cheers At Midnight u Rosaril Follow Your Dream Uppf Birgitta Norström, Lerum, Äg Therése Gustafsson,  Angered      

Lovely sweet expression Corr noseplacement Very good mouth Corr length of neck Good barrel ribcage and good length of rib Good bone Corr tailcarriage In good coat Movement good in front a little close behind



26. Nellie-Nette’s Hot Stuff SE61105/2010 f 20100826 e Tangse Maharadjah u Nellie-Nette’s Exotic By Balvenie uppf Anette Nelhage Landvetter äg ds

Very pretty bitch Lovely large dark eye Corr nose placement with wide nostrils Corr mouth but lacks chin Good front Doned? Neck Finer in bone A little short in rib Good turn of stifle Corr tailplacement Well presented Moved away very close back and front



27. Popeye´s Mardi Gras  SE64595/2010 f 101006 e. SE UCH Shu-Ling Utah Jazz  u. Popeye´s In The Limelight  Uppf& Äg Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Lovely fem expression Corr well placed dark eyes Good nose, mouth and chin Good length of neck Good bone Good ribcage Good length of loin Well muscled for age Corr tailcarriage Well presented Moved well and kept her shape on the move



28. Rumptrolls Amazing Grace SE60025/2010 f 100908 e SE UCH Tangse Conrad u SE UCH Rumptrolls Judy Garland uppf Madeleine Åman Freijs äg uppf & Berit Hård Angered

Very sweet fem expression Nice dark eye Well defined nose placement Exc mouth and chin Good depth of chest Corr length of neck going in to well placed shoulders Good length of rib Good bone and muscle Good tailcarriage In good coat Moved well away and coming



29. Rumptrolls Amazing Patience  SE60027/2010 f 100908 e SE UCH Tangse Conrad u SE UCH Rumptrolls Judy Garland uppf Madeleine Åman Freijs äg ds

Nice sweet expression Nose slightly big? Good mouth and chin Defined in depth of chest Finer in bone Good length of rib Good length of loin Good turn of stifle Lacking in muscle tone Good tailcarriage In very good coat Moved well



30. Tipsy-Toe’s Take Me To The Top SE45998 /2010 f 100531 e. SE UCH Fosella Simple Simon u. SE UCH NO UCH  Tipsy-Toe’s Cowgirl Uppf. Lena Rehn och Therese Gustafsson, Agnesberg Äg. ds

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31. Våranzonz Zköna Helena  SE56839/2010 f 20100808  e SE UCH Tipsy-Toe´s Exiting Boy u Rumptrolls Magica De Hex  Uppf  & Äg Maria Johansson,  vAngered

Of larger type Good head Dark eye Exc mouth with good chin Showing slight white in eye Good length of neck Strong bone and good ribcage Slightly long in loin Strong hindbone and good turn of stifle Good tailcarriage Movement too close behind and close front and back





32. Amie-Bell’s Odd Molly SE25141/2010 f 100207 e NORD UCH  Young Lo’s Double Fantasy u Amie-Bell’s Grande Dame uppf Elisabeth Pettersson Skärhamn äg ds

Good width of head Good placed dark eye Good nose and open nostrils undershot mouth Just lack in chin Good depth of chest Good length of neck Well barrelled rib Would like a better topline Good hindquarters Good tailcarriage In good coat Moved well at the back a little close in front



33. Ao Chins Queenie Minie Bee   SE14288/2010 f 091112   e SE UCH FI UCH Ta Maria Al Capone u SE UCH Mai-tai´s Lady Marmalade  uppf Anders Ottosson Norrköping äg Therese Persson Linköping

Good width of head Dark eye Nose slightly long and down cast Good mouth but length of nose interferce? With apperence Good length of chest and neck Strong bones Good length of rib and loin Well muscled for one so  young Tail a little flat which interferce with outline In good coat Moved well a little close in front



34. Ao Chins Queen Of Sheba SE14287/2010 f 09 11 12 e SE UCH FI UCH TaMaria Al Capone  u. SE UCH  Mai-Tai`s Lady Marmelade u. uppf Anders Ottosson, Norrköping äg ds

Good width of head Nice dark eye Nose slightly longer than I like Good mouth but lacks chin Good arched neck Slighlty straight in shoulder Good length of rib Slightly long in loin Good muscle Nice turn of stifle Good tailcarriage In good coat She moves well



35. Khe-San`s Vanilla N´Creme SE16004/2010 f 100112 e. Limapas Magic Fighter u SE UCH Khe-San´s Zin Go Alla . uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen, Prässebo äg Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Very fem head and expression Corr length of nose Good mouth and chin Good front Well arched neck Good length of rib Would like a slightly better topline Good bone Good turn of stifle Corr tailcarriage In very good coat Well presented Did not well so could not see her movement



36. Shu-Ling Dust Of Cayenne SE22152/2010 e SE UCH Lyckobringarens Feeling Fine u SE UCH Shu-Ling A Wish Came True uppf Yvette Schönnemann Mölnlycke äg Susanne Sandberg Trelleborg

Lovely fem bitch with a very melting? Expression Corr well placed dark eye Good mouth and chin Good depth of chest Good length of neck Good shoulderplacement Corr length of rib and loin Good bone and turn of stifle Good tailcarriage Very good coat Moved well kept her shape on the move



37. Tanbells Qosmonova SE15170/2010 f091230 e NORDV-07 FI UCH C.I.B. NORD UCH Tanbells On Demand u NORD JV-07 SE UCH FI UCH Tangse Amapola uppf Susanne Sarmell Vendelsö äg ds

Nice strong head Good eyes Good nose, mouth and chin Would like a little more depth of chest Slightly upright in shoulder Slightly fine in ribcage Good length of loin Good bone Just lacks muscle tone Good tailcarriage Moved well Kept her shape on the move





38. Frejahöjdens Milda Matilda S22449/2007 f 070207 e.  Superlion Red Ace At Spovens u Khe-San´s Donna Serlina Uppf. Eva Lindholm, Västerås Äg:  uppf.

Good width of head Nice eye Slighty longer in nose Mouth slightly level wich gives her a lack of chin Good depth of chest Nice doned chest Good ribcage Would like a slightly better topline Good tail carriage In good coat Little close in front movement but moved well



39. Il Pericolos Gucci  27240/2007 f 070323 e  NO UCH NORD UCH INT UCH  Lady Chimas Oriental Gool To Bee u Il Pericolos Ella Of Frell uppf Rita & Kim Bokdalen Fjärås äg, Rita Bokdalen Fjärås

Very fem head Good dark eye Slightly long in nose Good undershot mouth lacks chin Good depth of chest Finer in neck Good shoulders Good length of rib Fine in bone Lovely tailcarriage and in good coat Has good movement



40. Janimba Bow Wow WowS50995/2008 f 080608 e NV-02 SE V-02 SE UCH FI UCH NO UCH  Tanbells King Of The Savannah u Anibes Ashley Fashion uppf Lena Carlsson Danderyd äg ds

Sweet fem expresseion Good width of head Corr length of nose Exc mouth Lovely wide jaw Good depth of chest Corr length of neck going in to well placed shoulders Slightly short in rib Slightly longer in loin Good bone and good muscle tone Good tailcarriage and very good shape standing Moved well



41. Lovelion’s Something Else 18671/2006 f 051217 e SE UCH FI UCH Lovelions Funniest Way u Fin Uch Lovelions Ladylike uppf, Nina Mäkelä Finland, äg Rita Bokdalen, Fjärås

Good width of head Nice dark eye Slightly longer in nose Large nose for a bitch Interference for her expression Good depth of chest Corr length of rib but a little fine in body for her size Good turn of stifle Good tailcarriage Just lacks coat Has good movement



42. Mismås Beat Of My HeartS31989/2007 f 070306 e SE UCH FI UCH Fossella The Beat Goes On u  SE UCH MisMås Celine Dion Uppf. Birgitta Norström, Lerum Äg: uppf

Specialtecken C

Nice sweet expression Very dark eye Nice appearance Corr length of nose Undershot mouth with a good chin Good depth of chest Well arched neck going down in to good shoulder placement Good length of rib and?? Good bone Would like a bit more muscle Exc tailcarriage Moved well kept her corr shape on the move



43. Shu-Ling Of July Malia  S49170/2009 f 090704 e. NORD UCH Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u.NORD JV-03 SE UCH Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim uppf Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke äg ds

Good width of head Good dark eyes Corr length of nose Well opened nostrils Good mouth and chin A little narrow in chest Good downed neck into well laid shoulders Got a good length of rib but slightly long in loin Good bone Good turn of stifle and tailcarriage but lacks coat Moved well



44. Ta Maria Chok-O-Licious SE 12325/2010 f 090806 e. Ta Maria May I Fantasy u. Ta Maria Stracciatella uppf Anne o Maria Laaksonen Finland äg Sofi Pålsson Tygelsjö

Very sweet fem expression Lovely dark eye Corr length of nose Exc mouth and chin Good depth of chest Corr length of neck going in to well placed shoulders Good ribcage of corr length Corr length of body In good bone Good turn of stifle Corr tailcarriage Moved well



45. Tangse Rihanna S46567/2009 f 090516 e FI UCH SE UCH Ta Maria Double-O-Seven u Tangse Caramelle uppf Rose Åkersten Sollentuna äg Kate Johannesson Västra Frölunda

Good width of head Dark eye Corr length of nose Would like mouth slightly more undershot lacking in chin and unfeminine expression Good length of stifle Slightly too high on leg She moved well A nice dispotion



46. Tipsy-Toe’s To Hot To Handle S29180/2009 f 090314 e. Tipsy-Toe’s Top To Toe u SE UCH DK UCH Tangse Tina Turner uppf Lena Rehn Agnesberg äg Maria Johansson Angered

Lovely feminine expression Corr round dark eye Exc mouth and chin of a finer type Good length of neck Corr length of rib Nice level topline Good turn of stifle Corr tailcarriage Moved a little closed behind



47. Tipsy-Toe’s Touch Of Flame  S29181/2009 f 090314 e Tipsy-Toe’s Top To Toe u SE UCH DK UCH Tangse Tina Turner uppf Lena Rehn Agnesberg äg Ulrika Ovring Lindome

Sweet fem expression Good dark well placed eye Corr length of nose Good mouth and chin Good depth of chest Well arched neck Good shoulders Good ribcage Good length of loin Good bone and good muscle Good tailcarriage Moved well and kept her shape on the move





48. SE UCH Shu-Ling Queen Of Light  S49173/2009 f 090704 e NORD UCH Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u NORD JV-03  SE UCH Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim uppf Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke äg Marita Henriksson Älvängen

Exc width of head Well placed dark eye Good length of nose Good mouth and chin Good depth of chest very good cloned? Neck going in to good shoulder placement Corr length of neck Good bone and muscle tone Exc tailcarriage Very well presented Lovely flowing movement Exc shape!



49. SE UCH FI UCH NORD JV-07 Tangse Amapola S 11320/2007 f 061028 e Tangse Zlatan u SE UCH FI UCH  Tangse Cheyenne uppf, Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna, äg, Susanne Sarmell, Vendelsö

Good well doned head Lovely dark eye Corr length of nose Would like slighlty better mouth Good chin Lovely strong depth of chest Corr length of neck Slightly upright shoulders Lovely ribcage Corr level topline Good rear bone Good turn of stifle Good tailcarriage In good coat Lovely flowing movement



50. DK UCH SE UCH Tangse Tina Turner S57770/2005 f 050810 e SE UCH FI UCH  Tangse Midnight Cowboy u JWW-98 NORD UCH  Tangse Samantha Wee uppf Rose Åkersten Sollentuna äg Lena Rehn Agnesberg

Lovely fem expression ??round dark eyes Good mouth and chin Good depth of chest Good length of neck Good bone for a bitch Good ribcage Good length of loin Would like a little more muscle Good turn of stifle In exc coat Lovely flowing movement



51. SE UCH Tipsy-Toe’s Touch Of Class S29180/2009 f 090314 e Tipsy-Toe’s Top To Toe u SE UCH DK UCH Tangse Tina Turner uppf Lena Rehn Agnesberg äg ds

Exc width of head Good dark eye Good noseplacement Corr mouth Good chin Good depth of chest Good length of rib Would like slightly less in body length Good bone Good turn of stifle Good tailcarriage Good coat Well presented Flying tail on the move





52. INT UCH NORD UCH NO UCH VWW-08 VWW-10 Y’u Tai’s One Vanila Girl N16637/00 f 000426 e SE UCH NO UCH  Shierikos Ringo Star u Y’u Tai’s One Good Looking uppf Hilde Berit Berthaussen Norge äg, Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

A lovely veteran bitch 11 years old Sweet melting? Expression Lovely dark eyes Would like slightly better mouth Good chin Good depth of chest and ribcage Lovely doned neck Good shoulders Good length of rib Good rearbone Good turn of stifle Corr tailcarriage In exc coat Beautiful presented Exc movement A wonderful ambassador for the breed





22. EUW-06 FI UCH INT UCH NORD UCH NORDV-05NV-06 SV,FI,KBHV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra 13016/2003

Tävlar med följande avkommor:7, 16, 17, 21,

Sire thowing very typical to his type All very much to correct standard and size All moves very well Exc progeny



50. DK UCH SE UCH Tangse Tina Turner S57770/2005

Tävlar med följande avkommor:

14, 31, 46, 47,

Sire carring good progeny but still of exc quality All marked of good standard





Shu-Ling Kennel, Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Tävlar med följande hundar:

2, 18, 36, 48,

Very clos call another exc breeders group Just lacked a little in maturity to the winners A credit to the breeder!



Tangse Kennel, Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Tävlar med följande hundar:

13, 20, 49, 50

A Lovely group A credit to the  breeder All very much to type an exc breeders group