Domare: Pamela Woodbridge, GB                                                                          

Ringsekreterare: Maud Lundvall och Bibbi Thunell



Valpklass 4-6 mån   Hanar


101.    MAX GARDEN´S BLACK SABBATH, S65634/2006 f. 2006.10.20

           e. Tipsy-Toe´s Son Of Cowboy u. Max Garden´s Blue Tit Surprise

           Uppf. & Äg. Gunnel Andersson, Häcklehagsvägen 315, 439 93 ONSALA

            Nice wide head very dark eyes good for colours level topline well balanced

            with good tailset very good rear angulation

           1 valpkl HP BIR valp 4-6  BIS-2


 Valpklass 4-6 mån    Tikar


102.     MAX GARDEN´S COURTNEY LOVE, S65631/2006, f. 2006.10.20

            e. TipsyToe´s Son Of Cowboy u. Max Garden´s Blue Tit Surprise

            Uppf: Gunnel Andersson, Onsala. Äg: Ewa-Marie Karlsson, Smäckbrog. 21A,

            619 34 TROSA

            Pretty head and expression good mouth and jaw level topline good angulation

            well placed tail moved very well

            1 valpkl HP BIM valp 4-6


103.     MAX GARDEN´S PATTI SMITH, S65638/2006, f. 2006.10.20

            e. Tipsy  Toe´s Son Of  Cowboy u. Max Garden´s Blue Tit Surprise.

            Uppf: Gunnel Andersson, Onsala. Äg: Marie Johansson, Svanefjordsvägen 26,

            464 73 KÖPMANNEBRO

            Pretty head with good mouth not such good rear angulation that I would like

            level topline well placed tailset Angulation shows in movement which is quite

            tight in  the rear end

            3 valpkl


104.     POPEYE´S HAPPY HOOKER, S66285/2006,f. 2006.10.04

            e. Finuch Intuch Norduch NordV-05 Sv&Fin&KbhV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra

            u. Such Ziams Gonna Love U Like Money. Uppf: Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

            Äg: Charlotte Wistad, Pernilla Wistad, Abultsgatan 32, 218 71 TYGELSJÖ

            Would like a more feminine head heavily boned I hope she doesn´t grow too

            large angulation is goo just a bit unsettled at this time.

            4 valpkl


105.     SPOVENS COOL VANILLA GIRL, S67297/2006, f. 2006.10.13

            e. Spovens Qosmos u. Spovens Vanilla Ice. Uppf: Lillevor Lindberg, Norberg

            Äg: Yvonne Frid & Torleif Gustavsson, Olshyttan Höjen 205, 776 91


            Extremely pretty head very feminine beautiful dark eye well placed nose level

            topline would like a looser tail I hope she will loosen in her rear action as quite 

            close behind.

            2 valpkl


Valpklass 6-9 mån     Hanar


106.     JOY´S VICTOR VISTOSIO, S51407/2006, f.2006.07.07

            e. Such Nuch Finuch NV-02 Tanbell´s King Of The Savannah u. Joy´s

            Sirena Stupenda. Uppf: Marie Blom, Nyköping. Äg: Marie Blom/Camilla

            Nystrand, Ortvägen 19, 611 65 NYKÖPING

            Very masculine sound puppy good wide skull large dark eye well set nose good

            mouth and jaw well angulated with level topline sound movement

            1 valpkl HP Bim valp 6-9


107.     LADY CHIMA´S CANDEL TO BEE, S60146/2006, f. 2006.08.12

            e. Lady Chima´s Perfect Partner u. Lady Chima´s Always Promise To Bee

            Uppf. Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors. Äg. Inga-Lill Johansson,

            Långrevsgatan 71, 593 40 VÄSTERVIK

            A shame he is so unsettled standing and on the move he has a lovely head

            beautiful mouth very pleasant expression with dark eye I think he will be very

            nice when he settles on the move

            2 valpkl


108.     LADY CHIMA´S CHARMER PARTNER TO BEE, S60147/2006, f. 2006.08.12

            e. Lady Chima´s Perfect Partner u. Lady Chima´s Always Promise To Bee

            Uppf. Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors. Äg. Inga-Lill Johansson,

            Långrevsgatan 71, 593 40 VÄSTERVIK

            Deltar ej


 109.     LILLEFOTS LUNERIAN, S56632/2006, f. 2006.08.14

             e. Lady Chima´s X-Tra- Lion-To Bee u. Lillefots Essential Of Love Uppf: Eva

             Lennemar, Kristinehamn. Äg: Kicki Rylander, Bottsviken 3, Box 1006, 680 71


             Good body and bone level topline well placed tail good skull well placed

             eyes excellent  mouth movement is sound would be better when he matures in

             rear action.                        

             3 valpkl


Valpklass 6-9 mån      Tikar


110.     ADORENALINE DROP DEAD PRECIOUS, S55731/2006, f. 2006.07.28

            e. Such Tangse Störste Charmör u. Adorenaline A-Real-Lady. Uppf: Hans Almgren,

            Norsborg. Äg: Marie-Louise Börjesson, Skeppargränd 5 nb, 192 78 SOLLENTUNA

            Very feminine very pretty head good dark eye level topline moved well

            R valpkl


111.     LADY CHIMA´S CHIC LADY TO BEE, S60143/2006, f. 2006.08.12

            e. Lady Chima´s Perfect Partner u. Lady Chima´s Always Promise To Bee

            Uppf & Äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Brassbo 2, 571 66 BODAFORS

            Deltar ej


112.     LADY CHIMA´S BEE MIDNIGHT, S55037/2006, f. 2006.07.09

            e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Lady Chima´s X-Oriental To Bee

            Uppf. & Äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Brassbo 2, 571 66 BODAFORS

             Excellent head and expression well constructed sound puppy level topline low

             set tail excellent coat moves soundly and well

            1 valpkl Hp BIR valp 6-9 BIS valp


113.     LADY CHIMA´S  BEE PROMISE, S55038/2006, f. 2006.07.09

            e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Lady Chima´s X-Oriental To Bee

            Uppf. Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors. Äg: Annika Brodin, Södraringvägen 2B,

            522 34 TIDAHOLM

            Pretty feminine head excellent mouth good topline well set on tail moves soundly

            just whish she would let me go over her a little more but this is due to age and   


            4 valpkl


 114.    LADY CHIMA´S BEE X-LION, S55039/2006, f. 2006.07.09

            e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Lady Chima´s X-Oriental To Bee

            Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors. Äg: Therese Bye, Bjerklundveien 7,

            1807 ASKIM, NORGE

            Deltar ej


 115.    LADY CHIMA´S BEE X-ORIENTAL, S55036/2006, f. 2006.07.09

            e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Lady Chima´s X-Oriental To Bee

            Uppf & Äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Brassbo 2, 571 66 BODAFORS.

             Nice head good black eye good jaw and dentition excellent balance level topline

             good angulation sound movement

            2 valpkl Hp


 116.    MAX GARDEN´S CORNELIA KLEINE, S59230/2006, f. 2006.08.22

            e. Such Ziams Calvin Kleine u. Max Garden´s Prinsess Victoria. Uppf: Gunnel

            Andersson, Onsala. Äg: Ulla Andersson, Stenhuggaregatan 17, 314 33 HYLTEBRUK

            Good head low set ears eyeplacement good and dark eye good reach of neck level

            topline well balanced moves soundly

            3 valpkl Hp


Juniorklass 9-15 mån       Hanar


    1.     BELLINGS LONGING FOR LUCIO, S22822/2006, f. 2006.01.20

            e. Intuch Norduch Finuch Moffelinos Close To You u. Intuch Norduch Such

            Kläpphällans Isabella Uppf: Elda Höglind, Råneå Äg: Alexis Valenzuela,

            Musikalvägen 28, 142 43 SKOGÅS

            Very good large head well placed ears excellent mouth and jaw sound in body

             and bone level topline well placed tail moves soundly and well

            1jkl Rjkk Hp


     2.    GOLDEN BEE´Z ZHADOW IN BLUE MIZT, S40653/2006, f.2006.05.13

            e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Tangse Let Me Love You, Uppf:

            & Äg: Cecilia Bergman, Galoppgatan 31, 194 30 UPPLANDSVÄSBY

            Nice head pleasant expression coat of good texture sound construction level

            topline with well placed tail unsettled but will come with time

            1 jkl


  3.     KHE-SAN KING CREOL, S38731/2006, f. 2006.05.07

          e. Piquant´s Ready Aim Fire u. Khe-San Zin Go Alla

          Uppf. & Äg. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 UPPHÄRAD

          Well constructed sound good broad head excellent dentation shows a little white

           in eye good rear angulation well set tail and balanced

          1 jkl 4 jkk Hp


  4.     LADY CHIMA´S ALACO-TO-BEE, S42278/2006, f. 2006.05.16

          e. Tercero So Bee It Of Greenmoss u. Lady Chima´s X-Lion To Bee

          Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors. Äg: Eva Lennemar, Carlslund 4,

          681 92 KRISTINEHAMN

          Good masculine head excellent mouth wide jaw good body and bone moves soundly.

          1 jkl


5.         POPEYE´S PULL THE TRIGGER, S17168/2006, f. 2005.12.15

          e. Finuch Intuch Norduch NordV-05 Sv&Fin&KbhV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra

          u. Norduch Intuch GBuch KbhV-04 Huxlor Triggered Fantasy. Uppf. Charlotte

          och Pernilla Wistad, Tygelsjö. Äg: Sanna Niemelä, Sänttilänkuja 14, 613 60

          MIETO, FINLAND

          Good head and expression excellent dentition excellent stop level topline excellent

          reach of neck well balanced tail moves soundly

          1 jkl 3 jkk Ck


  6.     POPEYE´S TRICK OR TRIGGER, S17166/2006, f. 2005.12.15

          e. Finuch Intuch Norduch NordV-05 Sv&Fin&KbhV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra

          u. Norduch Intuch GBuch KbhV-04 Huxlor Triggered Fantasy. Uppf. Charlotte

          och Pernilla Wistad, Tygelsjö. Äg. Dns och Lena Persson, Sidenvägen 25,

          178 37 EKERÖ

           Large head with well placed ears excellent skull black eye nose with good stop

           really masculine terrific angulation well balanced sound on the move.

          1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


  7.     SATLY´S MADDISON, S23562/2006, f. 2006.02.24

          e. Int, Nord, Finuch,SV, NV-03 Satly´s Sidney u. Int, Nord, Finuch Lac-Me´s

          Sugar Cain. Uppf&Äg: Eva Sjöberg, Mälarhöjdsvägen 12, 129 40 HÄGERSTEN

          Excellent head and expression low set ears good eye nose of good lenght with stop

          well balanced good tail set excellent movement with good rear action

          1 jkl 1 jkk Ck


   8.    SATLY´S MADDOX, S23563/2006, f. 2006.02.24

           e. Int, Nord, Finuch,SV, NV-03 Satly´s Sidney u. Int, Nord, Finuch Lac-Me´s

           Sugar Cain. Uppf. Eva Sjöberg, Hägersten. Äg. Christina Jonsson, Tungelstav. 29A,

           137 37 VÄSTERHANINGE 

            Deltar ej


   9.    SPOVENS PRINCE NATU, S48811/2006, f. 2006.03.15

           e. Tibet Pride´s Face The Truth u. Spovens Want To Catch Your Eye. Uppf. & Äg:

           Lillevor Lindberg, Spovvägen 1, 738 33 NORBERG

           Pretty head could be more masculine excellent eye good topline and well constructed

           sound in movement

           l jkl



Unghundsklass 15-24 mån    Hanar


 10.    EASTFANES MAKE MY DAY, S45415/2005, f. 2005.05.19

          e. Meikwei Showtime  u. Tangse Larissa Uppf & Äg: Annalena och Matz

          Andersson, Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 GÄVLE

          Good head with well placed ears masculine expression level topline excellent

          coat moves soundly

          1 ukl 4 ukk Hp


 11.    EUJW-06 FINJW-06 FOSSELLA THE BEAT GOES ON, S54039/2005,

          f. 2005.07.16, e. Intuch Such Estuch Finuch FinW-03 Le Bon Beat´em All

          u. Intuch Norduch SW-04 FinW-04 KbhW-03 Fossella Smell Of Chanel.

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup. Äg: Ulla Rinne, Ankeriaankuja 1, 02260

          ESPO, FINLAND

          Excellent construction very masculine sound dog large head with low set ears

          black eye well placed nose moves soundly well balanced

          1 ukl 3 ukk Ck


12.     PHE-KHAN DOMINO PLAYER, S48625/2005, f. 2005.06.08                     

          e. Norduch Ziams Grease Lightning u. Phe-Khan Bianca Nera. Uppf. Petra

          Karlsson, Västra Frölunda. Äg. Ulla Olsson, Flugsnapparegången 1,

          431 33 MÖLNDAL

          Does not excel in head noseplacement could be better dentition mouth and jaw are

          not correct a throught he looks sound on the table he is very loose in movement yet 

          perhaps only needs time 

          2 ukl


13.    TANBELL´S ON DEMAND, S37211/2005, f. 2005.04.29

          e. Norduch SV-02, NV-02 Tanbell´s King Of The Savannah u. Tangse

          Pamela. Uppf. Susanne Sarmell, Haninge. Äg. Eva Marie Lindquist,

          Uddbyvägen 29, 135 55 TYRESÖ

          Excellent head good dark eye well placed nose level topline with balanced tail well

          laid shoulders and excellent rear action

          1 ukl 2 ukk Ck


14.     TIBETS PRIDE´S RUNAWAY LOVER, S25969/2005, f. 2005.02.24

          e. Tibets Pride´s Pride And Prejudice u. Spoven´s Twinkle Little Star

          Uppf. Margaret Hansen, Kungsbacka. Äg. Christine Fjellborg & Fredrik

          Jansson, Bärnstensvägen 1, 804 28 GÄVLE

          Excellent head good dark eye well placed nose moved very soundly good body and


          1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-R


15.     ZHAN-THAL SHU FANG, S52156/2005, f. 2005.07.20

          e. SV-04 KbhV-04 Such FinV-04 Dkuch Fossella Kama Sutra u. Such

          Country Flowers Malva Rosea. Uppf: Taina Samuelsson, Barbro Ahl, Lilla-

          Edet. Äg: Elisabet Strömberg, Lävägen 77, 976 34 LULEÅ

          A bit unsure of himself good head masculine expression large eye well placed

          nose would like to see him more settled

          1 ukl


16.     ZIAMS  I´M SO SPECIAL, S68457/2005 f. 2005.11.22

          e. Norduch Finuch Intuch NV-03 Satly´s Sidney u. Such Ziams Penny Lane

          Uppf. Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa. Äg. Ingalill Malmros, Jungfrunsgata 407,

          136 60 HANINGE

          Good masculine head would like a wider placed eye level topline good body and

          bone well shaped rear angulation

          1 ukl R ukk


Öppenklass från 2 år och uppåt    Hanar


17.     AMIE-BELLS BALVENIE THE CLASSIC, S18556/2005, f. 2005.01.10

          e. SV-04 KbhV-04 Such FinV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra u. Amie-Bells Mesi

          Marja Uppf & Äg: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 471 32 SKÄRHAMN

          Excellent dark eye good stop to nose level topline with balanced tail sound in


          1 ökl R ökk


18.     DREAM-CHERI´S SNOOP DOGG, S20161/2003, F. 2003.02.16

          e. Such Norduch Nellie-Nette´s Callypso u. Such Nellie-Nette´s Dream

          Of Cheri. Uppf & Äg: Kate Johannesson, Opalgatan 3, 421 62 VÄSTRA


          Would like a better expression he lacks underjaw would like more free flying

          movement shows in excellent coat

          1 ökl


19.     CARNATANGS LEGOLAS, S54448/2003, f. 2003.08.23

          e. Ltuch, Nuch, Ruch Il Pericolos Big Boss u. Glimtens Grace. Uppf & Äg:

          Eva Cardell, Kruthusv. 12 A, 546 33 KARLSBORG

          Good masculine head moves a little wide in front and close in the rear this could be

          due to unsettled movement put down in excellent order

          1 ökl


20.     FOSSELLA SIMPLE SIMON, S41046/2004, f. 2004.04.30

          e. Finuch Intuch Norduch NordV-05 Sv&Fin&KbhV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra

          u. Fossella Love Me Do. Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup. Äg: Lena Carlsson,

          Solstigen 1, 182 53 DANDERYD

          Large masculine head well placed nose with wide jaw heavy body and bone put

          down in excellent order

          1 ökl


21.     LIMAPAS CHAI LATTE, S18160/2004, f. 2004.02.04

 C      e. Such Lyckobringarens Wu-Ling-Wong u. Khe-San Snow Bird

          Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv. Äg: Ingela Schönström, Box 1017,

          241 25 ESLÖV

          Pretty head and expressio beautiful large dark eye well balanced level

          topline quite narrow rear action

          1 ökl 4 ökk Ck


22.    FINUCH LOVELION´S FUNNIEST WAY, FIN29608/2004, f. 2004.04.24

 C       e. Finuch Eeuch Mintzun Lots Of Fun u. Finuch Dkuch Eeuch Such Norduch

           Khe-San Snow Flake. Uppf.& Äg: Nina Mäkelä, Lekvägen 6G 22, 01390

           VANDA, FINLAND

            Excellent head good body and bone well balanced moved soundly shown in excellent


           1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Cert Championat


23.     FINUCH SAN FUN WISH ME LUCK, FIN17860/2004, f. 2004.02.13

C        e. Ta Maria Dancing Devil u. Aylas Imperial Wish, Uppf.& Äg: Sanna Niemelä,

          Sänttilänkuja 14, 613 60 MIETO, FINLAND

           Very pretty head wonderful dark eye lacks animation on the table but excellent on

           the move put down in wonderful order Beautifully groomed

           1 ökl 3 ökk Ck


24.     TIPSY-TOE´S BORN AT THE RIGHT TIME, S34180/2003, f. 2003.04.25

C        e. Norduch Nuch NordV-01 Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance u. Such Tibet

          Prides Visible Difference. Uppf.& Äg: Lena Rehn, Norra Röseredsvägen 14,

          424 38 AGNESBERG

          Good large head but would like a shorter nose well constructed typical male put

          down in excellent order

         1 ökl


25.     WYNELE  REALIZATION, KCAC02824704, f. 2002.05.02

          e. Pekings Bartemeus u. Wynele Fascination Rythm. Uppf: N. Barker/ R. Naulls

          Äg: Alexis Valenzuela, Musikalvägen 28, 142 43 SKOGÅS

           Very pretty excellent nose placement good dentition well laid shoulders level topline

           Beautifully presented moves soundly with drive

          1 ökl 2 ökk Ck  Bhkl-4


59.      LILLEFOTS ESSENTIAL OF HOPE, S55347/2003, f. 2003.10.06

           e. Lillefots Chose Too Bee Uniqe u. Lillefots Alice-Babs

           Uppf: Eva Lennemar, Kristinehamn Äg: Kicki Rylander, Bottsviken 3,

           Box 1006, 680 71 BJÖRNEBORG

           Pretty head and expression tail low set moves soundly just needs coat

           2 ökl


Championklass              Hanar


 26.    INT, NORD, FINUCH, SV, FINV KBHV-04,NORDV-05, NV-06 EW-06

          FOSSELLA KAMA SUTRA, S13016/2003, f. 2002.12.07, e. Santosha Midnight

          Caller u. Int, Nord, Nuch KbhV-04, FinV-04 SV-04 Fossella Smell Of Chanel

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup. Äg: Sofi Pålsson, Tvärskeppsgatan 73, 218 72


          Superb black/white most wonderful head excellent expression superb body and bone

          so well balanced definity a champion

          1 chkl Ck  Bhkl-1 Bir                                                                                  


27.     SUCH FINUCH GI-JAN´S FAIR ´N´ SQUARE, S54524/2000, f. 2000.10.17

          e. Such Finuch Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Hugo Boss u. Such Gi-Jan´s

          Clear-Chance Lillis. Uppf.&Äg: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 GÄVLE

          Very pretty dog beautiful expression level topline with well balanced tail excellent

          angulation moves so well

          2 chkl Ck


28.     SUCH KHE-SAN JERRY WILLIAMS, S50235/2003, f. 2003.07.27

          e. Ch Khe-San Zim Zala Bim u. Such Linbackens Ginger Bread-Heart

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad. Äg: Gunilla Lindberg, Snödroppsvägen 35,

          737 42 FAGERSTA

           Pretty head not as masculine as would I like well balanced put down in excellent order.

           oplac chkl


29.     SUCH NUCH FINUCH RSW-2005 KHE-SAN TOM JONES, S50234/2003

          f. 2003.07.27, e. Multiuch & MultiW Khe-San Zim Zala Bim u. Such Linbacken´s

          Gingerbread Heart. Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad. Äg. Marianne Jonasson,

          Lövgatan 19, 790 70 FURUDAL

          Masculine dog but still has a soft expression well placed eye and excellent nose

          placement well laid shoulders level topline tail well set on moves soundly

          R chkl Ck



          FIN15038/05, f. 2004.10.25, e.Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u Finuch

          Such Ta Maria Little Madonna. Uppf: Anne & Maria Laksonen, Finland

          Äg: Ulla Rinne, Ankeriaankuja 1, 02260 ESPO, FINLAND

          Deltar ej


31.     SUCH FINUCH TANBELL´S LEADER IN TIME, S11332/2000, f. 1999.12.05

          e. Multich multiW Khe-San Zim Zala Bim u. Such Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird

          Uppf: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge. Äg: Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1,

          182 53 DANDERYD

           Has lost some teeth but he is 7 years old has a pretty head well constructed with

           heavy body and bone moved well

           oplac chkl


32.     SUCH TANBELL´S NAPO-LEON, S40110/2002, f. 2002.05.23

          e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower u. Such Finuch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane. Uppf. Susanne

          Sarmell, Haninge. Äg: Lilian Nordell, Gäddstigen 21, 136 92 HANINGE

          Excellent face flying movement pretty expression and head well laid shoulders

          and good rear angulation worthy champion.

          4 chkl Ck


33.     FINUCH SUCH TANGSE GOOD LUCK CHARM, S58640/2001, f. 2001.11.28

          e. CH Tangse Robin Fantasy u. Båga´s Columbine. Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

          Äg: Maria Laksonen, Finland c/o Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24b, 191 60 SOLLEN


          Beautiful angulation excellent reach of neck with balanced tail wonderful large dark

          eye with black pigmentation moves soundly with drive

          3 chkl Ck


34.     SUCH TANGSE STÖRSTA CHARMÖR, S45795/2004, f. 2004.04.15

          e. CH Tangse Robin Fantasy u. Båga´s Columbin. Uppf. & Äg: Rose Åkersten,

          Malmvägen 24b, 191 60 SOLLENTUNA

          Pretty head good large dark eye not so level in topline high tailset moves well

          Oplac chkl


Veteranklass    Hanar


35.     TAWELLAS  BALTHA - ZAAR, S55282/97, f. 1997.10.04

          e. Such Nuch Spovens Jolly Joshua u. Yringhs A X-Tra Love Song

          Uppf& Äg: Inger Ekström, Finntorpsvägen 18, 733 94 SALA

           Excellent for 9 years old moves so well put down in excellent cot order

          2 vetkl Hp



          S56300/1997, f. 1997.11.03. e. Such Nuch Intuch SV-91 SV-95 Ge-Mih´s

          Phoenix Of Fire u. Multich Ziams Xanadu. Uppf. L-A Bergquist, Åsa

          Äg: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 GÄVLE

           Very sound moves extremly well good laid shoulders with good reach of neck

           level topline at 9 years old a really pretty head.

          1 vetkl Ck Bästa Veteran



Juniorklass 9-15 mån       Tikar


45.     AMIE-BELLS MIDNIGHT STAR SHINE, S30115/2006, f. 2006.02.26

          e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Amie-Bells La Grande Dame

          Uppf & Äg: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 471 32 SKÄRHAMN

          Well balanced sweet head and expression rises in topline but it could correct

          With age when rear angulation settle

          1 jkl


37.     LIMAPA´S SOMETHING SPECIAL, S41192/2006, f. 2006.05.14

          e. Limapa´s Chai Latte u. Limapa´s Vanilla News. Uppf. & Äg: Lillvi

          Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 241 34 ESLÖV

          Excellent quality beautiful head wide skull low set ears perfectly placed nose and

          eyes level topline excellent  movement

         1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Btkl-2



          f. 2005.12.17 e. Finuch Lovelion´s Funniest Way u. Finuch Lovelion´s Ladylike

          Uppf.&Äg: Nina Mäkelä, Lekvägen 6G 22,FIN-01390, VANDA, FINLAND

          Deltar ej


39.     LOVELION´S SOMETHING ELSE, S18671/2006, f. 2005.12.17

          e. Finuch Lovelion´s Funniest Way u. Finuch Lovelion´s Ladylike Uppf: Nina

          Mäkelä, Finland. Äg: Rita Bokdalen, Björketorpsvägen 329, 430 33 FJÄRÅS

          Good head would like a little more reach of neck level topline good rear angulation

          moves soundly

          1 jkl R jkk


40.     NAKED LADY BOHEMIA ACRO, S25510/2006, f.2005.12.08

          e. Plch Only Forewer Bohemia Acro u. Dame Fortune Bohemia Acro. Uppf:

          Jamila Podzemska, Tjeckien. Äg: Anders Ottosson, Löt Ryttargården 1,


          A little too long in nose for me not my type of expression good dentition

          excellent mouth well covered body with good bone put down perfectly

          1 jkl


41.     PHE-KHAN TWIST AND TANGO, S39747/2006, f. 2006.04.18

          e. Intuch Norduch Nuch NordV-01 Ziams Lord Of  The Dance u. Charitys

          Inky Tinky Toy. Uppf : Petra Karlsson, Västra Frölunda. Äg: Petra & Hannah

          Karlsson, Knalteskärsgatan 16, 421 57 VÄSTRA FRÖLUNDA

          Very nice head and expression down and pasterns in the front so her movement

          is affected by that

         1 jkl


42.     SATLY´S  KEENYHA, S23566/2006, f. 2006.02.24

          e. Intuch Norduch Dkuch NV-03 Satly´s Sidney u. Intuch Norduch Dkuch

          Lac-Me´s Sugar Cain, Uppf&Äg: Eva Sjöberg, Mälarhöjdsvägen 12, 129 40


          Really pretty feminine expression with excellent noseplacement level topline good

          rear angulation sound on the move.

          1 jkl 3 jkk Hp


43.     SHU-LING A WISH CAME TRUE, S33263/2006, f. 2006.04.08

          e. Such Popeye´s Artful Dodger u. Lady Chima´s Rising Sun. Uppf.& Äg: Yvette       

          Schöneman, Åbydalsvägen 61, 435 39 MÖLNLYCKE

          Beautiful balanced puppy excellent head and expression true shihtzu personality

          moved and showed well

          1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


44.     TIBETS PRIDE´S WHAT IN IT FOR ME, S27044/2006, f. 2006.03.03

          e. Such Nuch Ziams Return Of A Jida u. Tibets Pride´s On A Bed Of Roses

          Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka. Äg: Christine Fjellborg & Fredrik

          Jansson, Bärnstensvägen 1, 802 28 GÄVLE

          Beautiful in every way just not very much of her pretty head moves soundly just

          would like her a little larger

          1 jkl 4 jkk


Unghundsklass 15-24 mån       Tikar


46.     AO CHINS ARTEMIS, S30757/2005, f. 2005.03.04

          e. Norduch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Christy u. Such Tangse Priscilla

          Uppf. & Äg: Anders Ottosson, Löt Ryttargården 1, 590 48 VIKINGSTAD

          Excellent head wide set dark eye good jaw pretty expression good reach of neck

          with balance tail level topline sound in the move.

          1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Cert Btkl-1 BIM


47.     FOSSELLA THREE LITTLE WORDS, S54040/2005, f. 2005.07.16

          e. Finuch Such Le Bon Beat ´Em All u. Norduch Nuch Intuch KbhV-03 -06

          FinV-04 SV-04 EW-06 Fossella Smell Of Chanel. Uppf: Bodil Fossenius,

          Skurup. Äg: Sofi Pålsson Tvärskeppsgatan 73, 218 72 TYGELSJÖ

          Pretty head and expression not the free movement that I would like this could

          be due to the fact she was unsettled

          1 ukl R ukk


48.     JADE HILL´S MOONCHILD, S49378/2005, f. 2005.06.28

          e. Jade Hill´s Cotton-Eye Joe u. Jade Hill´s Viola Bambini, Uppf: Tanja Karbacka

          Edvinsson, Göteborg. Äg: Mia Hagman, Spiksmedsvägen 37, 590 90 ANKARSRUM

           Deltar ej


49.     JOY´S TINTARELLA TROPICALE, S41878/2005, f.2005.05.17

           e. Finuch Intuch Norduch NordV-05 Sv&Fin&KbhV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra

           u. Joy´s Isella Influente. Uppf & Äg: Marie Blom, Ortvägen 19, 611 65 NYKÖPING

           Very feminine head well placed black eye level topline would just like a higher tailset

           1 ukl 4 ukk


50.     RUMPTROLLS JUDY GARLAND, S33057/2005, f. 2005.04.14

          e. Tipsy-Toe´s Born At The Right Time u. Anastasia. Uppf.& Äg: Madeleine Åman

          Freijs, Fjällgrönan 7, 424 49 ANGERED

          Not as feminine as I would like in the head good mouth level topline well carried

          tail moves soundly

          1 ukl


51.     SHU-LING LA DOLCE LOLLITA, S56160/2005, f. 2005.08.05

          e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Such Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim.

          Uppf. & Äg: Yvette Schöneman, Åbydalsvägen 61, 435 39 MÖLNLYCKE

           Good head and expression with correct dentition level topline movement not as

           free and flying that I would like

          1 ukl 3 ukk Hp


52.     TANGSE TINA TURNER, S57770/2005, f. 2005.08.10

          e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. JWW-98 Norduch Tangse Samantha Wee

          Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna Äg: Lena Rehn, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38


          Beautiful head and expression large eye and wonderful placed nose level topline

          moved really well and happily

          1 ukl 2 ukk Ck


Öppenklass från 2 år och uppåt      Tikar    


53.      IL PERICOLOS ELLA OF FRELL, S10900/2005, f. 2004.11.22

           e. Such Nuch Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi u. Ziams Obsession. Uppf: Rita &

           Kim Bokdalen, Fjärås. Äg: Rita Bokdalen, Björketorpsvägen 329, 430 33 FJÄRÅS

           Good head with excellent dentition well balanced with good reach of neck and

           tailset level topline move soundly

          1 ökl


54.      JOY´S ISELLA INFLUENTE, S39572/2001, f. 2001.05.28

           e. Intuch Norduch NordV-01 Ziams Lord Of The Dance u. Fossella Five Mile Smile

           Uppf & Äg: Marie Blom, Ortvägen 19, 611 65 NYKÖPING

           Very pretty head lacks rear angulation with affects her tail set and rear angulation.

           1 ökl


55.      KHE-SAN DORIS KLEINE, S17038/ 2005, f. 2005.01.18

           e. Such Ziams Calvin Kleine u. Such Linbackens Gingerbread heart

           Uppf & Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 UPPHÄRAD

            Feminine head and expression well placed nose excellent jaw good angulation

            Well set on tail moves soundly

           1 ökl R ökk


56.       KHE-SAN ZIN GO ALLA, S19910/2004, f. 2004.01.27

            e. CH Khe-San Zim Zala Bim u. Tangse Lily Uppf & Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen

            Viken 3253, 460 21 UPPHÄRAD

             Pretty head and expression excellent eye true shihtzu expression tail set should

             be little higher but moves soundly and well

            1 ökl 3 ökk


57.       LADY CHIMA´S COOL MADAME DÉ BEE, S32604/2003, f. 2003.03.31

            e. Lady Chima´s Oriental Cool To Bee u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´bee

            Uppf & Äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Brassbo 2, 571 66 BODAFORS

            Well constructed heavily boned bitch good shoulders level topline balanced but

            low set tail sound on the move

            1 ökl


58.       LADY CHIMA´S RED TARA, S54810/2000, f. 2000.09.21

            e. Such Nuch Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi u. Lady Chima´s Madame

            De´Bee. Uppf: Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors. Äg: Ewa-Marie

            Karlsson, Smäckebrog. 21A, 619 34 TROSA

            Excellent movement sound six year old bitch good dentition for age pretty expression

            1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


 60.     FINUCH TANGSE MAYA FANTASY, S11890/2004, f. 2003.10.18

  C      e. Int Norduch Ta Maria Red Rouser u. Norduch JWW-99 Tangse

           Samanta Wee Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna. Äg: Ulla Rinne,

           Ankeriaakuja 1, 02260 ESPO, FINLAND

           Lovely feminine head lacks angulation on the rear whish leads to a rising topline

           1 ökl 4 ökk


61.      FINUCH TELLENMUSSUKAT UNI KUKKA, FIN26023/2001, f. 2001.05.26

 C       e. Camelle Unique Boy u. Tellenmussukat Ha-Lina. Uppf. Toini Rautakoski. Äg: Anne

          Kuutti c/o Sanna Niemelä, Sänttilänkuja 14, 613 60 MIETO, FINLAND

          Excellent body and bone beautiful wide head black eye moves so well

          1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-4


Championklass             Tikar


62.     SUCH NUCH MAI-TAI´S LADY MARMALADE, S32530/2004, f.2004.03.16

           e. Norduch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Christy u. Mai-Tai´s Quenie Lee. Uppf:

           Ulla-Carin Ljung & Curt Gunst, Ljusdal. Äg:Anders Ottosson, Löt Ryttargården 1,

           590 48 VIKINGSTAD   

           Worthy champion balanced with good reach of neck pretty expression well placed

            nose large dark eye good true shihtzu movement     

           3 chkl ck                                                                      


63.      CH SHU-LING ZSA ZSA ZOO, S64328/2004, f.2004.10.11

           e. Multich MultiW Khe-San Zim Zala Bim u. Lady Chima´s Rising Sun.

           Uppf.& Äg: Yvette Schöneman Åbydalsvägen 61, 435 39 MÖLNLYCKE

            Excellent movement very oriental expression level topline balanced with her tail

            good rear angulation

            4 chkl ck


64.      SUCH FINUCH TANBELL´S KIARA, S42306/2004, f. 2004.05.21

           e. Norduch NV-02 SV-02 Tanbell´s King Of The Savannah u. Tangse

           Pamela. Uppf & Äg: Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72 HANINGE

           Really feminine excellent movement which comes from her strong construction

           excellent shihtzu

           1 chkl ck Btkl-3


65.      NORDUCH TANGSE CRYSTAL CROWN, S45911/2002, f. 2002.06.21

           e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy u. Tangse Dancing Adeline

           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna Äg: Annalena och Matz Andersson,

           Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 GÄVLE

           Excellent movement so well balanced with her reach of neck and tail set beautiful

           head with wide eye set

           R chkl ck



           f. 2000.04.26. e. Such Nuch Shieriko´s Ringo Star u. YÚ Tai´s One Good Looking

           Uppf: Hilde Berit Selnes, Norge. Äg: Lillvi Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 241 34 ESLÖV

            Beautiful head and expression moves soundly for her 7 years excellent balance and


            2 chkl ck


Veteranklass från 8 år och uppåt


67.      HASHANAH LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT, S29914/2000, f. 1997.02.23

           e. Hopei Lover´s Du Domaine Des Atlant u. Hashanah Tuff At The Top

           Uppf: ?  Äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Brassbo 2, 571 66 BODAFORS

           10 year old veteran she in excellent condition very good on the move feminine

            head and expression

            1 Ck




26.      Int, Nord, Finuch, SV, FinV- KbhV-04, NordV-05, NV-06 EW-06

           Fossella Kama  Sutra,

 Tävlar med följande avkommor: 5, 6, 15, 17, 20, 49

Beautiful dog who has put his quality into all of these such true black/whites.

Excellent colour and pigmentation.

1 HP   Bästa Grupp


68.      Multich MultiW Khe-San Zim Zala Bim

 Tävlar med följande avkommor: 28, 29, 31, 56, 63

 Deltar ej


69.      Intuch Norduch Dkuch NV-03 Satly´s Sidney

Tävlar med följande avkommor:7, 8, 16, 42

Deltar ej


70.      Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy

Tävlar med följande avkommor: 2, 30, 45, 51, 52, 65

Deltar ej





Fossella kennel, Äg: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Tävlar med följande hundar: 11, 20, 26, 47

Very true to type excellent quality heads oh such beautiful

black/whites true shihtzu quality

1 Hp Bästa grupp


Khe-San kennel: Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Tävlar med följande hundar: 3, 28, 29, 55, 56

Deltar ej


Tanbell´s kennel, Äg: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

Tävlar med följande hundar : 13, 31, 32, 64

Very typey typical shih tzus excellent heads and topquality

2 HP


Tangse kennel, Äg: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

Tävlar med följande hundar: 33, 34, 52,60, 65

Deltar ej