Valpklass tikar 4-6 mån


101                Amie-Belles Midnight Starshine                  S30115/2006     f.2006-02-26                 

                     e. SUCH FINUCH Tangse Midnight Cowboy                                                            

                     u. Amie-Belles La Grande Dame                                                                                 

                     Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn                                                    

                     Ägare: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 47132 Skärhamn

Nice overall type,good head and mouth,well balanced,good coat,nice tailset, a little unsettled on the move.

1 valpkl hp Bir-valp 4-6 mån.


102                Ebba                                                         S18883/2006     f.2006-01-17

                      e. Quatro Zampe's Boun Giorno                                                                                 

                      u. Tibets Pride's Somewhere In Time                                                    

                     Uppf: Christina Sjöö, Bollebygd                                                            

                     Ägare: Christina Sjöö, Krokdalsvägen 8b, 51734 Bollebygd

Nice head and expression Good neck,good front with level topline,unsettled on the move,would prefer a slightly better tailset

3 valpkl


103                Satly’s India                         S23565/2006     f.2006-02-24                 

                      e. Satlys Sidney                                                              

                      u. NORDUCH FINUCH INTUCH Lac-Me’s Sugar Cain                                         

                      Uppf: Eva Sjöberg, Hägersten                                                              

                      Ägare: Marie Pettersson, Svankällevägen 110, 44290 Kungälv

Nice head and expression,good mouth,would prefer a better lay of shoulder,good topline,moved well for her age,good tailset.

2 valpkl         



Valpklass hanar 6-9 mån                                                


104                Collchows Mitch                                        S11941/2006     f.2005-11-27

                      e. Zanzaw’s Crash Boom Bang                                                             

                      u. Collchows Chikita                                                       

                      Uppf: Susanne & Britta Hansson, Henån                                               

                     Ägare: Susanne Hansson, Assmunderöd417, 47393 Henån

Lovely masculine head,good mouth,well balanced,good upperarm,would prefer a better lay of shoulder,good topline,

little loose in front movement but still a young dog.

1 valpkl hp Bästa valp 6-9 månader Bis-valp


105                Kjeann’s A-Ha I Like It       S67139/2005     f.2005-11-06

                      e. Tibets Pride’s Pride And Prejudice                              

                      u. Kjeann’s Midnights Love                      

                      Uppf: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Halmstad                           

                      Ägare: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Stråvägen 1, 30265 Halmstad

Nice head,would prefer a broader jaw,good neck,would little more angulation in front and more angulation behind,well presented



106                Kjeann's It's Not Impossible                      S67140/2005     f.2005-11-06  

                      e. Tibets Pride’s Pride And Prejudice                              

                      u. Kjeann’s Midnights Love                      

                      Uppf: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Halmstad                           

                      Ägare: Ulla Andersson, Stenhuggaregatan 17, 31433 Hyltebruk

Excellent head,good front,well angulated behind,would prefer topline to be level,well presented.



107                MisMås  All The Best                                S10780/2006     f.2005-11-17

                      e. FINUCH SUCH Le Bone Beat’M All                                              

                      u. SUCH MisMås Celine Dion                                                             

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                                            

                      Ägare: Agneta Hjelm, Torpsv 26, 444 46 Stenungsund    

Nice head,good noseplacement,would prefer better angulation in front,good topline,moved well behind but lacked extension in front.



108                Popeye’s Quick On The Trigger                 S17167/2006     f.2005-12-15                 

                      e. NORD.-  INT.- & FINUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04

                      NORDV-05 Fossella Kama Sutra                                                        

                      u. GBUCH INTUCH KBHV-04 NORDUCH   Huxlor Triggered Fantasy                                                             

                      Uppf: Pernilla & Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö                                                                

                     Ägare: Charlotte Wistad, Ambhultsgatan 32, 21871 Tygelsjö

Lovely masculine head,good neck and angulated front,topline not as level as I prefer,moved well,showing fullpad,set

of tail a bit low for me.

3 valpkl hp


108 B.           Quatro Zampe's Takes Two To Tango              S19480/2006     f. 2005-12-18  

                     e. Linbackens Hot'n Gold Bugatti

                      u. Quatro Zampe's Nutella

                      Uppf: Vally Mazzo, Hyssna                       

                     Ägare:Vally Mazzo, Dragered Ringsbacke 1, 51022 Hyssna

Nice  head,would prefer a broader jaw,nice neck and topline,would prefer better angulation in front,would prefer tail

to be higher,excellent body and well presented.

R valpkl


109                Stjärnhällas Black Range      S15539/2006     f. 2005-12-13                

                     e. SUCH  Nellie-Nette's Callypso                                                         

                      u. Quatro Zampe's La Veniziana                                                           

                      Uppf: Elisabeth Sandersson, Göteborg                                                  

                      Ägare: Lena Ekstrand, Södra Häcksjöbäcksvägen 35, 44332 Lerum

Nice type well balanced,lovely head and expression,topline not as level as I would prefer,moved well.

2 valpkl hp



                      Valpklass tikar 6-9 mån                                                  


110                MisMås Beat’M With Love S11299/2006     f.2005-11-27                 

                      e. FIN.- SUCH Le Bone Beat’M All                                                   

                      u. MisMås Lemon Parfait                                               

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                                            

                      Ägare: Birgitta Norström, Frödings Allé, 44331 Lerum

Wonderful feminine head and expression,nice type,would prefer better angulation in front,in excellent coat,

good topline,full of fun as shown to us the move.

3 valpkl hp


111                MisMås Best Of All                                   S11300/2006     2005-11-27

                      e. FIN.- SUCH Le Bone Beat’M All                                                    

                      u. MisMås Lemon Parfait                          

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                      

                      Ägare: Birgitta Norström, Frödings Allé, 44331 Lerum    

Lovely sweet fem. expression,good neck,good topline,good coat,moved well,behind showing full pad.

2 valpkl hp    


112                Popeye’s Triggered Illusion  S17171/2006     f.2005-12-15

                      e. NORD.-  INT.- & FINUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04

                      NORDV-05 Fossella Kama Sutra                                  

                      u. GBUCH INTUCH KBHV-04 NORDUCH                                     

                      Huxlor Triggered Fantasy                          

                      Uppf: Pernilla & Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

                      Ägare: Charlotte Wistad, Ambhultsgatan 32, 21871 Tygelsjö                

Sweet fem.head,noseplacement slightly higher than I would like,good neck,well angulated,set tail on like

back a little low for me,but carries tail well.

1 valpkl hp Bim-valp           


113                Wild Knight’s Livin On The EdgeS10346/2006     f.2005-11-12          

                      e. Tibets Pride's Dungeons N' Dragons                           

                      u. Athena                            

                      Uppf: Ellinor Svensson, Falun                                                               

                      Ägare: Ulrika Ovring, Skräppholmen 6151, 43792 Lindome

Deltar ej.




Juniorklass hanar                                                            


1                    Cairn-Shih’s Azzaro                                   S57914/2005     f.2005-08-27

                    e. JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01

                     Khe-San's Zim Zala Bim                            

                     u. Choowo-Liz Betty                                                       

                      Uppf: Malin & Constance Nilsson, Borås                                              

                    Ägare: Thyra Albertsson, S:ta Birgittas gata 4, 46371 Lödöse

Deltar ej        


2                    Lyckobringarens Fee-Ling-Fine                 S51746/2005     f.2005-06-22                 

                      e.Lyckobringarens  Unique Red Baron                                                 

                      u. Lyckobringarens Ce-Linh                                           

                      Uppf: Margreth Svendsén, Sandhult                                                      

                     Ägare: Margreth Svendsén, Thå Solbacken, 50491 Sandhult

Well presented with masc.head,good topline,would prefer better angulation in front,moved well behind,tailset

good,but would prefer a higher tail carriage.

1jkl 3 jkk                                                  


3                    Phe-Khan Domino Player     S48625/2005     f.2005-06-08                 

                      e. NORDUCH Ziams Grease Lightning                                                

                      u. Phe-Khan Bianca Nera                                               

                      Uppf: Petra Karlsson, Västra Frölunda                                                 

                     Ägare: Ulla Olsson, Flugsnapparegången 1, 43133 Mölndal

Well presented,masc.head would prefer a broader jaw and more front angulation,good topline,good tailset,but

would prefer tail carriage higher,moved well behind.

1 jkl 2 jkk hp


4                    Shu-Ling Dandelion                                   S54032/2005     f.2005-07-27

                      e. Shu-Ling Jian Kang                               

                      u. Shu-Ling Zunzhine Girl                          

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                            

                      Ägare: Carina Lundgren, Eklanda Hage 85, 43149 Mölndal

Lovely maskuline expression,reasonable neck,would prefer better angulation in front,good topline and tailset,could

move with a little more drive,well presented.

1 jkl


5                    Shu-Ling Il Grande Amore   S56159/2005     f.2005-08-05

                      e.SUCH FINUCH Tangse Midnight Cowboy                                       

                      u. NORD JW-03 SUCH Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim                                 

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                            

                      Ägare: Lotta Silow, Gullregnsvägen 33, 43537 Mölnlycke

Well presented with masculine head,good neck,would prefer more angulation front and rear,good tail set

but could carry tail better,would prefer level topline.

1 jkl


6                    Spiroza’s Melou-Dupond     S63758/2005     f.2005-09-30

                      e. Spiroza’s Tin-Tin                                  

                      u. Jade Hill’s Disa                                     

                      Uppf: Katherine Stjernlöf, Lycke                                     

                      Ägare: Katherine Stjernlöf, Gulaskärsvägen 10, 44275 Lycke

Well presented,nice head,lovely neck,good topline,would prefer more angulation in front,good tailset and carries

tail well,moved well behind,but lacked in front.

1 jkl 4 jkk


7                    Ziams Ready Steady Go       S34980/2005     f.2005-04-30

                      e. NUCH SUCH Amstars Love Story                            

                      u. DKUCH SUCH Ziams Coco Chanel                          

                      Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa                       

                      Ägare: Marie-Louise Andersson, Alriksväg 17, 52040 Floby

Well presented,would prefer a broader jaw a more down to the forehead,good neck and topline,would prefer

 more angulation in front and more “together” on the move.

1 jkl R jkk


8                    Ziams Ruff And Ready         S34979/2005     f.2005-04-30

                      e. NUCH SUCH Amstars Love Story                            

                      u. DKUCH SUCH Ziams Coco Chanel                          

                      Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa                       

                      Ägare: Ingela & Bo Gullmar, Hyltebergsvägen 20D, 43331 Partille

Well presented,good head and expression,lovely neck with good topline,good tailset and carries tail well,would

prefer more angulation in front,moves well behind but lacks extension in front.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Bhkl-R Cert



Unghundsklass hanar                                                      


9                    Aksu Pablo-Piccazzo                                 S61572/2004     f.2004-08-29

                      e. Santosha Midnight Caller                                            

                      u. Aksu Run To Me                                                        

                      Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp                                                  

                     Ägare: Anita Edring Sandberg, Lilla Grönadal, 27454 Skivarp

Nice head,would prefer more masculine,well balanced with good topline,good chest,well let down with

good straight legs,would prefer more more angulation in front,moved Ok,but uneven on the rear action.

1 ukl 4 ukk


10                  Amie-Bells Balvenie The Classic                S18556/2005     f.2005-01-10                 

                      e.INT.- NORD.- NUCH KBHV-04 FINV-04 SV-04 NORDV-05    

                       Fossella Kama Sutra                                                     

                      u. Amie-Bells Mesi-Marja                                              

                      Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn                                                   

                     Ägare: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 47132 Skärhamn

Well presented,good head and expr,good topline,tailset and tail carriage,would prefer better angulation

in front,moved well behind,lacked extension in front

1 ukl 1 ukk ck


11                  Khe-San’s Dennis Kleine     S17036/2005     f.200501-18

                      e. SUCH Ziams Calvin Kleine                                         

                      u. SUCH Linbackens Gingerbread Heart                        

                      Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad                               

                      Ägare: Solveig Danielsen, Skogsvägen 68, 43538 Mölnlycke 

Well presented,nice head and expression,but would wait a wider jaw,goo neck and topline,moves well

behind showing full pad,but too straight in front for my liking.

1 ukl


12                  Popeye’s Lightfoot Gordon  S13651/2005     f.2004-12-06

                      e. NORDUCH Ziams Grease Lightning                           

                      u. Popeye’s Trick Or Treat                       

                      Uppf: Pernilla & Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö                                          

                      Ägare: Charlotte Wistad, Ambhultsgatan32, 21871 Tygelsjö

Well presented,lovely masculine head,lovely neck,good topline,moves with great drive,front to stright for

my  liking which is reflected in front action,tailset good but carried too low.

1 ukl 2 ukk hp                     


13                  Shu-Ling Zimply a Ztar Elviz S64327/2004     f.2004-10-11

                      e. JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01   

                      Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim                          

                      u. Lady Chima’s Rising Sun                       

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                            

                      Ägare: Lotta Silow, Gullregnsvägen 33, 43537 Mölnlycke

Well presented,lovely masculine head,good neck and topline,moves well behind,showing full pad, a little straight

in front when mowing,good tailset,but carries tail a little low.

1 ukl 3 ukk hp


14                  Tibets Pride’s Nice N’ Easy S22581/2005     f.2005-02-13

                      e. Tibets Pride's Dungeons N' Dragons                           

                      u. Tibets Pride's Vanilla Chicka                                       

                      Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                            

                     Ägare: Margareta Hansen, Södra Annebergsvägen 3,43496   Kungsbacka       

Beautifully presented,nice head but not masculine enough for me,good tailset,would like more angulation in front

and more settled on the move,indiced to roach back on the move.

1 ukl             


15                  Veralice A Zio of Amaretto  S30040/2005     f.2005-02-25

                      e. Mismås Taste of Amaretto                                          

                      u. Il Pericolos Cat-Balloo                          

                      Uppf: Susanne & Jens Sandberg, Trelleborg                                         

                      Ägare: Christina Wallberg, Sommarvägen 16, 54133 Skövde

Deltar ej        


16                  Ziams Great Expectation      S25978/2005     f.2005-03-09

                      e. Kucheng Express Delivery                                          

                      u. SUCH Ziams Let Me Be The One                              

                      Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa                       

                      Ägare: Katarina Strömbäck, Kolsbogården 6, 46791Grästorp

Well presented,lovely masculine head,good neck and topline, a little straight in shoulder,moved ok,lacked reach and did not carry tail well.

1 ukl R ukk                                                                    


                      Öppenklass hanar                                     


17                  NUCH DKUCH NV-04 KBHV-05                              

C                   Hin Chen’s Foundation         N00372/2004     f.2001-11-29

                      e. NUCH NORDV-98 Whisky Man                              

                      u. NUCH Hin-Chen’s Electra Glide                                

                     Uppf: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vormsund     

                     Ägare: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vangen 2160 Vormsund, Norge   

Beautifully presented,masculine head,nose little long for me,good neck,topline,tailset and carriage,moves

well behind,but would prefer better reach in front,nice type.

4 Champkl ck.                                                                                     


18                  NUCH NV-05 Hin Chen’s Jay-Walker

C                   N15144/2004     f.2004-04-12                

                      e.INT.- NORD.- NUCH KBHV-04 FINV-04 SV-04 NORDV-05    

                      Fossella Kama Sutra                                 

                      u. INT.- NORD.- FINUCH NORDV-02 FINV-05                            

                     Hin Chen’s Foxy Lady                               

                     Uppf: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vormsund     

                     Ägare: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vangen 2160 Vormsund, Norge      

Beautifully presented,lovely head and expression with good neck and good topline,good tailset and carrier tail

well,moves with drive,showing full pad,would like reater movement coming towards me,nice type.  

1 ökl 1 ökk ck                                          


19                  Khe-San’s Peter Pan                                 S59414/2002     f.2002-10-14

                      e. INTUCH Khe-San’s Pay Cash                                                        

                      u. SUCH Charity’s Exemple For Khe-San                                            

                      Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad                                                    

                     Ägare: Solveig Danielsen, Skogsvägen 68, 43538 Mölnlycke

Beautifully presented with masculine head,but would prefer a broader jaw,good neck and topline,good tailset

altrough carried a little low,move with drive a little straight in front.

1 ökl R ökk


20                  Limapas Chai Latte                                    S18160/2004     f.2004-02-04

                      e. SUCH LyckobringarensWu-Ling-Wong                                           

                      u. Khe-San’s Snowbird                                                  

                      Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv                        

                      Ägare: Ingela Schönström, Box1017, 24125 Eslöv

Beautifully presented,lovely head,good neck and topline,good tailset, a little straight in front,moves

well behind,but loose in front movements.

1 ökl 2 ökk ck


21                  Mismås Cooper Coint          S45496/2003     f.2003-06-07                 

                      e. Tellenmussukat Uniikki                                               

                      u. SUCH Amie-Bells Parfait Amour                                

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                      

                      Ägare: Christina Wallberg, Sommarvägen 16, 54133 Skövde

Deltar ej.


22                  MisMås Taste Of Amaretto  S45497/2003     f.2003-06-07

                      e. Tellenmussukat Uniikki                          

                      u. SUCH Amie-Bells Parfait Amour                                

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                      

                      Ägare: Anita Edring Sandberg, Lilla Grönadal, 27454 Skivarp

Beautifully presented,good topline,neck,tailset,to straight in front which is reflected in the front action unsettled hindaction.

1 ökl 4 ökk   


23                  MisMås Secret Amaretto     S45498/2003     f.2003-06-07

                      e. Tellenmussukat Uniikki                          

                      u. SUCH Amie-Bells Parfait Amour                                

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                      

                      Ägare: Marie Pettersson, Svankällevägen 110, 44290 Kungälv

Well presented,good head and neck,good topline,good tailset,moved with drive behind,a bit straight in front,nice type.

1 ökl


24                  Shu-Ling Jian Kang                                    S15846/2004     f.2003-12-29

                      e. NORDUCH Tangse Diamond Gun                                                   

                     u. Jade Hill’s Esmeralda                                                   

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                                                  

                     Ägare: Christina Karlsson, Fjällviolen 1, 42449 Angered

Well presented,lovely head and expression,good topline and tailset,moves well behind,but lacks reach in front action.

1 ökl 3 ökk


25                  Tibets Pride’s Pride And Prejudice        S59167/2002     f.2002-0-10-21                                        

                      e. NUCH SUCH Tangse Diamond Gun                                                

                      u. Tibets Pride's Vanilla Chicka                                                            

                      Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                                                 

                     Ägare: Margareta Hansen, Södra Annebergsvägen 3, 43496 Kungsbacka

Well presented,nice masculine head but would prefer a broader jaw,good topline carries tail well but unsettled on the move.

1 ökl


26                  Ziams Why Not                                         S15835/2004     f.2004-01-17

                      e. SUCH Ziams Calvin Kleine                                                              

                      u. Ziams The Red Label                                                  

                      Uppf: Lars & Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa                                             

                      Ägare: Birgitta Franck, Box 2194, 47412 Mollösund

Well presented nice head although would prefer it a little stronger,good neck topline and tailset,

a little straight in front,good body but movement very week.

1 ökl                                                         


Championklass hanar                                                      


27                  NORD.-  INT.- & FINUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04

                      NORDV-05 Fossella Kama Sutra                                                         S13016/2003     f.2002-12-07

                      e. Santosha Midnight Caller                                            

                      u. NORD.- INT. - & NUCH KBHV-03 SV-04 FINV-04                                        

                      Fossella Smell of Chanel                                                 

                      Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup                                                              

                      Ägare: Sofi Olsson, Tvärskeppsgatan 73, 21872 Tygelsjö                     

Beautifully presented,nice masculine head,good neck,topline,tailset and tail carriage,moves well

behind,but would prefer tighter in front action coming towards me,nice type.

1 chkl ck Bhkl-2


28                  SUCH FINUCH Gi-Jan’s Fair N’ Square    S54524/2000     f.2000-10-17                                    

                      e. SUCH FINUCH Ziams Hugo Boss                                                  

                      u. SUCH Gi-Jan’s Clear Chance Lillis                                                  

                      Uppf:Birgitta Jansson, Gävle                                           

                      Ägare: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 80595 Gävle

Beautifully presented,lovely head and expression,good neck,topline and tailset,moves with reach and drive,nice type.

2 chkl ck Bhkl-4


29                  SUCH Shu-Ling Zuperman  S24745/2003     f.2003-03-10

                     e. JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01

                     Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim                           

                     u. NORDJV-03 SUCH Lady Chima’s Rising Sun            

                     Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                             

                     Ägare: Hasti Naderifar / Yvette Schönemann, Prästängsvägen 2b, 43836 Landvetter                                         

Beautifully presented,lovely masculine head and expression,good neck and topline,good tailset,moves well behind

and would prefer more extension in front action nice type.

3 chkl ck


Veteranklass hanar                                    


30                  JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01

                       Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim         S30354/97     f.1997-04-28

                      e. SUCH ESUCH Istas Look Out                                  

                      u.Tangse O Pretty Sue Ellen                      

                      Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad         

                      Ägare: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 201, 46021 Upphärad

Beautifully presented,lovely head and expression,good neck and topline,tailset and carriage,moved

well coming and going,lovely type.

2 vetkl ck Bhkl-3


31                  NUCH SUCH Tangse Diamond Gun     S15699/99     f.1998-12-02   

                      e. NUCH FINUCH Tangse Wiseguy                              

                      u. SUCH FINUCH Bågas Colombine                            

                      Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna               

                      Ägare: Annicka & Hans Eriksson, Fläderbärsstigen 6,  43491 Kungsbacka

Beautifully presented,good head and expression,lovely neck,good topline and tailset,moves well

coming and going, lovely type.

1 vetkl ck Bhkl Bir Bir-veteran


32                  SUCH FINUCH Ziams Hugo Boss       S56300/1997     f.1997-11-03

                      e. SUCH NUCH INTUCH SV-91 SV-95 Ge-Mihs Phoenix Of Fire   

                      u. FINUCH INTUCH NORDUCH Ziams Xanadu        

                      Uppf: Lars & Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa  

                      Ägare: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 80595 Gävle     

Beautifully presented,nice head,good neck,topline,tailset and carriage,moved with drive,I would

prefer a little bit more extension in front action,lovely type.

3 vetkl ck


                      Juniorklass tikar                  


33                  Cairn-Shih’s Alizia                                     S57917/2005     f.2005-08-27

                     e. JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01    

                      Khe-San's Zim Zala Bim                           

                      u. Choowo-Liz Betty                                                      

                     Uppf: Malin & Constance Nilsson Widell, Borås              

                     Ägare: Malin & Constance Nilsson Widell, Nötskär 215 Ljungbacken, 47496 Nösund

Well presented,feminine head,good neck,topline,well balanced,moved well showing full pad.

1 jkl 2 jkk hp


34                  Fossella Icing On The Cake S51127/2005     f.2005-07-04                 

                     e. NORD.-  INT.- & FINUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04

                      NORDV-05 Fossella Kama Sutra                                                        

                      u. Fossella Love Me Do                                                 

                      Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup                                                              

                      Ägare: Linda Lindkvist, Dammfrigången 4b, 21745 Malmö

Well presented,lovely head,good neck and topline and tail set,moved well behind showing full pad,nice type.

1 jkl 1 jkk ck Btkl-3


34 B.             Jade Hill’s Eternal Flame      S56779/2005     f.2005-07-23

                      e. Joy’s Salvatore Sagace

                      u. Jade Hill’s Mocca Latte

                      Uppf: Tanja Karbacka Edvinsson, Göteborg

                      Ägare: M-L Börsholt, Marka Borgen 1, 52192 Falköping

Well presented,lovely head,would prefer better angulated front would also prefer topline a little more

level,moved well behind showing full pad.

1 jkl


35                  Lyckobringarens Geisha Doll                      S55780/2005     f.2005-06-24

                      e. Tibets Pride’s Pride And Prejudice                              

                      u. Lyckobringarens Beauty Spot                                     

                      Uppf: Margreth Svendsén, Sandhult                                

                      Ägare: Margreth Svendsén, Thå Solbacken, 50491 Sandhult

Well presented,very pretty head,good topline,moved with drive but lacked extension on front action,could carry tail better on the move.

1 jkl 4 jkk hp                      


36                  Quatro Zampe's Eco Mi Qua                     S40682/2005     f.2005-04-23

                      e. Piquants Playing With Magic                                       

                      u. Quatro Zampe's Nutella                        

                      Uppf: Vally Mazzo, Hyssna                       

                      Ägare:Vally Mazzo, Dragered Ringsbacke 1, 51022 Hyssna

Deltar ej


37                  Shu-Ling La Dolce Lollita     S56160/2005     f.2005-08-05

                      e. SUCH FINUCH Tangse Midnight Cowboy                                      

                      u. NORDJV-03 SUCH Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim                                   

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                            

                      Ägare: Yvette Schönemann, Åbydalsvägen 61, 43539 Mölnlycke

Well presented,lovely head and expression,nice neck and topline,would like more angulation in front,

moved well behind,good tailset and carriage

1 jkl 3 jkk hp


38                  Stjärnhällans Savannah         S35596/2005     f.2005-04-18                 

                     e. NUCH SUCH Ziams Return Of A Jida                                             

                     u. Quatro Zampe's Isolde                                                

                      Uppf: Elisabeth Sandersson, Göteborg                                                  

                     Ägare: Elisabeth Sandersson, Skändlavägen 5, 41746 Göteborg

Nice head and expression,good neck and topline,well angulated behind,would prefer better angulation in front.

1 jkl


39                  Tibets Pride’s Talking To An Angel          S50579/2005     f.2005-07-01                                         

                      e. Tibets Pride's Pride And Prejudice                                                    

                      u. Tibets Pride's Lousy Looser                                                             

                      Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                                                 

                     Ägare: Margareta Hansen, Södra Annebergsvägen 3, 43496 Kungsbacka

Deltar ej                                                   


40                  Zhan-Thal Shai Ming                                  S52155/2005     f.2005-07-20

                      e. NORD.-  INT.- & FINUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04

                      NORDV-05 Fossella Kama Sutra                                                        

                      u. SUCH Country Flowers Malva Rosea                                              

                      Uppf: Taina Samuelsson, Lilla Edet                                                       

                      Ägare: Taina Samuelsson, Timotejvägen 10, 46332 Lilla Edet

Well presented,nice head and expression and topline,would prefer more angulation in front a bit

unsettled on the move,nice type.

1 jkl R jkk hp                                                                  


Unghundsklass tikar


41                  Aksu Party-Girl                                         S61573/2004     f.2004-08-29

                      e. Santosha Midnight Caller                                            

                      u. Aksu Run To Me                                                        

                      Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp                                                  

                     Ägare: Anita Edring Sandberg, Lilla Grönadal, 27454 Skivarp

Well presented,good head and expression,but a little strong in head,good angulation behind,mowing well,

but could have more angulation in front,nice tail carriage.

1 ukl 3 ukk


42                  Carnatangs Beda                                       S69403/2004     f.2004-11-06

                      e. Il Pericolos Big Boss                             

                      u. Glimtens Grace                                     

                      Uppf: Eva Cardell, Karlsborg                                          

                      Ägare: Stig-Eric Olsson, Lillekärr Södra 170bv,  42531 Hisings Kärra  

Deltar ej        


43                  Collchows Happy                                      S25985/2005     f.2005-02-24

                      e.Tibets Pride’s Face The Facts                                      

                      u. Collchows Chira                                   

                      Uppf: Susanne & Britta Hansson, Henån                         

                      Ägare: Susanne & Britta Hansson, Assmunderöd 417, 47393 Henån

Sweet expression,would prefer larger rounder head,good topline,good tailset,very straight in shoulders

which is reflected in front action.

1 ukl R ukk


44                  Gi-Jan’s Golden Hopeful      S20485/2005     f.2005-02-11

                      e. SUCH FINUCH Ziams Hugo Boss                            

                      u. Gi-Jan’s Ebony And Ivory                                          

                      Uppf: Birgitta Jansson, Gävle                                          

                      Ägare: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 80595 Gävle     

Sweet expression,a little too small all over for my taste,moved well behind,showing full pad,but lacked angulation in front.



45                  Khe-San’s Disa Kleine         S17037/2005     f.2005-01-18

                      e. SUCH Ziams Calvin Kleine                                         

                      u. Linbackens Gingerbread Heart                                    

                      Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad                               

                      Ägare: Mona Lûddeckens Olsson, Sömmerskevägen 7, 44453 Stenungsund               

Beautifull presented,good topline,well angulated behind as reflected in her hind movement,would like a better

lay of shoulder,lovely head and expression,nice type.

1 ukl 2 ukk ck                     


46                  Kjeann’s Queen Of My Heart                    S14740/2005     f.2005-01-06

                      e. INTUCH NORDUCH NORDV-01 NUCH

                      Ziams Lord Of The Dance                        

                      u. Kjeann’s Candle In The Wind                                     

                      Uppf: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Halmstad                                                 

                     Ägare: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Stråvägen 1, 30265 Halmstad

Nice head and expression,good topline,moves well behind strong full pad,upright in shoulder,movement

loose coming towards me.

1 ukl 4 ukk


47                  Shu-Ling Zsa Zsa Zoo          S56160/2004     f.2004-10-11

                       e. JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01  

                      Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim                          

                      u. NORDJV-03 SUCH Lady Chima’s Rising Sun                                 

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                            

                      Ägare: Yvette Schönemann, Åbydalsvägen 61, 43539 Mölnlycke

Nice head and expression,would prefer little more neck and lay of shoulder,good topline,well

angulated behind,beautifully presented.

1 ukl 1 ukk ck Btkl-2 Cert


                      Öppenklass tikar


48                  Amie-Bells Mesi-Marja        S20258/1998     f.1998-01-02

                      e. SUCH Amie-Bells Ama-Rillo                                      

                      u. NORDUCH Fossella Copy-Cat                                 

                      Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn                             

                      Ägare: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 47132 Skärhamn

Well presented,well balanced,lovely shaped head,good neck,moves well behind a little stright in shoulder,nice type.

1 ökl R ökk


49                  NUCH KBHV-05 Hin Chen’s Jack Pot   

C                   N15145/2004     f.2004-04-12                

                      e.INT.- NORD.- NUCH KBHV-04 FINV-04 SV-04 NORDV-05    

                      Fossella Kama Sutra                                 

                      u. INT.- NORD.- FINUCH NORDV-02 FINV-05   Hin Chen’s Foxy Lady                                  

                     Uppf: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vormsund     

                    Ägare: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vangen 2160 Vormsund, Norge

Well presented,lovely head and expression,good topline,tailset and tail carriage,moved well with drive

and showing full pad,full of character which is nice to see.

1 ökl 1 ökk ck                                          


50                  Il Pericolos Cat-Balloo         S33440/2003     f.2003-04-20

                      e. SUCH Nellie-Nettes Calypso                                     

                      u. INTUCH NORDUCH NORDV-03  Il Pericolos Al Ina                                         

                      Uppf: Rita Bokdalen, Fjärås                      

                      Ägare: Susanne Sandberg, Norregatan 10a, 23163 Trelleborg

Well presented,nice head and expression,good topline,moved well behind,would prefer a higher tail

carriage and better angulation in front.

1 ökl


51                  Kjeann’s Midnights Love     S37611/2004     f.2004-05-04

                      e. INTUCH NORDUCH NORDV-01 NUCH                                    

                      Ziams Lord Of The Dance                        

                      u. Tibets Pride’s Midnight Special                                   

                      Uppf: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Halmstad                           

                      Ägare: Anne & Kjell Bohman, Stråvägen 1, 30265 Halmstad

Well presented,sweet head,good topline,could do with more angulation front and back,resonable neck.

1 ökl


52                  MisMås Laura Biagiotti        S18429/2004     f.2004-01-14

                      e. Fossella Lap Top                                  

                      u. Mismås Midnight Lemon Parfait                                  

                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum                                      

                      Ägare: Jeanette Thornberg, Gugnersgången 5, 23535 Vellinge

Beautifully presented,nice type with good head and expression,topline rises slightly towards rear,moved well

behind,but would prefer more angulation front and back.

1 ökl 3 ökk


53                  Phe-Khan Lady Aquarella    S42068/2003     f.2003-05-08

                      e. NUCH SUCH Tangse Diamond Gun                          

                      u. Charity’s Inky Tinky Toy                       

                      Uppf: Petra Karlsson, Västra Frölunda                            

                      Ägare: Hannah & Petra Karlsson, Knalteskärsgatan 16, 42157 Västra Frölunda         

Beautifully presented,good head and expression,good topline and tailset and tail carriage,moved well

behind,shoulder a little straight but nice type.

1 ökl 4 ökk   


54                  Queen Ariza                         S47452/2004     f.2004-06-15

                      e. SUCH FINUCH Tangse Midnight Cowboy                                                           

                      u. Solrosens Frida                                                          

                      Uppf: Inga-Lill Andersson, Västervik                                                    

                     Ägare: Inga-Lill Andersson, Alviksgatan 3, 59337 Västervik

Well presented,nice head,would prefer a little more angulation in front,good tailset and carriage,

moved well behind,needs a little bit more confidence.

1 ökl


55                  Solrosens Frida                                          S38821/2002     f.2002-05-19

                      e. SUCH Hashanah Bee Unique                                                           

                      u. Solrosens Beatrice                                                      

                      Uppf: Siv Östh, Vimmerby                                              

                      Ägare: Inga-Lill Andersson, Alviksgatan 3, 59337 Västervik

Well presented,good topline,would prefer more angulation front and rear,good tail carriage,moved ok when settled.

1 ökl


56                  Tibets Pride's Frozen Raindrop                  S63559/2003     f.2003-10-19

                      e. Tibets Pride's Pride And Prejudice                              

                      u. Tibets Pride's Lousy Looser                                        

                      Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                            

                      Ägare: Carina Eriksson, Enstigen 17, 43491 Kungsbacka

Well presented,feminine expression,good neck and topline and tailset,moved well but would prefer more angulation front and back.

1 ökl 2 ökk ck


57                  Tibets Pride’s Raindrops On Roses    S36338/2002     f.2002-05-10   

                      e. INTUCH NORDUCH NORDV-01 NUCH                                    

                      Ziams Lord Of The Dance                        

                      u. Tibets Prides Indian Love Call                                     

                      Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                            

                      Ägare: Margareta Hansen, Södra Annebergsvägen 3, 43496 Kungsbacka                  

Well presented,pretty head,good neck and topline when standing,moved ok,but did not carry tail well.

1 ökl             


58                  Ziams Making Your Mind Up                    S35487/2004     f.2004-04-22

                      e. SUCH Ziams Great Balls Of Fire                                

                      u. SUCH Ziams Lovely Godiva                 

                      Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa  

                      Ägare: Katarina Strömbäck, Kolsbogården 6, 46791Grästorp

Well presented,nice head and expression,good topline,tailset and carriage,does not move with drive behind,nice type.

1 ökl                                   


                      Championklass tikar            


59                  SUCH Choowo-Liz Prinsessan Augusta     S56203/2001     f.2001-10-23

                      e. Fannicas Häftiga Harald   

                      u. Linbackens Hot’n Dark Gossip             

                      Uppf: Liz Larsson & Barbro Ahl, Ellös      

                      Ägare: Monica Sporre, Gimarp Fanjunkaren, 33015 Bor

Beautifully presented,good head and expression,good topline,well angulated behind,would

prefer better lay of shoulder and a little more neck.

R chkl ck


60                  INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH FINV-04 SV-04 KBHV-03                

                      Fossella Smell of Chanel      S13357/99         f.1999-02-27

                      e. SUCH Tsanta Devil My Dare                                     

                      u. NORD.- & INTUCH SV-02 Fossella Dish of The Day                                          

                      Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup                                        

                      Ägare: Bodil Olsson, Tvärskeppsgatan 4, 21872 Tygelsjö                     

Beautifully presented,beautiful head and expression,good topline and tailset,well angulated behind ,beautiful type.

KEP Pga hälta.



61                  INT.- NORD.- FINUCH NORDV-02 FINV-05    Hin Chen’s Foxy Lady                N00374/2002     f.2001-11-29

                      e. NUCH NORDV-98 Whisky Man                              

                      u. NUCH Hin-Chen’s Electra Glide                                

                      Uppf: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vormsund                          

                      Ägare: Hege Mari & Ole Morten Finnhager, Vangen 2160 Vormsund, Norge             

Beautifully presented,nice head,well angulated front and behind,good tailset and carriage.

1 chkl ck Btkl-1 Bim           


62                  SUCH Linbackens Gingerbread Heart   S37925/2000     f.2000-04-26

                      e. INT.-  NORD- & FUCH FINV-99 SV-00

                       Khe-San’s Rock A Gil Stuff                                          

                      u. Linbackens Gingerbread Gossip                                  

                      Uppf: Barbro Stensson, Höga Varnum                            

                      Ägare: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 201, 46021 Upphärad

Beautifully presented,pretty head,good neck,topline.tailset and carriage,moves well.

3 chkl ck Btkl-R


63                  Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim        S56160/2003     f.2003-03-10

                      e. JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01

                      Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim                          

                      u. NORDJV-03 SUCH Lady Chimas Rising Sun                                  

                      Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke                            

                      Ägare: Yvette Schönemann, Åbydalsvägen 61, 43539 Mölnlycke

Beautifully presented,nice head and expression well angulated behind,would prefer a little more neck

and lay of shoulder,nice type.

4 chkl ck


64                  INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl                      N16637/00     f.2000-04-26

                      e. NUCH SUCH Shieriko´s Ringo Star                          

                      u. Y´u Tai´s One good Looking                                      

                      Uppf: Hilde-Berit Bertheussen, Veflingstad                      

                      Ägare: Lillvi Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 24134 Eslöv

Beautifully presented,lovely head and expression,good neck and tailset and carriage,well angulated

 behind,moved with drive,topline rising towards rear,beautiful type.

2 chkl ck Btkl-4                                        


                      Veteranklass tikar               


65                  Lyckobringarens X-otic Lotus                    S29092/97     f. 1997-03-24

                      e.  Lyckobringarens Raz-A-Mataz                                  

                      u. Lyckobringarens Queen Of Lotus                                

                      Uppf: Margrethe Svendsén, Sandhult                              

                      Ägare: Margreth Svendsén, Thå Solbacken, 504 91  Sandhult

Beautifully presented,feminine head good neck and topline,tailset and carriage,would prefer a better lay of shoulder,nice type.

1 vetkl hp Bim-veteran                              






                      Kennel Hin Chen’s

                      nr. 17, 18, 49, 61

Nice group of well headed dogs,very typical of the breed all presented.

1 hp Bästa Grupp


Kennel Khe-San

                      nr. 11, 19, 30, 45

Deltar ej


                      Kennel  MisMås

                      nr. 21, 22, 23, 52

Deltar ej


                      Kennel Shu-Ling                 

                      nr. 4, 5, 13, 24, 29, 37, 47, 63

Well presented,very typical Shih-Tzu,Good heads,nice type.

1 hp


Kennel Tibets Pride’s

nr. 14, 25, 39, 56, 57

Deltar ej


Kennel Ziams

nr. 7, 8, 16, 26, 32, 58

Deltar ej        




INT.- NORD.- NUCH KBHV-04 FINV-04 SV-04 NORDV-05        Fossella Kama Sutra           

nr. 10, 18, 34, 40, 49

All very typical of the breed,nice uniform type and well presented.

1 hp Bästa Grupp


JWW-98 INT.- & NORDUCH WW-02 NORDV-01-02 AMW-02 KBHV-01 Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim

nr. 1, 13, 29, 33, 47, 63

Well presented,all very typical of breed,good heads and good overall type.

1 hp