Hanar 4-6 mån
101 Khe-San´s Zic Zac S19909/20 2004-01-27
E Multich MultiW Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad
U Tangse Lily Äg: Hans & Annicka Eriksson
Kritik: Nice size,
pretty large head, nice full round eye, good jaw, good bone, good front, good
shoulder, very nice ribcage, well angulated behind nice tail set, good coat
texture, puppy gait, very good in front, soft behind, nice balance.
1 kv 2 kk HP
102 Kim-Ono´s
Treat Me Like A Diamond S22647/20 2004-02-19
E Norduch Tanemar Mr Jazz Man Uppf: Eivor Wallmark, Skellefteå
U Kim-Ono´s Ofelia Äg: Isabel Pettersson
Kritik: Small size
but nice, pretty pretty head, i Would like bigger eyes, mouth ok, good bone and
front, good chest, very well angulated behind, nice shape, nice balance, moves
alright, very promising puppy.
ej Placerad pga sen ankomst.
103 Limapa´s Chai Latte S18160/04 2004-02-04
E Such Lyckobringarens Wu-Ling-Wong Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv
U Khe-San´s Snow Bird Äg: Cim & I Schönström
Kritik: Good size,
pretty head but a bit small for the moment, good bone, front could be
straighter but it’s a baby good shoulder placement and chest, good angulations
behind, slightly long in loin for the moment, nice coat texture, over all nice
1kv 3 kk HP
104 Nettlavallens
Thim Skotte Almason S25669/20 2004-02-29
E Such Dkuch Popey´s Artful Dodger Uppf: Kathleen Berggren, Markaryd
U Choowo-Liz Alma Äg: Monica Berggren
Kritik :Good size,
pretty head, nice eyes, could be darker, good jaw, good bone, very good in front,
good shoulder placement and chest, ok behind tail set is a bit low, good coat
texture for his age and condition. A bit timid for the
moment, puppy gate.
1 kv 4 kk HP
105 Tin-Tin S16019/20 2004-01-05
E Jade Hill´s Ginko Bilboa Uppf: Katherina Stjernlöf, Lycke
U Ronja Äg: Katharine Stjernlöf
Kritik: On the big
size but still good, nice head, eyes could be darker, nice jaw, good nose
placement, very good bone, could be straighter in front, good shoulder
placement and chest, at the moment slightly long in loin, very well angulated
behind, good tail set, good coat texture for his age, moves well.
1kv R kk
106 Ziams
Why Not S15835/20 2004-01-17
E Ziams Calvin Kleine Uppf: L-A Bergqvist, Åsa
U Ziams The Red Label Äg: Birgitta Franck
Kritik: Good size,
pretty pretty head, good nose placement, nice dark eye, good mouth, god bone
and front, good chest and shoulders placement, well angulatedbehind, very good
tail set, well balnced and good coattexture.
1kv 1kk HP Bästa 4-6 mån Valp
Hanar 6-9 mån
107 Dream-Cheri´s Jay-Z S13424/2004 2003-12-27
E: Tipsy-Toe´s Short Cut Uppf: Kate Johannesson, V:a Frölunda
U: Dream-Cheri´s Lil´Kim Äg: Susanne Engström
Kritik; Good size,
nice head, dark eyes, good nose placement, very good jaw and mouth, good bone
and very good front, good chest and shoulder, well angulated behind, tailset
could be a little big higher, good coat texture, still a puppy movement,
movement difficult to assess.
1kv oplacerad kk
108 Kucheng
Express Delivery S21068/2004 2003-11-01
E: Weatsom Swooney Clooney Uppf: Chris & Carole Bolt, England
U: Kucheng Maybe The Time Äg: Carina Öhman
Kritik; Very good
size, beautiful head looks already mature, round head with beautiful dark eyes,
very good jaw and nose placement, very good bone and front, good shoulder and
chest, nice tail set, very well angulated behind, very good texture of coat,
well balanced tail and head, moves very well for his age with enough drive.
1kv 1 kk HP
Bästa Valp 6-9 mån, BIS – valp
109 Milton S60157/2003 2003-00-00
E: Nellie-Nette´s Dream of Tommy Uppf: Åsa Ringhage, Mölnlycke
U: Alice-Babring Äg: Agneta Jöre´n
Pretty large head, very nice dark eyes, good nose placement and mouth, good
bone could be straighter in front, good shoulder placement and chest, slightly
long in loin for the moment, could be a bit more angulated behind, still a bit
soft in top line, very good coat texture, very very soft movement behind, good
movement in front, nice balance.
1 kv 3 kk HP
110 Shu-Ling
Chang Sou S15845/2004 2003-12-29
E: Norduch Tangse Diamond Gun Uppf: Yvette Schönemann, Mölnlycke
U: Jade Hill´s Esmeralda Äg: Inkeri Isoaho
Kritik; Good size,
very pretty head, good nose placement, dark eyes, very nice jaw, good bone,
could be straighter in front, good shoulder, very good chest, well angulated
behind, a bit low tail set, nice texture of coat, top line needs to straighten
on the move.
1 kv R kk
111 Shu-Ling Jian Kang S15846/04 2003-12-29
E: Norduch Tangse Diamonds Gun Uppf: Yvette Schöneman, Mölnlycke
U: Jade Hill´s Esmeralda Äg: Christina Karlsson
Kritik; Good size,
nice carachter, pretty head, nice dark eyes, good nose placement and jaw, good
bone, front ok, would like him a bit straighter in shoulder, very good chest,
good tail set, alright in angulations behind, nice texture, walks well, nice
1 kv 4 kk HP
112 Svit-Nebo´s
Herkuless N10493/04 2003-12-14
E: Nuch Hin Chen´s Foundation Uppf: Tor & Elin Nordvang, Norge
U: White Lucky Lady Äg: Liv Nordvang
Big boy, lovely head and expression, dark eyes, good nose placement, good jaw,
good bone, could be straighter in front, very good chest, for the moment he is a bit long in
loin, well angulated behind, and well muscled. Tailset a little bit low, very
good coattexture, good movement front and back, nice balance, I just would like
him a bit shorter.
1kv 2 kk HP
113 Tibets Pride`s Drop Dead Gorgeous S63556/2003 2003-10-19
E: Tibets Pride´s Pride and Prejuduce Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka
U: Tibets Pride´s Lousy Looser Äg: Ulrika Ovring
Kritik; Big size,
very big large head, show a bit of white round the eyes. I would like the under
jaw a bit larger, good bone, could be straighter in front, very good chest,
well angulated behind, slightly long in loin for the moment, very good texture,
the tail is abit flat on the move, moves ok for a puppy.
1 kv oplacerad kk
114 Tibets
Pride´s Speak´n Spell S11428/2004 2003-11-20
E: Such Tibets Pride´s After the Beep Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka
U: Quatro Zampes Rhapsody in Love Äg: Weche Nordström
Kritik; Boy on the
big size, beautiful head large, good nose placement, I would like under jaw a
bit larger, good bone and front, good shoulderplacement and chest, well
angulated behind, tail set a it low and tail a bit short, very nice texture og
coat, tail is to flat on the back, moves ok front and rear.
1 kv oplacerad kk.
Valpklass Tikar 4-6 mån
115 Dolly S16020/2004 2004-01-05
E: Jade Hill´s Ginko
Bilboa Uppf. Katherina Stjernlöf,
U Ronja Äg. Katharine Stjernlöf
Kritik; On the big
size, nice head large, good nose placement, good jaw, good front and bone, she
could be more angulated in front, good chest, well angulated, good chest, well
angulated behind, good tail set, very good texture of coat, still very soft
behind, needs to muscle, she looks a little bit long in loin on the move.
1 kv placerad kv
116 Jade Hill´s Jumpin'Over Puddles S19012/2004 2004-02-02
E: Norduch Spovens So
Smart Play Uppf. Tanja Karbacka
Edvinson, Göteborg
U Jade
Hill´s Viola Bambini Äg. Susanne Strandberg
Kritik; Very ice
shape, pretty head and eyes, but I don’t like the toung out, bone enough, good
shoulder placement and chest, well angulated behind, nice texture of coat,
moves alright for a baby, nice balance.
1 kv placerad kv
117 Khe-San´s
Zhara Leander S19913/2004 2004-01-27
E: Multich MultiW Khe-San´s Zim-Zala-Bim Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen,
U Tangse Lily Äg. Maria &
Antonio Sanches
Kritik; Good size
an d shape, she could have a slightly bigger head, but nicely round good dark
eye, good placement, good jaw, good jaw, good bone and front, could have a bit
more neck, very good chest, could be slightly more angulated behind, very nice
tail set, very good coat texture, very well balanced puppygait.
1 kv 3 kk HP
118 Khe-San´s
Zhe- Lin S19912/2004 2004-01-27
E: Multich MultiW Khe-San´s Zim-Zala-Bim Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen,
U Tangse Lily Äg. Ulla Graas
Kritik; Nice shape
and size, head could be slightly larger, nice dark eyes, good nose placement,
nostrils could be more open, jaw ok, good bone, good front, nice neck, good
chest, ok in angulations behind, good tail set, very good texture of coat,
moves well up an d down, balance will come as she grows.
1 kv R kk
119 Khe-San´s
Zin Go Alla S19910/2004 2004-01-27
E: Multich MultiW Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen,
U Tangse Lily Äg. Eva-Lena
Kritik; Good size
and shape, nice pretty head, nice big dark eyes, very good nose placement, jaw
ok, good bone, good front good shoulder placement, very good chest, well
angulated behind, good tail set, very nice texture of coat, moves well, nice
1 kv 2 kk HP
120 Limapa´s
Cafe´con Leche S18157/2004 2004-02-04
E: Such Lyckobringarens
Wu-Ling-Wong Uppf. Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv
U Khe-San´s Snow Bird Äg. Lillvi Dellgren
Kritik; Nice size,
very pretty head, nice dark eyes, nice noseplacement, careful with to much
undershot, good bone, could be straighter in front, very good, chest, good
neck, alright in angulaition behind, good tail set, very nice texture of coat,
moves well for a baby.
1 kv oplacerad
121 Mismås Laura Biagiotti S18429/2004 2004-01-14
E: Fossella Lap Top Uppf. Birgitta Norström,
U Mismås Midnight Lemon Parfait Äg. Jeanette
Kritik; nice size,
beautiful head with a lot of expression, nice dark eyes, good nose placement,
jaw could be larger, very good bone and front, could have a bit more neck, good
chest, well angulated behind good tail set, nice texture of coat, very nice
1 kv 1kk HP BIM
alp 4-6 mån.
122 Nettlavallens Tova Kippersdotter S25671/2004 2004-02-29
E: Such Dkuch Popey´s Artful Dodger Uppf. Kathleen Berggren,
U Choowo-Liz Alma Äg. Kathleen Berggren
Good size, pretty head slightly small, good dark eyes, a bit long in nose, good
jaw, god bone and front, good chest, well angulated behind, tail set a bit low,
good texture of coat, moves well behind and front, nice balance over all.
1 kv oplacerad kk
123 Ziams
Where Does Rosie Go S15836/2004 2004-01-17
E: Ziams Calvin Kleine Uppf. L-A Bergqvist, Åsa
U Ziams The Red Label Äg. Eva Bodin
Kritik; Good size
and shape, nice head with pretty expression, good dark eyes, good jaw, could
have a bit more neck, god bone, could be a bit straighter in front, good chest,
could be slightly more angulated behind, very good texture of coat, tail is a
bit to flat on the back, moves well.
1 kv 4 kk HP
Tikar 6-9 mån
124 Dream-Cheri´s Aaliyaha S13428/2004 2003-12-27
E: Tipsy-Toe´s Short Cut Uppf.: Kate Johannesson,V:a Frölunda
U: Dream-Cheri´s Lil´Kim Äg: Marianne Nolfalk
Kritik; On the big size, nice round head, good dark eyes, good nose
placement and good jaw, nice front and bone, could have a bit more chest, could
have a bit more angulations behind, nice texture of coat, moves well behind
puppy gait.
1 kv 4 kk HP
125 Dream-Cheri´s Beyoncé S13426/2004 2003-12-27
E: Tipsy-Toe´s Short Cut Uppf.: Kate Johannesson,V:a Frölunda
U: Dream-Cheri´s Lil´Kim Äg: Kate Johannesson
Kritik; Good size,
nice round head, good eyes, nose is a bit long, good bone a d front, good shoulder,
very nice chest, could have more angulations behind, very nice texture of coat,
nice colour, good tail set, good movement front and rear, good balance with
good top line.
1 kv 2 kk HP
126 Shu-Ling XinXin S15844/2004 2003-12-29
E: Norduch Tangse Diamonds Gun Uppf.: Yvette Schöneman, Mölnlycke
U: Jade Hill´s Esmeralda Äg: Hanna Johansson
On the big size, big round head, good eyes, could be more refine in head, good
jaw, very good bone and front, good shoulder placement, very good chest, very
well angulated behind, good coat texture, puppygait.
1 kv R kk
127 Tema Canis Style of Pride S13914/2004 2003-12-28
E: Tibets Pride´s A la Bonheur Uppf.: Carina Eriksson, Kungsbacka
U: Tibets Pride´s Unanimous Decision Äg: Marie Persson
Kritik; Good size,
big large head, large eyes, good nose placement, very good jaw, good bone, she
could be a bit tighter, good chest, well angulated behind, good chest, well
angulated behind, good tailset, very nice texture, nice balance, a bit soft
behind still.
1 kv 3 kk HP
128 Tibets Pride´s Licorice Drop S63558/2003 2003-10-19
E: Tibets Pride´s Pride and Prejudice Uppf.: Margareta
Hansen, Anneberg
U: Tibets Pride´s Lousy Looser Äg: Margareta Hansen
Kritik; Very nice
shape, large big head, good nose placement, very nice expression, under jaw
could be a bit larger, good bone and front, I like the reach of neck, nice
chest and shoulder placement, well angulations behind, good tail set, moved
well, tail could be higher to give a bit more balance.
1kv 1 kk HP BIM
valp 6-9 mån.
BIR 4-6 mån BIM 4-6 mån
_________________ _________________
BIR 6-9 mån BIM 6-9 mån
_________________ _________________
1 Carnatangs Legolas S54448/2003 2003-08-23
E: Il
Pericolos Big Boss Uppf. Eva Cardell, Älvängen
U: Glimtens Grace Äg. Eva Cardell
Kritik: Good size,
large big head, good nose placement, eyes could be darker, good jaw, good bone,
good front, ok for shoulder, very good chest, nice top line standing could be
slightly more angulated behind, nice tail set, very good coat texture and
condition, needs more drive, good front movement, tail is a bit flat on the
1 kv oplacerad kk
2 Khe-San´s
Jerry Williams S50235/2003 2003-07-27
E: MultiCh MultiW Khe-San´s Zim Zala-Bim Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad
U: Linbackens Gingerbread Heart Äg. Gunilla Lindberg
Kritik: Nice shape,
nice proportions head to body, large head, nice dark eyes could be bigger, very
good nose placement and jaw, good bone, could be straighter in front, nice
neck, nice shoulder placement, very good chest and top line on the table, nice
tail set, well angulated behind, nice texture and condition, moves with drive.
1 kv 2 kk Ck
3 Khe-San´s
Tom Jones S50234/2003 2003-07-27
E: Multich MultiW Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad
U: Linbackens Gingerbread Heart Äg. Marianne Jonasson
On the bigger size, very nice large head, nice dark eyes, lots of pigment, nice
nose placement, could be a bit larger in under jaw, good bone could be straighter
in front, good neck, good shoulder placement and chest, good top line on the
table, good tail set, well angulated behind, good qualitycoat and condition, nicely
balanced and moves well.
1 kv 1 kk Ck
4 Mismås
Secret Amaretto S45498/2003 2003-06-07
E: Tellenmussukat Uniikki Uppf. Birgitta Norström, Lerum
U: Such Amie-Bell´s Parfait
Amour Äg. Marie Pettersson
Kritik: Nice
size, nice big head, dark eyes, very short nose, very nice jaw-large, very nice
bone and front, nice neck and shoulder, very good chest, could be slightly more
angulated behind, tail set could be higher, tail is
slightly curled makes the tail looks flat on the back.
1 kv R kk
5 Mismås
Taste of Amaretto S45497/2003 2003-06-07
E: Tellenmussukat Uniikki Uppf. Birgitta Nordström, Lerum
U: Such Amie-Bell´s Pafait Amour Äg. Anita Edring
Kritik: On the big size, beautiful head, good dark eyes, very nice
nose placement, good bone, could be straighter in front, nice neck, nice shoulder
place, very big chest, could be slightly more angulated behind, very nice tail
set witch makes a balance, nice coat and texture.
1 kv 3 kk Ck
6 Phe-Khan´s
Lord Diamond S42067/2003 2003-05-08
E: Norduch Tangse Diamond Gun Uppf. Petra Karlsson, V:a Frölunda
U: Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy Äg. Hanna &Petra Karlsson
Kritik: On the big
size, beautiful head, beautiful large dark eyes, very large jaw, good bone,
could be straighter, slightly out of elbow, good neck, nice shoulder placement,
good rib of chest, vell well angulated behind, nice tail set, still a puppy quality of coat but is coming, tail is
a bit flat on the back, but movement ok.
1 kv oplacerad kk
7 Tipsy-Toe´s
Born at The Right Time S34180/2003 2003-04-25
E: MultiCh Ziams Lord of The Dance Uppf. Lena Rehn, Agnesberg
U: Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference Äg. Lena Rehn
Kritik: On the bigger size, large head, expression could be slightly
better, to long nose, jaw ok, good bone, could be straighter in front, nice
neck, nice shoulder and chest, alright in angulation, nice tail set, still
puppytexture, but nice condition, moves well, could have a softer expression.
1 kv 4 kk HP
Unghundsklass Hanar
8 Dream-Cheri´s Snoop Dogg S20161/2003 2003-02-16
E Such
Nellie-Nette´s Callypso Uppf. Kate Johannesson, V:a
U: Such Nellie-Nette´s Dream Cheri Äg. Kate Johannesson
Kritik; Nice size,
pretty head and expression with big dark eyes, good nose placement, very nice
jaw, good bone and front, good neck, nice shoulder placement, good ribcage,
nice top line on the table, could have a
bit more angulations behind, very nice tails et, very nice texture and
condition, nice drive nice top line.
1 kv 2 kk Ck
9 Fossella Kama Sutra S13060/2003 2002-12-07
E Santosha Midnight Caller Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup
U: Norduch KBHV03 Fossella
Smell of Chanel Äg. Bodil Olsson
Kritik;Good size, well balanced, nice big head, big eyes, slightly
on the side, very good nose placement and very good jaw, good bone, could be
straighter in front, good neck and shoulder placement, very nice chest, good
top line standing, could do with a bit more angulations behind, perfect tail
set, good texture and beautiful condition, very nice siluette of S-T, moved
well with drive, could carry his head prouder on the move.
1 kv 1 kk Ck
10 Shu-Ling
Zuperman S24745/2003 2003-03-10
E MultiCh
MultiW Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim Uppf. Yvette Schönemann,
U: Lady Chima´s Rising Sun Äg. Hasti Naderifar
Kritik; On the
bigger size, good head, nice darker eyes with good pigment, with a good
expression, nice nose placement, good jaw, teeth could be straighter, good
bone, could be straighter in front, slightly out of elbow, good reach of neck,
angulations ok in front, nice chest, could do with a little more angulations
behind, nice tail set, good texture and condition, moves well, a bit heavy.
1 kv 3 kk HP
11 Tibets
Pride´s Pride and Prejudice S59167/2002 2002-10-21
E Norduch Tangse Diamond Gun Uppf. Margareta Hansen, Anneberg
U: Tibets Pride´s Vanilla
Chicka Äg. Margareta Hansen
God size, nice head, beautiful dark eyes, good nose placement, underjaw could
be larger, good bone and front, good reach of neck, good shoulderplacement,
could be slightly tighter in front, nice chest, could have a bit more
angulation behind, good tailset, A bit dry in coat, in condition, nice balance,
moves correctly.
1 kv 4 kk
Öppenklass Hanar
12 Charity´s Hanky-Panky S51577/99 1999-10-07
E: MultiCh Charity´s Chinese`n Chequers Uppf. Åsa Andersson, Hisings-Kärra
U: Charity´s Dazzling Darling Äg. Lilian Larsson
Kritik; nize size,
slightly long in loin, beautiful head, nice dark eyes big enough, nice nose
placement, very nice jaw, good bone, front could be slightly straighter, nice
reach of neck, very nice shoulder placement, very nice chest, I would like him
slightly shorter in loin, well angulated behind, good tail set, nice coat
texture and condition, moves with drive with nice outline.
1 kv 1 kk Ck 3Bhkl Cert
13 Il Perisolos Big Boss S13738/2001 2001-01-11
E: Norduch Tangse Diamond Gun Uppf. Rita Bokdalen, Fjärås
U: Ziams Obsession Äg. Eva Cardell
Kritik; I like the
shape of this one, nice large head with big eyes, I would like a slightly
shorter nose, under jaw could be larger, good bone and front, nice reach of
neck, nice shoulder placement, good ribcage, could have a bit more angulations
behind, good tail set, good texture of coat and condition, moved well with a
nice outline.
1 kv oplacerad kk
14 Tibets
Pride´s Face The Facts S53283/2001 2001-09-10
E: Multich MultiW Khe-San Zim Zala Bim Uppf. Margareta Hansen,
U: Tibets Pride´s Love Call Äg. Margareta Hansen
Nice size and shape, well proportioned between head and body, beautiful large
head. Eye could be slightly darker, very good
nose placement and jaw, nice bone and good front, good shoulder placement, good
chest, carries a bit to much weight, could do with a bit more angulations
behind very good tail set, very good texture of coat and condition. I like his
shape. Beautiful balance, moves well could be slightly more dynamic.
1 kv 2 kk Ck 4 Bhkl
15 Tibets
Pride´s Viewpoint S44626/2000 2000-06-24
E: Norduch Zansaw´s My point of view Uppf. Margareta Hansen,
U: Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call Äg. Ulrika Ovring
On the bigger size, slightly long in loin, nice head, eyes could be bigger but
they are dark nice, nice nose placement, could be slightly bigger in under jaw,
good bone, front could be straighter, slightly out of elbow, good chest, good
neck and good shoulder, slightly soft in top line on the table, could do with
more angulations behind, good tail set, good coat texture and condition, moved
1 kv oplaceradkk
16 Tipsy
Toe´s Short Cut S31945/2001 2001-04-18
E: Norduch Jardhu The Clansman Uppf. Lena Rehn, Agnesberg
U: Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference Äg. Lena Rehn
Nice shape and size, nice head round big with dark nice eyes, good nose
placement, slightly to much undershot, very good bone and front, good reach of
neck, good shoulder, good chest, could do with a bit more angulations behind,
nice tail set, very nice coat and condition. A bit
soft behind, needs more drive.
1 kv 4 kk Ck
17 Tipsy Toe´s Traveling Man S13885/2002 2002-01-01
E: Norduch Jardhu The Clansman Uppf. Lena Rehn, Agnesberg
U: Such Tibets Pride´s Visibel Difference Äg. Yvonne Stenberg
Kritik; On the
bigger size well balanced, big head, maskulin, good nose placement, nice dark
eyes, oriental look, alright for the mouth, good bone and front, good neck,
good shoulder placement, good chest, could do with a bit more angulations, nice
texture and condition, good tailset, moves ok, but needs to settle, needs to
push more from behind.
1 kv R kk
18 Zansaw´s
Do You Wanna Dance S37428/2001 2001-05-27
E: MultiCh Ziams Lord of The Dance Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen
U: Norduch Ziams I´m a Maneater Äg. Ulla Olsson
Kritik; God size,
nice big round head, good dark eyes, nose placement ok, could be slightly
shorter, scissor bite not mine favourite for Shih-Tzu’s, good bone, good front,
ok in chest, could be longer, nice angulations behind, tail set a bit low, but
carries it well, good condition for it’s texture, tail is a bit flat on the
2 kv
19 Zansaw´s
E-Type S56200/2001 2002-09-24
E: MultiCh Mai-Tai´s Zir Wi-Lee-Am Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen
U: Zansaw´s Scarlet O´Hara Äg. Bittan Börjesson
nice size and shape, nice eyes, very good nose placement, good jaw, good bone,
could be straighter in front, ok neck, nice chest, enough angulations behind,
good tailset, I like the quality of the coat, good texture and condition, nice
balance, moves well with drive.
1 kv 3 kk ck
20 Zansaw´s
One Hell of a Guy S44218/2002 2002-06-07
E: Such Zansaw´s Casanova Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen
U: Fly-Bie´s Piece of my Heart Äg. Tarja Andersson
Kritik; Correct
size, very pretty expression, he could have slightly bigger head for his size,
nice nose placement, good jaw, good bone, good front, slightly soft on pastern,
good chest, could have a bit more angulations behind, tail set a bit low, good
texture, moves ok.
1 kv oplacerad kk
21 Norduch Intuch
Chinese´N Chequers S46467/97 1997-08-03
E: Such Emrose Sune Chimney Sweep Uppf. Åsa Andersson, Hising-Kärra
U Multich Charity´s All For My Heart Äg. Åsa Andersson
Kritik; Very nice
shape, beautiful head, beautiful eyes, nice nose placement, large mouth, good
jaw, nice neck, good shoulder, nice ribcage, could do with a bit more weight,
well angulated behind, nice texture and condition, moves with drive,nice toplin,
nice balance.
2 kk Ck 2 Bhkl
22 Such
Champ S26877/2002 2002-03-21
E: Fannica´s Häftiga Harald Uppf. S & B Hansson, Henån
U Tangse Ninja Äg. Susanne Hansson
Kritik; On the
bigger size, nice character, big head, nice dark eyes, good nose placement,
good jaw, but slightly to much undershot, good bone, could be straighter in
front, good neck, good shoulder placement, good body, good chest, enough
angulations behind, good tail set, very nice quality coat and condition,
slightly long in loin, moves ok.
oplacerad kk Ck
23 Such
Talking in My Sleep S14753/2000 2000-01-02
E: Such Tsantha Devil May Dare Uppf. Bodil Fossenius,Skurup
U Ginnie von Savaredo Äg. Inger Eriksson
Kritik; Nice shape
and balance, nice head, eyes could be darker, good nose placemnet, very good
jaw, good front and bone, good reach of neck, good shoulder placement, good
chest, good topline in the table, alright in angulations, good texture and
condition, moved well with drive:
oplacerad kk Ck
24 Intuch
Norduch Finuch
Rock A Gil News S55844/97 1997-11-08
E: MultiCh Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad
U Multich Khe-San Twice as Nice Äg. Lillvi Dellgren
Kritik; Deltog ej
25 MultiCh MultiW
Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim S30354/97 1997-04-28
E: Such SPAuch Ista´s Look Out Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen,
U Tangse O´Pretty Sue Ellen Äg. Eva-Lena Sönksen
Kritik; Nice shape
and balance, beautiful head, good eyes colour, good nose placement, god jaw,
good bone and good front, good reach of neck, a good shoulder placement, well
angulated behind, a bit soft in top line, very nice tail set and carriage, very
nice coat and condition, a bit tired today on the move, but a worthy champion.
R kk Ck
26 Intuch
Norduch Nuch
Chima´s Oriental Cool to Bee S17306/99 1999-01-12
E: MultiCh Khe San´s Cool Porter Uppf. Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors
U Lady Chima´s Elisabeth Taylor Äg. Birgitta Hallengren
Kritik; Nice shape
and size, big round head, nose could be slightly up, good mouth, good bone,
good front, nice neck, slightly straight in shoulders, good chest, good topline
on the table, could have a bit more angulations behind, nice tailset, very nice
coattexture and condition, moves with drive behind, tail should be more further
on the back.
oplacerad kk Ck
27 Such
Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy S10349//2001 2000-11-20
E: MultiCh Tangse Quick step To Vegas Uppf. Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors
U Hashanah Love At First Sight Äg. Birgitta Hallengren
Nice shape and size, beautiful head, big dark eyes, nice nose placement, nice
mouth and jaw, good bone, good front, could be tighter in elbow, good chest,
nice top line on the table, enough angulations, nice tail set and carriage,
very nice texture and condition. I would like a bit
more dynamic, but a nice dog.
4 kk Ck
28 Such
Callypso S23025/2001 2001-02-26
E: Norduch KBHV-99-01 Nellie-Nette´s Tristram Uppf. Anette Nelhage,
U MultiCh KBHV -99 NV-01-02 Babrings Josefine
Baker Äg. Lena Ekstrand
Kritik; Nice size
and shape, good maskuline head, beatiful eyes, good nose, good jaw, good bone,
could be straighter in front, good reach of neck, good shoulders placement,
good ribcage, good topline on the table, well angulated behind, nice tailset
and carriage, very nice texture and condition, very nice balance, moves ok.
3 kk Ck R Bhkl
29 Norduch
Ta Maria Stardust S41514/2003 2001-04-06
E: Finuch Estuch Mintzun Lots of Fun Uppf. A. & M. Laaksonen, Finland
U Norduch Ta Maria Angel Dust Äg. Mall Wallengren
Kritik; On the big size but well balances, big maskulin head, could
be shorter in nose, slightly to much undershot, good bone and chest, ok in
angulations behind, good tail set and carriage, nice coat and suberb condition,
moved cerrecly, needs more drive.
oplacerad kk CK
30 Norduch
Diamond Gun S15699/99 1998-12-02
E: Nuch Sfuch Tangse Wiseguy Uppf. Rose Åkersten,Sollentuna
U Such Finuch Bågas Columbin Äg. Hans & Annicka Eriksson
Kritik; Beautiful
shape, beatiful maskulin head with nice dark eyes, good nose placement, good
jaw, beautiful bone and front, excellent shoulder and neck, good ribcage, I
like the proportions head to body, could have a but more angulations behind,
nice tail set, beautiful texture and condition, moved well. Beautiful
1 kk Ck 1 Bhkl BIR
Veteranklass Hanar
31 Intuch Norduch SV-99
Ziams Mad Max S57397/91 1991-09-21
E Intuch Such Nuch Sonobra Leader of the pack Upp L-A Bergqvist, Åsa
U: MultiCh Ziams Christmas Joy Äg. Gunnel Andersson
Kritik; In suberb
condition for his age with beautiful head, superjaw, good bone nicereach of
neck, still body up, nice angulations.
1 kk Ck
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
1 2 3 4 R
Juniorklass Tikar
32 Babrings Evangelista S33437/2003 2003-04-10
E MultiCh
Tibet Pride´s Don Juan De Marco Uppf. Barbro Kärnbrink, Partille
U: Babrings Kim Novak Äg. B. Andersson
Kritik; Good size
and shape, good head I would like bigger eyes, nose placement ok, correct
mouth, good bone, correct in shoulder, good chest, could be more angulated
behind, correct tail set, quality coat is coming, good with condition, moves
correctly, slightly drop on the shoulders when moving.
1 kv 3 kk
33 Carnatangs Eowyn S54447/2003 2003-08-23
E Il
Pericolos Big Boss Uppf. Eva Cardell, Älvängen
U: Glimtens Grace Äg. Marie Asplund
Kritik;Small size,
pretty head could be slightly bigger, nice eyes, the under jaw could be larger,
good bone and front, could have a better front and shoulder placement, a bit
skinny at the moment, a bit straight behind, tail set a bit low, good
texture, condition enough, the tail is a
bit flat.
34 Il Pericolos Cat Balloo S33440/2003 2003-04-20
E Such Nuch Nellie-Nette´s Callypso Uppf. Rita Bokdalen, Fjärås
U: Norduch NordV-03 Il
Pericolos Al-Ina Äg. Susanne
Kritik; good size,
pretty head, nice dark eyes, good nose placement and mouth, good bone and
front, good neck, shoulder and chest, good tail set, enough angulations behind,
coat texture ok, condition enough, moves well, she is a bit soft behind.
1 kv oplacerad kk
35 Jade Hill´s Mocca Latte S39215/2003 2003-05-01
E Such Dkuch Popey´s Artful Dodger Uppf. Tanja Karbacka
Edvinsson, Göteborg
U: Jade Hill´s Maya
Karisma Äg. Tanja Karbacka Edvinsson
Kritik; Nice size,
head could be slightly larger, beautiful eyes, good nose placement but slightly
long, mouth correct, good bone and front, good neck, shoulder and chest, to
straight in backend wich makes loin higher, tail set low, good texture and
condition, alright for the balance, moved correctly.
1 kv oplacerad kk
36 Max Gardens Princess Viktoria S43222/2003 2003-06-06
E Such Ziams Great Balls of fire Uppf. Gunnel Andersson, Onsala
U: Li-Lai´s Eye Catching Beauty Äg. Gunnel Andersson
Kritik; deltog ej
37 Mismås Cotton Candy S45495/2003 2003-06-07
E Tellenmussukat Unniikki Uppf. Birgitta Norström,
U: Such Amie-Bell´s
Parfait Amour Äg. Birgitta Norström
Very nice size and shape, well proportioned between head and body, pretty head,
beautiful dark eyes, good nose placement, under jaw could be slightly larger
but she has the oriental look, good bone and front, nice neck, shoulder &
ribcage, could do with a bit more angulations behind, nice tail set and
carriage, nice coat and condition, moves alright, nice balance.
1 kv 1 kk Ck
38 Phe-Khan´s Lady Aquarella S42068/2003 2003-05-08
E Norduch Tangse Diamond Gun Uppf. Petra Karlsson, V:a Frölunda
U: Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy Äg. Hanna &Petra Karlsson
Kritik;Good size,
slightly long in loin, pretty head, large with nice dark eyes, good nose
placement and jaw, good bone and front, nice neck, shoulder, could have a bit
more chest, well angulated behind, good tail set, good coat is coming and
condition, moves with drive, nice topline on the move.
1 kv R kk
39 Quatro Zampe´s La Veniziana S59245/2003 2003-09-24
E Quatro Zampe´s PS I Love You Uppf. Wally Mazzo, Hyssna
U: Bigg Sann´s Black-Dutchess Äg. Marina Johansson
Kritik; Nice size
and shape, well proportioned head to body, pretty head, eyes could be darker
for a black & white, but dark enough, good nose placement and very good
jaw, good bone & very good front, good shoulder placement, could be
slightly more angulated in front, good chest, with angulations behind, good
tail set, nice coat & condition, could have a bit more drive, nice balance.
1 kv 2 kk Ck, Vinnare av Lundehills Vp
40 Tema Canis Rocksteady Love S45488/2003 2003-06-11
E Tibets Pride´s A la Bonheur Uppf. Carina Eriksson, Kungsbacka
U: Tema Canis Flash of Victory Äg. Carina Eriksson
Kritik; Nice size
and shape, head could be slightly bigger for the body, she could have a bit
more scull, nice eyes, good nose placement, under jaw could be larger, good
bone and excellent front, good chest and shoulder, good angulations behind,
good tail set and carriage, moved well with drive, good balance.
1kv 4 kk
41 Tipsy-Toe´s
Big Illusion S34183/2003 2003-04-25
E MultiCh Ziams Lord of the Dance Uppf. Lena Rehn, Agnesberg
U: Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference Äg. Inger Klingberg
Kritik;Good size, pretty face a bit small, could have darker eyes,
nice nose placement and jaw, good bone, front, could be more angulated in
front, good chest, slightly out of elbow, a bit straight behind witch makes top
line dip in front, good tail set, good texture, condition enough, tail is a bit short and to
flat on the back, moves like a baby.
2 kv
Unghundsklass Tikar
42 Charity´s Kicks of Kisses S53268/2002 2002-09-11
E: NorduchTa Maria Stardust Uppf. Åsa Andersson,
U: Charity´s It´s Love Again Äg. Thyra Albrektsson
Kritik; Nice shape
and size, pretty head large with big dark eyes, good nose placement, lacks a
bit of pigment, good mouth, could be larger, beautiful shape, good bone, could
be a bit straighter in front, good neck, good shoulder placement, very good
chest, a bit fat, could do with a bit more angulations, nice tail set and
carriage, nice coat in superb condition, beautiful shape and balance, moved
1 kv 1 kk Ck
43 Limapa´s
Vanilla News S15746/2003 2003-01-14
E: MultiCh Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News Uppf. Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv
U: Norduch Nuch Yú Tai´s One Vanila Girl Äg. Lillvi Dellgren
Kritik; Good size,
slightly long in loin, pretty head, nice dark eyes, good nose placement, good
jaw, good bone, good front, could be tighter on elbow, good angulations behind,
nice chest, nice quality coat and condition, does not carry her tail correctly
but like a candle on the move.
2 kv
44 Lyckobringarens
Ce-Linh S22960/2003 2003-02-16
E: Tibets Pride´s Face the Fact Uppf. Margrethe Svendsén,
U: Lyckobringarens X-Otic Lotus Äg. Margrete
Kritik; Nice shape
and size, pretty head nice large dark eyes, good nose placement, vert good jaw,
good front and bone, good shoulders, neck and ribcage, could have a bit more angulations
behind, nice tail set good coat and condition, the right balance, tail could be
a bit more positive.
1 kv oplacerad kk.
45 Lyckobringarens Cin-De-Rella S22962/2003 2003-02-16
E: Tibets Pride´s Face The Fact Uppf. Margrethe Svendsen, Sandhult
U: Lyckobringarens X-Otic Lotus Äg. Marja-Liisa
Kritik; Good size,
slightly long in loin, correct head, with good eye, nose could be slightly
shorter, mouth correct, very nice character, bone enough, good front, good neck
could be a bit more angulated in front, good chest could have more angulations
in behind, tail set is a bit low, good texture and condition, slightly paddling
in front, but balanced.
1 kv 4 kk
46 Quatro
Zampe´s Fragola S25722/2003 2003-02-24
E: Tipsy Toe´s Traveling Man Uppf. Wally Mazzo, Hyssna
U: Quatro Zampe´s Polka Äg. Yvonne Stenberg
Kritik;Nice shape,
very good proportioned head and body, nice eyes, good nose placement, level
bite large enough, still got a chin, very good front and bone, nice reach of
neck and front angulations, could have a bit more chest and angulations behind,
nice tail set and carriage, good coat and condition, moved well with a nice
1 kv 2 kk Ck
47 Quatro
Zampe´s Nutella S23577/2003 2003-11-02
E: Quatro Zampe´s PS I Love You Uppf. Vally Mazzo,Hyssna
U: Big Sann´s Black Dutchess Äg. Birgitta Sandersson
Kritik; On the
bigger size looks slightly masculine, but nice shape, sweet expression, good
eye colour, good teeth, good front and bone, could have a bit more angulations
in front, good chest, alright hind angulations nice coat and condition a bit
soft in top line, moves ok, could have a bit more dynamism.
1 kv R kk
48 NordJv-
03 Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim S24746/2003 2003-03-10
E: MultiCh MultiW Khe-San Zim Zala Bim Uppf. Yvette Schöneman, Mölnlycke
U: Lady Chima´s Rising Sun Äg. Yvette SchönemanN
Kritik; Good size,
good head, nice eyes, nose could be slightly more turn-up, very good jaw, good
front and bone, fantastic chest, well angulated in front, could be more in
back, good tail set, good texture, colour and condition, moves with drive and
the right balance, slightly drop in front.
1 kv 3 kk HP
Öppenklass Tikar
49 Amie-Belle Mesi Marja S20258/98 1998-01-02
E Such Amie-Belle Ama-Rillo Uppf. Elisabeth Pettersson, Skärhamn
U: Norduch Fossella Copy
Cat Äg. Elisabeth Pettersson
Kritik; Nice shape
and size, very nice head, good eye, good jaw, good bone and front, nice neck,
well angulated front, good chest and top line, well angulations behind, good
tail set and carriage, good coat and condition, moves well.
1 kv 3 kk Ck
50 Choowo-Liz Alma S49804/99 1999-09-08
E Choowo-Liz Mazzetti Uppf. Liz Larsson, Barbro
Ahl, Ellös
U: Linbackens Hot´n Dark
Gossip Äg. Kathleen Berggren
Kritik; A bit high on leg, good head, nice dark eye, good nose
placement a bit down, nice jaw, good front and bone, nice neck, well angulated
front and back, balanced nice coat and condition, tail set could be higher but
carried well, moves well a bit slow.
1 kv oplaerad kk
51 Choowo-liz Prinsessan Augusta S56203/2001 2001-10-23
E Fannica´s Häftiga Harald Uppf. Liz Larsson Barbro Ahl,Ellös
U: Linbackens Hot´n Dark
Gossip Äg. Monica Sporre
Kritik; Beautiful
bitch, size and shape and head, pretty face, dark eyes, very nice nose
placement, nice jaw, good bone and front, good reach of neck, well angulated
front and back, very nice proportion head to body, good tail set, beautiful texture
and superb condition, moves with drive, nice balance.
1 kv 1 kk Ck 2 Btkl Cert
52 Collshows Chira S26881/2002 2002-03-21
E Fannica´s Häftiga Harald Uppf. Susanne & Britta
U: Tangse Ninja Äg. Susanne Hansson
Kritik; Nice size,
nice head with nice eyes, good nose placement, under jaw could be larger, good
bone and front, good chest, well angulated behind, good texture and enough
condition. What a pitty she does not carries her tail.
2 kv
53 Country Flowers Malva Rosea S21079/2002 2002-02-06
E Österlyckans Prins Carl Uppf. Gro Andersson,
U: Butterfly Äg. Taina Samuelsson
Kritik; Nice size,
slightly long in loin, pretty head, would like datker eyes, but they are round
and big, good nose placement, good jaw, good front and bone, good angulations
in front could have more in rear, chest could be longer and loin shorter, good
tail set, could be higher, nice texture of coat and superb condition, she moves
1 kv R kk
54 Fossella People will Talk S49502/2001 2001-05-08, very good nose
E Shih-moon´s Mr Clinton of Carjan Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup
U: Fossella Smile a While Äg. Jeanette Thornberg
Kritik; Good size
slightly long in loin, pretty head with a nice expression, nice eye, large
enough, placement, correct jaw, good bone and front, nice neck & shoulder
placement, good chest, enough angulations in loin, good tail set, well carried,
good texture enough condition, moves alright, would like a bit more drive
behind, nicely balanced.
1 kv oplacerad kk
55 Lac-Me´s Place in your heart N20708/99 1999-08-28
E Tigerbay´s Skipper worse Uppf. Merete Baraa Sissel Haugnes,Norge
U: Nuch Shieriko´s Nina Ricci Äg. Tor & Elin B.Nordvang
Kritik;nice size
and shape, a bit low to the floor, pretty head with feminine expression, eyes
seems ok, good nose placement, very good jaw, good bone could be straighter and
tighter in front, a bit out in elbow, good chest, could have a bit more
angulation behind, nice tail set, drops slightly in top line, moves with drive.
1 kv 4 kk
56 Linbackens Gingerbread Heart S37925/2000 2000-04-26
E MultiCh Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff Uppf. Barbro Stensson, Höga
U: Linbackens Gingerbread
Gossip Äg. Eva-Lena Sönksen
Kritik; Good size
and shape, pretty head, nice dark eyes, good nose placement could be a bit
larger in under jaw, good bone and front, good reach of neck, nice chest is
round but could be longer, nicely angulated behind, good tai set and carriage,
well proportioned, good coat and condition, nicely balanced, moves alright with
enough drive.
1 kv 2 kk Ck R Btkl
57 Phe-Kan´s Bianca Nera S36342/2002 2002-04-27
E Norduch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers Uppf. Petra Karlsson, V:a
U: Tangse Lily Äg. Ing-Marie Ödman
Kritik; Good size a
bit low on the floor, good round head, eyes are ok, nose placement and mouth
good, good bone, front could be straighter, good shoulder placement and chest,
could have a bit more angulations behind, tail set could be a bit higher but
well carried, in good coat and condition, moves alright, needs more enthusiasm.
1 kv oplacerad kk
58 Quatro
Zampe´s Isolde S42263/2002 2002-05-30
E Quatro Zampe's Ps I Love You Uppf. Vally Mazzo, Hyssna
U: Quatro Zampe's Little Red Bonett Äg. Elisabeth Sandersson
Kritik; Good size,
small head for her size, eyes could be darker, mouth correct, could be larger,
good front and bone, could have a bit more neck and angulations in front,
correct chest, could do with a bit more angulations behind, top line is still
soft on the table, nice tail set, the right texture but not totally in condition,
very close and soft behind.
2 kv
59 Sankara´s Absolutely Georgious S20546/2002 2002-02-08
E Zansaw´s Coffee ´n´ Cream Uppf. Ingela Schönström,
U: Sankara´s Secret-Very
Well Kept Äg. Cim & I Schönström
Kritik; Good
size, correct head with nice eyes, muzzle is a bit narrow, and slightly to much
undershot, good bone, but could be tighter in front, out in elbow, good chest,
nearly fat, well angulated behind, nice tail set, good texture of coat, drops
top line in front on the move, moves correctly.
2 kv
60 Tibets Pride´s On a Bed of roses S36340/2002 2002-05-10
E MultiCh Ziams Lord of the Dance Uppf. Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka
U: Tibets Pride´s Indian
Love Call Äg. Carina Eriksson
Kritik; Good size
and shape, head a bit small compared to the body, eyes could be bigger, good
nose placemnet, very good jaw, good bone and front, nice neck, well angulated
in front, good chest, could do with more angulation behind, nice tail set and
carriage, nice texture and condition, moved ok, enough drive & balance,
slightly paddling in front.
1 kv oplacerad kk
66 Multich
Charity´s All For My Heart S59268/94 1994-09-23
E Such Shanel`s Klassy Kid Uppf. Åsa Andersson, Hisings-Kärra
U: Such Khe-San Keep Me In Love Äg. Åsa Andersson
Kritik; Beautiful
shape and size, beautiful head, good front and bone, nicely proportioned,
correct angulations front and back, good chest, super condition for her age
& coat, top line, condition, good balance moves with rive, well balanced.
1 kk Ck 3Btkl,
Bästa Veteran
67 Such Nuch
Filippa S66306/90 1990-10-18
E Nico Uppf. Christer Reimer, St
U: Speked´s Dear Diana Äg. Carina Öhman
Kritik; In superb condition for her age, pretty little head, good
eyes, nose and jaw, good bone, well angulated in front, needs more behind, good
chest, still in proportion, still in condition, very well balanced good mover
for 14.
2 kk Ck
68 Norduch
Fossella Copy Cat S12821/95 1994-11-27
E Norduch Skånehedens Pale Rider Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup
U: Such Jessame´s Lagacy
Li-Jen Äg. Elisabeth Pettersson
Kritik; On the big size, pretty head large and round nice eye, nice
nose placement and jaw, lot of bone, could be tighter and down on pastern,
correctly angulations both ways, top line a bit soft, superb condition with
beautiful texture, very well balanced, move with drive.
R kk Ck
69 Intuch Norduch SV-02
Fossella Dish of the Day S57937/96 1996-10-30
E Such Rosaril Takes One To Know One Uppf. Bodil Fossenius,
U: Fossella Tickle Me Äg. Bodil Olsson
Kritik; Nice shape,
pretty head, nice eyes & nose, mouth could be larger especially under jaw,
good bone, could be tighter, good reach of neck, well angulated front, good
chest, enough behind could do with more, nice tail set and carriage, nice
texture and condition, nicely balance need a bit more dynamism.
4 kk Ck
Jade Hill´s Suzie-Q S43027/1996 1996-06-05
E Amch
Such Cara-Tzu Southern Gentleman Uppf. Tanja Karbacka
Edvinsson, Göteborg
U: Quatro Zampe´s Felicia Äg. Tanja Karbacka
Kritik;Deltog ej
71 Finuch JeuW-97 KbhvJV-97 Norduch
Dreams About Cocktails S47641/96 1996-07-16
E Such Khe-San´s Think Twice Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad
U: MultiCh Khe-San´s Call Me Madame Äg. Eva-Lena Sönksen
Kritik; Nice shape
and size, nice head dark eyes, good jaw, good front and bone, upper arm could
be straighter, good chest a bit soft in top line, nicely angulated front an back,
good tail set, very nice texture and condition, nicely balanced, loose a bit
top line on the move.
3 kk Ck
Such Nellie-Nette´s Dream of Cheri S32386/97 1997-04-10
E Such
Nuch Intuch Babring´s Tom-Jones Uppf. Anette Nelhage, Landvetter
U: Such Pej-Tang´s Cheri Äg. Kate Johannesson
Kritik; Deltog ej
Kennel Charity´s
Kritik; Very nice lot all in perfect condition with true type and true
Bästa Uppfödargrupp
Kennel Fossella
Kritik; true breed type maybe slightly longer in type all over but
beautiful type and condition.
Kennel Khe-San´s
You could see what breeder are looking for and she
must carry
on with that.
Kennel Quatro Zampe´s
Kritik; Deltog ej
Kennel Tibets Pride´s
Kritik; Deltog ej
Kennel Tipsy Toe´s
Kritik; Deltog ej
Kennel Zansaw´s
Kritik; Deltog ej
25 Multich MultiW Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim
Kritik;Very homogenique in type head and shape. It is a true
Shih-Tzu type
Bästa Avelsgrupp
28 Norduch Tangse Diamond Gun
The Sire is fantastic but I would like more homogen
type in head and shape on the puppies.
73 Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference
Kritik; Deltog Ej
74 MultiCh Ziams Lord of
the Dance
Kritik; Deltog Ej