Valpklass Hanar 4-6 mån







101                 Amie-Bells Balvenie The Classic              S18556/2005      2005-01-10


                      E: Ch. Fossella Kama Sutra                  Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn

                      U: Amie-Bells Mesi Marja                      Äg:    Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn

Very nice head  very nice wide set eyes,excellent mouth,good frontlegs,nice tucked in elbows,ribcage

could be a little larger,tailset excellent,very good turn of stifle.

1 valpkl Hp Bim-valp 4-6



102                 Amie-Bells Bell´s Extra Special                S18555/2005      2005-01-10


                      E: Ch. Fossella Kama Sutra                       Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn

                      U: Amie-Bells Mesi Marja                           Äg: Margareta Daniel Rydberg, Göteborg

Nice head with very good width of eyes,but could be a little bigger,excellent mouth,good elbows well

tucked in nice curv of the frontlegs,good topline,very good tailset,good stifle,ribcage could be a

little longer

3 valpkl



103                 Khe-San´s Dennis Kleine                          S17036/2005          2005-01-18


                      E: Ziams Calvin Kleine                                 Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                      U: SUCH Linbackens Gingerbread Heart       Äg:    Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Nice round head would prefer lower set ears,nice eyes,mouth ok,a little bit straight mouth,front very

good,good bend of forleg,good ribcage,tailset nice and high,but could carry it better,good turn of stifle

R valpkl



104                 Popeye´s Lightfoot Gordon S13651/2005      2004-12-06


                      E: Ziams Grease Lightning                           Uppf: Charlotte & Pernilla Wistad, Tygelsjö

                      U: Popeye´s Absolutely Fabulous                 Äg:    Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Nice round head with good earset,dark eyes,nose could be shorter,mouth ok,good front assembly

Ribcage could be longer,good turn of stifle,tail good set on but hard to assess,he could carry it a bit

higher,Very good rear drive,very good front movement.

2 valpkl



105                 Spovens Whisky Galore                            S14052/2005          2004-12-13


                      E: Tibets Pride´s Face The Truth                  Uppf: Lillevor Lindberg, Norberg

                      U: Spovens Lady Madonna                           Äg:    Lillevor Lindberg, Norberg

Would like the ear lower set,eyes dark,good mouth,good reach of neck,good front assembly ribcage ok.

Tail carriage nice,bend of stifle good

4 valpkl


Valpklass Tikar 4-6 mån




106                 Katrinedals Close To My Heart                  S15083/2005           2004-12-29


                      E: Qin Zhe Shou V Zai Ling Sjiao                  Uppf: Mia Blackemo, Morgongåva

                      U: Shine On Tai´s Now Or Never Rozita         Äg:    Sylvia Nilsson, Svedala

Nice head and earplacement,very nice dark eyes,lovely dropped back nose,mouth coming on nicely.

Very good front,nice level topline,tail could be higher,good turn of stifle,movement promising

3 valpkl



107                 Khe-San´s Disa Kleine                                 S17037/2005     2005-01-18


                      E: Ziams Calvin Kleine                                 Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                      U: SUCH Linbackens Gingerbread Heart       Äg:    Mona Lûddeckens Olsson,Stenugnsund

Pretty head,earset ok,nice wide set eyes,noseplacement fine,mouth ok,nice neck,good front,good

ribcage.Tailset well on,difficult to judge the carriage,goo turn of stifle,movements ok.

4 valpkl



108                 Khe-San´s Doris Kleine       S17038/2005         2005-01-18


                      E: Ziams Calvin Kleine                                 Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                      U: SUCH Linbackens Gingerbread Heart       Äg:    Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Very pretty head,dark eyes,short nose,mouth fine,good curv in frontlegs,Tucked in elbows,good front,

level topline,lovely set tail,good turn of stifle,movements alright.

2 valpkl Hp



109                 Popeye´s In The Limelight                             S13652/2005        2004-12-06


                      E: Ziams Grease Lightning                           Uppf: Charlotte & Pernilla Wistad, Tygelsjö

                      U: Popeye´s Absolutely Fabulous                 Äg:    Charlotte Wistad, Eva Larsson, Tygelsjö

Nice big head,nice and wide set eyes,showing a bit of white at the moment,good well tilted,mouth a little

undershot but acceptable,good front,very good ribcage,would like tail carriage higher,good turn of stifle

very good coat,movements ok.

R valpkl



110                 Ziams Brown Eyed Girl                             S13916/2005                 2004-12-26


                      E: NORDUCH Shigrepa´s Leonardo Dicaprio                  Uppf: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

                      U: SUCH Ziams Goldeneye                                               Äg:    Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa                 


Beautiful head dark wide set eyes,good noseplacement,mouth is ok,good reach of neck,good elbows

tucked in,good bone,good ribcage and topline,very good high set tail.nicely balanced,good movement.

1 valpkl Hp Bästa valp 4-6  Bisvalp-2



Valpklass Hanar 6-9 mån







111                 Aksu Pablo-Piccazzo                               S61572/2004     2004-08-29


                      E: Santosha Midnight Caller                         Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

                      U: Aksu Run To Me                                     Äg:    Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

Lovely big maskulin head,good earset,wide set dark eyes,short nose big nostrils,mouth ok,excellent bone

and front assembly,topline poor,tailset and carriage fine,good bend of stifle,nice black and white coat,good

flip back action.

3 valpkl


112                 Aksu Paint-Bold                                    S61570/2004       2004-08-29


                      E: Santosha Midnight Caller                         Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

                      U: Aksu Run To Me                                     Äg:    Gertrud Larsson, Staffanstorp

Lovely head,to be critical the eyes could be bigger,nose is acceptable but for the size of head you need a

bigger nose,mouth not quite full yet,good reach of neck,good bone and elbows,good bend of frontleg,

good  ribcage,lovely tail carriage,good turn of stifle,good coat,excellent movement and ring presents.

1 valpkl Hp Bästa valp 6-9 Bis-valp


113                 Aksu Papaya-Carica                                  S61571/2004             2004-08-29


                      E: Santosha Midnight Caller                         Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

                      U: Aksu Run To Me                                     Äg:    Annika Lindroth, Stenugnsund

Nice masculine head,earset fine,nice dark wide set eyes,short wide tilted nose,excellent mouth,excellent

front and bone,tailset fine,good carriage,good turn of stifle,movements ok

2 valpkl



Valpklass Tikar 6-9 mån




114    Aksu Party-Girl                                          S61573/2004                         2004-08-29


          E: Santosha Midnight Caller                         Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

          U: Aksu Run To Me                                     Äg:    Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

Nice broad head,good earset,nice dark eyes,but could be bigger,nose fine,nice open nosestrils,lovely

mouth,Good neck,good front assembly,good round ribcage,topline up a bit,tailcarriage very good,good

turn of stifle,movement ok,topline better on the move.

1 valpkl Hp Bim-valp 6-9


115    Lyckobringarens Estelle II                         S65169/2004                2004-09-11


          E: Ch. Fossella Kama Sutra                               Uppf: Margarethe Svendsén, Sandhult

          U: Lyckobringarens Black´ N´White Dream        Äg: Margarethe Svendsén, Sandhult

Beautiful head,good earset,nice and low,lovely dark eyes wide set,short nose,mouth fine,would like a

deeper chest,length of ribcage fine,good tailcarriage,good topline,nicely balanced,good movement.

2 valpkl



116    Zansaw´s La Dolce Vita                             S11435/2005               2004-11-11


          E: Kucheng Express Delivery        Uppf: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

          U: NORDUCH INTUCH Zanzaw´s La Diva              Äg:  Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Deltar ej



117    Zanzaw´s Mamma Mia                              S11437/2005              2004-10-26


          E: Zanzaw´s Crash Boom Bang                    Uppf: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

          U: NORDUCH Ziams I´m a Maneater             Äg:    Carina Öhman, Sävedalen


Deltar ej


Juniorklass Hanar







1                       Dream-Cheri´s Notorius Big       S35134/2004           2004-04-09


          E: Tipsy-Toe´s Be My Dream Boy                 Uppf: Kate Johanesson, V Frölunda

          U: SUCH Nellie-Nette´s Dream Of Cheri        Äg:    Annika Lindroth, Stenungsund

Nice big masculine head with correct earset,nice noseplacement,super mouth,good reach of neck,good

front assembly,would like longer ribcage,tailset and carriage fine,nice mackings,movements fine with

good rear action

1 jkl 2 jkk



2        Fossella Simple Simon                             S41046/2004              2004-04-30


          E: Ch Fossella Kama Sutra                             Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Fossella Love Me Do                               Äg:    Lena Carlsson, Danderyd

Lovely big head,good earset,nice tilted nose,mouth a bit undershot,lips close,good tucked in elbows,

good front,good ribcage and topline,tail difficult to assess,movements ok.

1 jkl 3 jkk



3        Fossella Steamy Windows                        S41045/2004           2004-04-30


          E: Ch Fossella Kama Sutra                             Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Fossella Love Me Do                               Äg:    Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Nice size of head with good earset,tip tilted nose,nice dark eyes,good mouth,nice wide jaw,good neck,

good front and topline,good tailcarriage,good movement.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Bhkl-R



4        Wild Knight´s Joppe                                  S55838/2004          2004-07-22


          E: Ch  Qin Zhe Shou V Zai Ling Sjiao            Uppf: Ellinor Svensson, Falun

          U: Skånhedens Chila                                   Äg: Birgitta Lindkvist, Skånes Fagerhult

Nice domed to head,dark eyes,nose too long,open nosestrils,mouth not full set of teeth,good front

assembly,difficult to assess the tail,movements ok

2 jkl


Unghundsklass Hanar




5        Limapa´s Chai Latte                                  S18160/2004         2004-02-04


          E: SUCH Lyckobringarens Wu-Ling-Wong                       Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

          U: Khe-San Snow Bird                                                   Äg:    Ingela Schönström, Eslöv

Nice head,would like ears a bit lower,quite undershot but ok.Nice dark eyes,good front assebly,nice lenght

of ribcage,topline rises,tailcarriage ok,movement fine

1 ukl 2 ukk Ck



6        Mismås Tast of Amaretto                           S45497/2003           2003-06-07


          E: Tellenmussukat Uniikki Fin                      Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum

          U: SUCH Amie-Bells Parfait Amour               Äg:    Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

Lovely big masculine head,good ear set,very wide set nice dark eyes,nose in proportion to the head,

excellent mouth,excellent bone,good tucked in elbows,slight bow in front legs,good ribcage,nice high

set tail carried well,good turn of stifle,movement ok.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-3



7        Ziams Grease Lightning                            S52838/2003             2003-08-04


          E: MULTICH Popeye´s Love N Money           Uppf: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

          U: SUCH Ziams Let me be The One              Äg:    Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

Lovely low ears,good domed to head,wide set dark eyes,he white showing,good nose,a bit undetshot,but

alright,good front assembly,good bone,ribcage a bit flat,topline a bit up,would like tailcarriage higher,

movements ok.

2 ukl


Öppenklass Hanar




8        Amie-Bells Bruno Paillard                        S18712/2003          2003-01-20


          E: Santosha Midnight Caller                         Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärjamn

          U: Amie-Bells Mesi Marja       i                     Äg: Margareta Daniel Rydberg, Göteborg

Nice head,good set ears,wide set dark eyes,short nose,good black pigment,excellent mouth,good reach

of neck,elbows not quite tight,ribcage ok,topline not good,tail alright,Movement fine when settled.

1 ökl R ökk



9        Dream-Cheri´s Snoop Dog   S20161/2003             2003-02-16


          E: SUCH Nellie-Nette´s Callypso                  Uppf: Kate Johannesson, V.Frölunda

          U: SUCH Nellie-Nette´s Dream Of Cheri        Äg:    Kate Johannesson, V.Frölunda

Would like a bigger head and lower set ears,lovely dark wide set eyes,nose ok,excellent mouth,good

front assembley,good bow of rib,good topline and tailcarriage,very nice coat,good movement

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck



10      Fossella King For A Day                            S13015/2003           2003-12-07


          E: Santosha Midnight Caller                         Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Fossella Smell of Chanel                         Äg:    Desireé Larsson, Malmö

Lovely big masculine head,correct earset,good noseplacement,lovely dark eyes,mouth could be better,

good tucked in elbows,lovely bow in ribs,good topline,tailcarriage fine,good turn of stifle,nicely balanced

dog,movement difficult to assess.

1 ökl 3 ökk



11      Khe-San´s Peter Pan                                 S59414/2002           2002-10-14


          E: INTUCH Khe-San Pay Cash                     Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

          U: Charitys Example For Khe-San                Äg:    Solveig Danielsson, Mölnlycke

Would like earset lower otherwise excellent head,wide set eyes,good noseplacement,not a very wide jaw,

Good tucked in elbows and bow in frontleg,good topline,good barrel of ribcage,tailset high,but could be

carried a bit higher,excellent movement.

1 ökl 4 ökk



12      Limapa´s Prince Of The Dark                    S10028/2001        2000-11-20


          E: Ch. Ziams Lord Of The Dance                  Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

          U: Khe-San Snow Bird                                 Åg: Gertud Larsson, Staffanstorp

Deltar ej



13      Zanzaw´s One Hell of a Guy                      S44218/2002            2002-06-07


          E: SUCH NUCH Zanzaw´s Casanova            Uppf: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

          U: Fly-Bie´s Piece of my Heart                     Äg:    Tarja Andersson, Vara

Earset good,would like a more dome to the head,good noseplacement,excellent mouth,good front

assembly,excellent topline,good barrel of ribcage,tailset and carried well,lovely black mask,movement fine.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-2 Cert



14      Ziams Lord and Master  (C) S59501/2000           2000-11-18


          E: Ch. Ziams Lord of the Dance                    Uppf: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

          U: Ziams The Red Label                               Äg: Katarina & Tage Strömbäck, Grästorp

Deltar ej



Championklass Hanar





15      SUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra       S13016/2003     2002-12-07


          E: Santosha Midnight Caller                                               Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: NORD INTUCH KBHV-03 SV-04 FINV-04  Äg:     Sofi Olsson, Tygelsjö

                              Fossella Smell of Chanel        

Excellent masculine head,lovely set dark eyes,excellent noseplacement,good wide jaw,good reach of neck,

good front assembly,nice barrel ribcage,good topline,high set tail and good carriage,lovely coat,very good colour,

excellent movement with good drive.

2 chkl Ck Bhkl-4




16      SUCH DK UCH Fossella Talking In My Sleep       S14753/2000    2000-01-02


          E: SUCH Tsantha Devil May Dare                 Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Ginnie Von Savaredo                               Äg:Inger Eriksson, Hovmantorp

Lovely masculine head,good earset,wide set eyes,excellent nose,good wide mouth,good tucked in elbows,

nice bow to ribs,level topline,very good tailset and carriage,excellent movement.

1 chkl Ck Bhkl-1 Bir



17      SUCH Lady Chimas Real Tutti Capi          S54806/2000           2000-09-20


          E: CH Fossella Capo di Tutti Capi                 Uppf: Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus, Bodafors

          U: Lady-Chimas Madame Dee Bee               Äg:Lena Persson, Ekerö

Lovely big masculine head,ears a bit high,lovely eyes dark and wide set,excellent nose,good mouth,

good front,ribcage ok,topline excellent,tailset and carriage good,free flowing movement.

4 chkl



18      SUCH DKUCH Skånhedens Mirac-Maker      S11341/99       1998-11-01


          E: SUCH Tsantha Devil May Dare                 Uppf: Eva-Kajsa Lundström, Sjöbo

          U: Lucky-Ronja                                           Äg: Gertrud Larsson,Staffanstorp

Nice head,correct set ears,dark wide set eyes,nice noseplacement,super mouth,good front assembly,

good barrel ribcage,good topline,nice high set tail,carried well,nice effeckless movement.

3 chkl Ck


Veteranklass Hanar



19      INT NORDUCH JWW-98 NUCH KBHV-00     S30354/97     1997-04-28

          NORDV-00 –03 WW-02 AMW-02

          Khe-San Zim Zala Bim


              E: SUCH ESCH Ista´s Look Out     Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad             

          U: Tangse O´Pretty Sue Ellen Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Lovely big masculine head,good earset,lovely dark wide set eyes,good noseplacement,lovely wide jaw,

Nice tight elbows,lovely barrel ribcage,nice high set tail and carried nicely,excellent movements.

1 vetkl Hp Bim-Veteran                   




20      Santosha Midnight Caller           S54114/99       1996-06-03


          E: Rosaril The Chimney Sweep                    Uppf: Susan & David Crossly, England

          U: Santosha Lady in Red                             Äg: Birgitta Norström, Lerum

Lovely wide head,correct earset,nice dark eyes,nice short nose,good mouth,elbows a little bit loose,

lovely barrel rib,topline not good,lovely high tail carriage,moves with rear drive.

2 vetkl




Juniorklass Tikar



21      Fossella Show Me                                     S41049/2004         2004-04-30


               E: SUCH KBHV-04 SV-04 FINV-04

                   Fossella Kama Sutra                                          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Fossella Love Me Do                                      Äg:Sofi Olsson, Tygelsjö

   Nice head,correct earplacement,lovely dark eyes,nicely widely set,correct noseplacement,lovely wide

jaw,nicely reach of neck,tucked in elbows,nice barrel ribcage,good topline,tailset and carriage,very

good movements with very good rear drive.

1 jkl 1jkk Ck Btkl-1 Cert Bim          




22      Il Pericolos Prima La Vera                                      S45200/2004   2004-06-03


          E: NORDUCH Khe-San´s Snow Man                                 Uppf: Rita & Kim Bokdalen, Fjärås

          U: Il Pericolos Bumble Bee                                              Äg:Susanne Sandberg, Trelleborg

Nice head with correct earplacement,nice dark eye,correct nose,nice mouth,nice reach of neck,very good

front,good ribcage,topline could be more level,tailcarriage good,nice quality coat,movement difficult to


1 jkl 2 jkk




23      Ziams Making Your Mind Up                           S35487/2004       2004-04-22


          E: SUCH Ziams Great Balls of Fire                       Uppf: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

          U: SUCH Ziams Lovely Godiva                              Äg: Katarina & Tage Strömbäck, Grästorp

Deltar ej


Unghundsklass Tikar



24      Khe-San´s Zhe-Lina                                              S19912/200 2004-01-27


              E: MULTICH Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                      Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

          U: Tangse Lily                                                        Äg:Ulla Graas, Göteborg

Pretty  head,correct earplacement,dark ..eyes,short nose,mouth a little undershot but alright,lovely tight

elbows and bow to frontleg,good ribcage,topline ok,tailset ok,carriage could be a bit higher,movement


1 ukl                       




25      Khe-San´s Zin Go Alla                                                     S19910/2004        2004-01-27


          E: MULTICH Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                               Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

          U: Tangse Lily                                                                 Äg:Eva_lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Lovely head correct earplacement,lovely wide set dark eyes,Good tip tilted nose,good width of jaw,nice

reach of neck,good elbows and front bow,lovely barrel to ribs,topline ok,tailcarriage ok,nicely coupled,

good movement with good rear action.

1 ukl 2 ukk Ck




26      Limapa´s Betty Boop                                                      S64299/2003      2003-11-03



                              Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                                      Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

          U: NORDUCH NUCH Yú Tai´s One Vanila Girl                     Äg:Moa Antonsson, Sölvesborg

Pretty head,correct earset,dark eyes,nicely widdy set,nice short nose,good mouth,good front,nice barrel

of ribs,good topline,tail could be a little higher,movement ok.

1 ukl



27      Mismås Cotton Candy                                                     S45495/2003        2003-06-07


          E: Tellenmissukat Uniikki                                                  Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum

          U: SUCH Amie-Bells Parfait Amour                                    Äg:    Birgitta Norström, Lerum

Nice head,good ear placement,lovely dark eyes,short tiptilted nose,mouth ok,good front,like a slighter

longer ribcage,good barrel,tailset and carriage good,nice quality coat,nice movement.

1 ukl 3 ukk Ck



28      Mismås Laura Biagiotti                                                   S18429/2004       2004-01-14


          E: Fossella Lap Top                                                          Uppf: Birgitta Norström, Lerum

          U: Mismås Midnight Lemon Parfait                                     Äg: Jeanette Thornberg, Vellinge

Lovely round head,correct ear placement,lovely wide set dark eyes,nice short nose,excellent mouth,good

reach of neck,good front,good barrel of ribs,topline ok,tail difficult to assess,good rear drive in movement.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Btkl-4



29      Spovens Qavatina                                                          S64289/2003       2003-10-29


          E: SUCH Spovens Hooked On A Feeling                             Uppf: Lillevor Lindberg, Norberg

          U: Spovens Want To Catch Your Eye                                 Äg:    Lillevor Lindberg, Norberg

Deltar ej.



30      Tema Canis Style Of Pride                                             S13914/2004     2003-12-28


          E: Tibets Pride´s A La Bonheur                                    Uppf: Carina Eriksson, Kungsbacka

          U: Tibets Pride´s Unanimons Decision                           Äg:Marie Persson, Rydebäck

Lovely round head,correct ear placement,lovely short nose,nice dark eyes,well tucked in elbows,frontlegs

a little straight,would like a wide ribcage,topline good,tail nicely set,but could be higher carried,good

reardriving movement

1 ukl R ukk



31      Ziams Hard Headed Women                                           S15843/2004       2004-01-21


          E: SUCH Ziams Return of A Jida                                        Uppf:Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

          U: SUCH Ziams Pennylane                                                Äg:Leslie-Anne Bergqvist; Åsa

Lovely round head, good domed and earplacement,dark wide set eyes,tiptilted nose,good mouth,good

reach of neck,front ok,good ribcage,topline could be better,nice high set tail,nice carriage,nice flowing


1 ukl 4 ukk



Öppenklass Tikar




32      Aksu Rock And Dreams                             S56466/2000             2000-09-30


               E: SUCH Tsantha Devil May Dare               Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

          U: Fossella Drip Dry                                     Äg:Inger Dahlström & Amelie Engström, Järfälla

Nice low set ears,good mouth,good reach of neck,nice tight elbows,ribcage ok,level topline,good

tailcarriage,good flowing movement with good reardrive.  

1 ökl 4 ökk              




33      Amie-Bells La Grande Dame                    S18707/2003            2003-01-20


          E: Santosha Midnight Caller                                Uppf: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn

          U: Amie-Bells Mesi Marja                                   Äg: Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn

Lovely head,nice low set ear,very wide set eyes,nice noseplacement,excellent mouth,nice tucked in elbows,

good barrel of ribcage,topline rising,tailset nice and high,but would like a higher carriage,good movement.

1 ökl




34      Anibes Ashley Fashion                                                   S57708/2001       2001-10-19


          E: Tangse Zantana                                                            Uppf: Anita Berggren, Västerås

          U: Formaregårdens Out of Order                                         Äg:     Lena Carlsson, Danderyd

Lovely feminine head,nice dark eyes,correct ear placement,nice short nose,lovely mouth,nice tight elbows

and bow to frontlegs,lovely barrel ribs,level topline,nice high set tail,carriage could be a bit higher,lovely

coat,lovely free flying movement with a good reardrive.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck



35      Fossella People Will Talk                                               S49502/2001      2001-08-05


          E: Shih Moons Mr Clinton Of Cajan                                    Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Fossella Smile A While                                                 Äg:Jeanette Thornberg, Vellinge

Lovely round head with good ear placement,lovely dark wide set eyes,tiptilted nose,mouth ok,nice neck,

good tucked in elbows,frontlegs a little straight,good ribcage,topline rising a little,nice high tailcarriage,

nice flowing movement.

1 ökl



36      Khe-San´s Hedda Hopper (C)                    S54673/2001           2001-10-09



               Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                                   Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

          U: SUCH Charitys Example For Khesan                        Äg:  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Pretty headed bitch with correct ear placement,nice dark eyes,lovely short nose,mouth ok,lovely tight

elbows,nice barrel of rib,topline could be better,tail carriage alright,nice coat,nice flowing movement.

1ökl 3 ökk



37      Zanzaw´s Dancing Queen                                               S37424/2001      2001-05-27



               Ziams Lord of the Dance                                               Uppf: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

          U: NORDUCH Ziams I´m a Maneater                                  Äg: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Deltar ej.



38      Tipsy-Toe´s Black Velvet                           S34181/2003             2003-04-25


          E: MULTICH Ziams Lord of The Dance                                Uppf: Lena Rehn, Göteborg

          U: SUCH Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference                           Äg: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

Lovely head,good ear placement,very wide set dark eyes,excellent mouth,nose could be a little shorter,

lovely reach of neck,nice elbows,nice barrel of ribs,lovely high set tail,carriage difficult to assess,good

 flowing movement.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-3



44      Phe- Khan Lady Aquarella                        S42068/2003         2003-05-08


              E: N SUCH Tangse Diamond Gun               Uppf: Petra Karlsson, V. Frölunda

          U: Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy                           Äg:    Petra Karlsson, V. Frölunda

Nice big round head,nice eyes,dark correct noseplacement,mouth ok,good elbows and bow to front leg,

would like a more rounded ribcage,topline ok,tailset nice and high,carriage would like a  bit higher,good

flowing movement.

1 ökl R ökk



Championklass Tikar







39       INT NORDUCH KBHV-03 FINV-04 SV-04

Fossella Smell Of Chanel                         S20955/99         1999-02-27


E: SUCH Tsantha Devil May Dare                                        Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

U: NORD INT UCH SV-02                              Äg:    Bodil Olsson, Tygelsjö

               Fossella Dish Of The Day            

Beautiful head,correct earsplacement,lovely dark eyes,nice noseplacement,excellent mouth,good reach of

neck,nice turked in elbows,good barrel of ribs,nice tailset and carriage,nice tailset and carriage,nice quality

black/white coat,excellent movement.

1 chkl ck Btkl-2                    




40      NORDUCH NUCH Yú Tai´s One Vanila Girl       N16637/00         2000-04-26


          E: NUCH SUCH Shierikos Ringo Star           Uppf: Hilde-Berit Selnes, Tangen, Norge

          U: Yú Tai´s One Good Looking                     Äg: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

Lovely head and earplacement,wide set dark eyes,good noseplacement,mouth ok,good tucked in elbows

and bow to frontlegs,very good ribcage,topline rises,tailset and carriage alright,movement fine.

2 chkl ck Btkl-R



Veteranklass Tikar







41      NORDUCH Fossella Copy-Cat                    S12821/95      1994-11-27


              E: NORDUCH INTUCH Skånhedebs Pale Rider              Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

              U: SUCH Jessame´s Laqacy Li-Jen                                  Äg:Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn

Lovely rounded head,lovely dark eyes,good noseplacement,mouth ok,nice neck,good front,good ribcage,

topline going up,tailcarriage good,lovely coat,good movement.

1 vetkl ck  Bästa veteran





42      NORD INT UCH SV-02 Fossella Dish Of The Day              S57937/96      1996-10-30


          E: SUCH Rosarill Takes One To Know One                         Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

          U: Fossella Tickle Me                                                        Äg:     Sofi Olsson, Tygelsjö

Beautiful big rounded head,correct earplacement,wide set dark eyes,nose placement ok,mouth ok,elbows

could be tighter,good barrel of rib,good topline,tailcarriage and st good,lovely coat for her age,free

flowing monement.

2 vetkl ck










20      Santosha Midnight Caller                         S54114/99      1996-06-03


E: Rosaril The Chimney Sweep                                          Uppf: Susan & David Crossly, England

U: Santosha Lady In Red                             Äg:     Birgitta Norström, Lerum


Tävlar med: katalognr 8, 10, 15, 33

You can see the similarities in the heads of the father and three boys,avery nice linebreed group.

1 Hp Bästa Avelsgrupp





43            43                   INT NORDUCH NUCH NORDV-01                                    

                        Ziams Lord Of The Dance                       S38907/99      1999-06-17


              E: Finuch Leeward´s Fire Lion                                       Uppf: Lesslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

              U: Int Norduch Finuch Ziams Xanadu        Äg:    Lesslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa


              Tävlar med katalognr: 12, 14, 37, 38

Deltar ej.










Kennel Fossella      Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup


Tävlar med: katalognr 2, (3,) 10, (15,) 16, 21, 35,(39), 41, (42)

A lovely group of 4 generations with lovely qualities on cout and colourings,lovelu black.

1 hp Bästa uppfödargrupp



Kennel Khe-San´s               Uppf: Eva Lena Sönksen, Upphärad


Tävlar med katalognr: (11,) (19,) 24, (25,) (36)

A nice group of good qality bred dogs,all in good coat.

1 hp


Kennel Ziams                Uppf: Lars & Lesslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa


Tävlar med katalognr: 7, 14, 23, 31

Deltar ej