Valpklass Hanar 4-6 mån







101     Aksu Love Me For Ever  S19246/2004      f.040118

           e: Santosha Midnight Caller             

           u: Aksu Run To Me                                               

           Uppf: Anita Edring Skivarp

           Äg: Mirjam Angerman Degerberga

          Nice little male a little on the big side.Nice coat.Good dark eyes.Outgoing personality.

          1 valpkl Hp


Valpklass Tikar 4-6 mån





102   Mismås Dalimania      S18428/2004  f.20040114

          e: Fossella Lap Top    

          u: Mismås Midnight Lemon Parfait

          Uppf: Birgitta Norström Lerum                                 

          Äg: Åse Bush Höör 

         A smaller bitch puppy,petite finer boned.Very pretty.A bit reluctant to move.

        3 valpkl


103    Mismås Laura Biagiotti      S18429/2004  f.20040114

          e: Fossella Lap Top    

          u: Mismås Midnight Lemon Parfait

          Uppf: Birgitta Norström Lerum                                 

          Äg: Jeanette Thornberg  Vellinge 

         Very nice.Very feminin.Nice eyes.Nice expression.Very feminin.Jaunty mover.

         1 valpkl Hp Bästa valp 4-6


104   Tema Canis Style Of Pride      S13914/2004  f.031228

          e: Tibets Pride´s A La Bonheur          

          u: Tibets Pride´s Unanimous Decision

          Uppf: Carina Eriksson Kungsbacka                          

          Äg: Marie Persson Rydebäck

          Very animated.Super little bitch.Giving her handler a hard time.Nice tailset.

         2 valpkl Hp


105    Vixax High Hopes      S14958/2004  f.040102

          e: Santosha Midnight Caller              

          u: Vixax Amber

          Uppf: Marie Axelsson Veberöd                                

          Äg: Katja Björkdahl Ljungbyholm

          Kritik saknas



106    Ziams Want To Break Free      S15838/2004  f.040117

          e: Ziams Calvin Kleine 

          u: Ziams The Red Label

          Uppf: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist Åsa                              

          Äg: Lena Rehn Agnesberg

         Nice size,narrow jaw needs time to mature.A clear little puppy.

         4 valpkl



Valpklass Hanar 6-9 mån




107   Limapa´s Billy Butt      S64298/2003  f.031103

          e: Norduch Intuch Finuch Kbhv-03 Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News       

          u: Norduch Nuch Tai´s One Vanila Girl

          Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv                                        

          Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

         Very nice.Lovely face A good tailset.Nice coat.Good size.Very outgoing.Lovely gay mover.

         1 valpkl Hp Bästa valp 6-9  Bis-valp


108    Limapa´s Brad Pitt      S64296/2003  f.031103

          e: Norduch Intuch Finuch Kbhv-03 Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News       

          u: Norduch Nuch Tai´s One Vanila Girl

          Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv                                                             

          Äg: Bengt Dahlskog Arlöv

          Nice size.Well balanced.Good head.Not so good in the mouth.Movements

          very good.Excellent coat.

          2 valpkl


Valpklass Tikar 6-9 mån





109    Limapa´s Betty Boop      S64299/2003  f.031103

          e: Norduch Intuch Finuch Kbhv-03 Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News       

          u: Norduch Nuch Tai´s One Vanila Girl

          Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv                                        

          Äg: Moa Antonsson Sölvesborg

          A pretty little bitch.Very feminine.Mouth not very good.Nice tailset.Moved nicely.

          1 valpkl


Juniorklass Hanar





1        Khe-San´s Tom Jones      S50234/2003  f.030727

          e: Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim          

          u: Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad                          

          Äg: Marianne Jonasson Grycksbo

          Nice mover.A good head.Good dark eye.Mouth could be better.Outgoing

          caracter.The prize because of the mouth.

          2 jkl


2        Mismås Tast Of Amaretto      S45497/2003  f.030607

          e: Tellenmussukat Uniikki                 

          u: Such Amie-Bells Parfait Amour

          Uppf: Birgitta Norström Lerum                                 

          Äg: Anita Edring Skivarp

         Nice head and expression.Nice shape.Good spring of rib.His eyes could

         be darker and bigger.Missing a incisor.

         2 jkl


3        Phe-Khan´s Lord Diamond      S42067/2003  f.030508

          e: Such Nuch Tangse Diamond Gun  

          u: Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy

          Uppf: Petra Karlsson V.Frölunda                             

          Äg: Hannah o Petra Karlsson V.Frölunda

          Nice size and shape.Perfect dentition.Good head.His tail is too tight.Nice eyes.

          Nice expression.Moved nicely.

          1 jkl 1 jkk  Ck Bhkl-3


4        Tipsy-Toe´s Born At The Right Time      S34180/2003  f.030425

          e: Norduch Nuch Nordv-01 Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance             

          u: Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

          Uppf: Lena Rehn Agnesberg                                    

          Äg: Lena Rehn Agnesberg

          Nice broad scull.Would like a darker and larger eye.Could have a shorter nose.

          In lovely coat.Tail could be higher.Moves well.

          2 jkl



Unghundsklass Hanar




5         FinV-04 Kbhv-04 Such Sv-04 Fossella Kama Sutra      S13016/2003  f.021207

          e: Santosha Midnight Caller                 

          u: Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup                                   

          Äg: Sofi Olsson, Malmö

          His got everything! Beautiful head good wide jaw.Nice dark eyes.Nicely balanced

.         His lovely! Lovely mover.

          1ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-1 Cert Bim



6        Fossella King For A Day      S13015/2003  f.021207

          e: Santosha Midnight Caller                 

          u: Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup                                   

          Äg: Désireé Larsson Malmö

          Outgoing male.Nice broad scull.His mouth is not good.Has a good coat.Nice spring of rib.

          2 ukl


Öppenklass Hanar




7        Caydora´s Custom-Made      S14107/2000  f.19991225

          e: Such Caydora´s Cu´cciolo             

          u: Such Finuch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane

          Uppf: Ewa Marie Lindqvist Tyresö                            

          Äg: Lilian Nordell Haninge

          Very masculine dog.Old fashion type.Has a nice scull.I would like a larger and

          darker eye.Good tailset.Smart mover.

          1 ökl


8        Charity´s Hanky-Panky      S51577/1999  f.19991007

          e: Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers       

          u: Charity´s Dazzling Darling

          Uppf: Åsa Andersson Hisings-Kärra                         

          Äg: Lilian Larsson Hyllinge

          Nice dog.Very masculine.Nice coat.Excellent mover.

          1 ökl



9        Formaregårdens Nimbus      S55534/1997  f.19971023

          e: Tangse Zoogin        

          u: Zaida-of-Zorro

          Uppf: Elsa Lyman Norberg                                      

          Äg: Lena Carlsson Danderyd

          Very nice dog.Good tail.Smaller in the head.Good wide jaw.A smaller dog allaround.

          Nice coat.Nice expression.Moves well but a bit wide behind.

          1 ökl



10      Khe-San´s Magic Jonzon      S37923/2000  f.000504

          e: Multich Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim    

          u: Werweise´s Magic Magpie

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad                          

          Äg: Ann-Christine Hultman Hasslö

          Nice black and white at the smaller type.Good expression.Smart mover.Good coat.Good wide jaw.

          1 ökl R ökk


11      Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower      S14111/2000  f.000109

          e:Norduch Dkuch Tanbell´s Here I Come                  

          u: Such Kin-Dai´s Autumn Flower

          Uppf: Kerstin Petterson Tyresö                                

          Äg: Kerstin Petterson Tyresö

          Nice head and expression.Smaller type.Jaw is quite narrow.Good coat.He is palegold.Movements allright.

          2 ökl


12      Lady Chima´s Real Tutti Capi    S54806/2000  f.00921

          e: Such Nuch Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi                

          u: Lady Chima´s Madame De´Bee

          Uppf: Barbro SabelStockhaus Bodafors                                         

          Äg: Lena Person Ekerö o Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus Bodafors

          Nice head and beautiful expression.Nice nose.Nice shape.The jaw is a bit narrow.Could have a darker eye.

          1 ökl


13      Limapa´s Prince Of The Dark     S10028/2001  f.001120

          e: Norduch Nordv-01 Ziams Lord Of The Dance         

          u: Khe-San´s Snow Bird

          Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv                                        

          Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

          Masculine dog.Lovely head.Well constructed.Nice expression.Good coat and moved nicely.A very good dog.

          1 ökl 1 ökk Ck



14      Meikwei Showtime      S27224/2000  f.19990608

          e: Meikwei Sir Duke    

          u: Meikwei AprilSong

          Uppf: Sharon Brace Storbrittannien                          

          Äg: Anna-Lena o Matz Andersson Gävle

          Lovely head.Nice solid body.Moves nicely.Nice eye.

          1 ökl 4 ökk


15      Phe-Khan´s Bianco Oro      S36343/2002  f.020427

          e:Norduch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers                 

          u: Tangse Lily

          Uppf: Petra Karlsson V.Frölunda                             

          Äg: Lena Adås V.Frölunda.

          Nice masculine dog.Beautiful scull.Nice expression.Moves very well.Nice coat.Likes the size and shape of him.

          1 ökl 3 ökk


16      Tipsy Toe´s Traveling Man      S13885/2002  f.020101

          e: Norduch Jardhu The Clansman      

          u: Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

          Uppf: Lena Rehn Agnesberg                                    

          Äg: Yvonne Stenberg Lindome

          Very nice shape with a beautiful head.Very good coat.Has a good wide jaw.Nice size and shape.

          Well balanced.Moves very well.He has a real arrogant look!

          1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


Championklass Hanar






17      Such Finuch Caydora´s Cacophony-Cad      S14109/2000  f.19991225

          e: Such Caydora´s Cu´cciolo             

          u: Such Finuch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane

          Uppf: Ewa Marie Lindqvist Tyresö      

          Äg: Ewa Marie Lindqvist Tyresö

          Up to size.Very masculine.Beautiful coat.Good wide jaws.Is a bit longer in

          the nose,has a nice tailset.Well balanced.The eyes are a bit light.Moved very well.




18      Such Dkuch Fossella Talking In My Sleep      S14753/2000  f.000102

          e: Such Tsantha Devil May Dare        

          u: Ginni Von Savaredo

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius Skurup                                 

          Äg: Inger Eriksson Hovmantorp

          Very nice.Nice shape good size.Lovely expression.Smaller type.Moved very  nice.

          3 chkl Ck



19      Such Nuch Khe-San´s Harry Potter         S54672/2001   f.011009   

           e:  Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

          u:  Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San 

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist                                 

          Äg: Marianne Jonasson Grycksbo

          Nice size and shape and he is giving his handler a hard time!

          Nice head,lovely expression.Nicely balanced.Moved well.




20      Intuch Norduch Kbhv-03 Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News     S55844/1997  f.19971108

          e: Multich Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel

          u: Multich Khe-San´s Twice As Nice

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist                                 

          Äg: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

          Very happy dog.Good overall shape.Most attractive.Beautiful coat.Smaller in the head.Jaunty mover.



21     Jww-98 Nordv,Kbhv-00Nordv-03 Ww-02 Int,Norduch Nuch  S30354/1997  f.19970428

           Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

          e:Spauch Such Ista´s Look Out         

          u: Tangse O Pretty Sue Ellen

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist                                 

          Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

          Very nice.Wonderful head.Good wide jaw and a good spring of rib-superb body.He is so type-a real shih-tzu!

          4 chkl Ck


22      Intuch Norduch Nuch Lady Chima´s Oriental Cool To Bee      S17306/1999  f.19990112

          e:Multich Khe-San´s Cool Porter        

          u:Lady Chima´s Elisabeth Taylor

          Uppf: Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus Bodafors                                        

          Äg: Birgitta Hallengren Mölnlycke

          Beautiful head.Very nice expression.Smaller type.Good coat,nice texturecoat.

          He is slighter buildt.Moved well.

           R chkl Ck


23      Such Dkuch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy     S10349/2001  f.001120

          e: Norduch Intuch Tangse Quick Step To Vegas       

          u: Hashanah Love At First Sight

          Uppf: Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus Bodafors                                        

          Äg: Birgitta Hallengren Mölnlycke

          Very nice.Well balanced dog of a good size.Good head,nice expression.Good tail.

          Got a nice body-well ribbed up.Movement ok.

          1 chkl Ck Bhkl-4



24      Such Dkuch Skånhedens Mirac-Maker     S11341/1999  f.19981101

          e: Such Tsantha Devil May Dare        

          u: Lucky-Ronja

          Uppf: Eva-Kajsa Lundström Sjöbo                            

          Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

          Smaller type.Nicely shaped head.Good wide jaw.Slighter in build.Good coat.Moved well.

          2 chkl Ck Bhkl-R


Veteranklass Hanar



25      Santosha Midnight Caller     S54114/1999  f.19960603

          e: Gbch Rosaril The Chimney Sweep 

          u: Santosha Lady In Red

          Uppf: Susan o David Crossley England                                          

          Äg: Birgitta Norström Lerum

          He is a nice shape size.Wide jaw.Moved beautifully.Nice dark eyes.He is beautiful.I like him very much!

          1 vetkl Ck Bhkl-2  Bästa veteran



Juniorklass Tikar




26      Kin-Dai´s Kava-Tina     S37610/2003  f.030429

          e: Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower                 

          u: Kin-Dai´s Elvira Madigan

          Uppf: Kerstin Pettersson Tyresö                              

          Äg: Karl Bergander c/o K Pettersson Tyresö

          Too long,nice face a little narrow in body.Would like more substance.Prefer a happier outlook.

           2 jkl


27      Il Pericolos Cat-Balloo     S33440/2003  f.030420

          e: Nellie-Nette´s Callypso                  

          u: Il Pericolos Al Ina

          Uppf: Rita o Kim Bokdalen Kungsbacka                                         

          Äg: Susanne Sandberg Trelleborg

          Pretty little bitch.Nice coat,pretty expression,very feminine.Moved very well.

          1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


28      Mismås Cotton Candy     S45495/2003  f.030607

          e: Tellenmussukat Uniikki                 

          u: Such Amie-Bells Parfait Amour

          Uppf: Birgitta Norström Lerum                                 

          Äg: Birgitta Norström Lerum

          Very nicely balanced young bitch.Most attractive face.Good tail.Moved well.

          1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Btkl-3


29      Phe-Khan´s Lady Aquarella     S42068/2003  f.030508

          e: Such Nuch Tangse Diamond Gun  

          u: Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy

          Uppf: Petra Karlsson V.Frölunda                             

          Äg: Hannah o Petra Karlsson V.Frölunda

          Very nice little bitch.Moved well.Very feminine.Pretty head.The coat needs some time.

           1 jkl 3 jkk Hp


30      Tipsy-Toe´s Black Velvet     S34181/2003  f.030425

          e: Norduch Nuch Nordv-01 Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance             

          u: Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

          Uppf: Lena Rehn Agnesberg                                    

          Äg: Leslie-Anne Bergqvist Åsa

          Nice shape size.A super little mover! Would like a larger eye.Very nice texture coat.Very nice.

          1 jkl 4 jkk Hp


Unghundsklass Tikar




31      Lac-Me´s Sugar Cain    S25122/2003  f.

          e: Aylas Imp Of My Mind                  

          u: Lac-Me´s Here Comes The Sun

          Uppf: Merete Baraa o Eva Larsen Norge                                         

          Äg: Eva Sjöberg Skärholmen

          Very nice well balanced bitch.Nice expression.Good wide jaw.Nice noseplacement.Very nice.

          1 ukl 1 ukk Ck


32      Limapa´s Vanilla News    S15746/2003  f.030114

          e: Norduch Intuch Kbhv-03 Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                  

          u: Norduch Nuch Tai´s One Vanila Girl

          Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv                                        

          Äg: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

          Very nice bitch.Quite mature for her age.Good tail.Nice texture coat.Moved well.

          1 ukl 3 ukk Ck


33      Tangse Crystal Crown    S45911/2002  f.020621

          e: Sf o Such Tangse Midnight Cowboy                     

          u: Tangse Dancing Adeline

          Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna                              

          Äg: Annalena o Matz Andersson Gävle

          Sound.Nice spring of rib.Lovely head.Moved very well.Good size.

          1 ukl 2 ukk Ck



Öppenklass Tikar






34      Aksu Rock And Dreams    S56466/2000  f.000930

          e: Such Tsantha Devil May Dare        

          u: Fossella Drip Dry

          Uppf: Anita Edring Sandberg Skivarp                        

          Äg: Inger Dahlström o Amelie Engström Järfälla

          The right size and shape.Could do with more coat.Would like a larger and darker eye.

          Would prefer a wider jaw.Would  like a happed disposition.

          2 ökl


35      Anibes Ashley Fashion    S57708/2001  f.011019

          e: Tangse Zantana      

          u: S o Sfuch Formaregårdens Out Of Order

          Uppf: Anita Berggren Västerås                                

          Äg: Lena Carlsson Danderyd

          Nice head.Lovely expression.Beautiful large dark eyes.Good strong coat.Good tailset.Moved well

          1 ökl 2 ökk Ck Btkl-4


36      Fossella People Will Talk    S49502/2001  f.010508

          e: Shih-Moons Mr Clinton Of Cajan    

          u: Fossella Smile A While

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius Skurup                                 

          Äg: Jeanette Thornberg Vellinge

          Nice bitch lovely face.Nice dark eye.Wide jaw.Lovely temperament.Nice outlook.nice coat.

          1 ökl 4 ökk


37      Joy´s Fiore Fantasia    S40675/2000  f.000602

          e: Multich Jww-98 Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim              

          u: Joy´s Zanzara

          Uppf: Marie Blom Nyköping                                     

          Äg: Marie Blom Nyköping

          Really nice bodied.Very good overall construction.Pretty expression.Moved well.

         1 ökl 3 ökk Ck


38     Joy´s Isella Influente    S39572/2001  f.010528

          e: Int Norduch Nuch Nordv-01 Ziams Lord Of The Dance                  

          u: Fossella Five Mile Smile

          Uppf: Marie Blom Nyköping                                     

          Äg: Marie Blom Nyköping

          Nice sized bitch.Nice shape has a good head.Nice eyes,good tailset.Overall a good bitch.Moves well.

          1 ökl R ökk


39      Khe-San´s Snow Bird    S35617/1999  f.19990503

          e: Multich Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim    

          u: Jeuw-97 Kbhjv-97 Norduch Khe-San´s Dreams About Cocktails

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad                          

          Äg: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

          Very pretty bitch.Beautiful coat.Well made body.Mouth could be better.

          2 ökl


40      Linbackens Gingerbread Heart    S37925/2000  f.000426

          e: Multich Khe-San´s Rock A Gill Stuff                     

          u: Linbackens Gingerbread Gossip

          Uppf:Barbro Stensson Hökerum                              

          Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

          Nice overall size and shape.Beautiful coat.Moves close behind.Mouth could be better.

          2 ökl


41      Phe-Khan´s Bianca Nera    S36342/2002  f.020427

          e:Norduch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers                 

          u: Tangse Lily

          Uppf: Petra Karlsson V.Frölunda                             

          Äg: Ing-Marie Ödman V.Frölunda

          Nice shape and size.Very pretty head.Good expression.Good tail.Beautiful coat.

          She´s in tip-top condition.Very good movement.

          1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-2 Cert 


42     Sankara´s Absolutely Georgious    S20546/2002  f.020208

          e: Zansaw´s Coffee´N´Cream             

          u: Sankara´s Secret-Very Well Kept

          Uppf: Ingela Schönström  Eslöv                               

          Äg: Ingela Schönström  Eslöv

          An attractiv bitch.Pretty and feminine.Good coat.Nice shape and size.Prefer a better mouth.She moves well.

          1 ökl 6 ökk



Championklass Tikar



43      Intuch Norduch Kbhv-03 Fossella Smell Of Chanel    S20955/1999  f.19990227

          e: Sch Tsantha Devil May Dare          

          u: Int Norduch Sv-02 Fossella Dish Of The Day

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius Skurup                                 

          Äg: Bodil Olsson Tygelsjö

          She looks what she is-a champion.Exquisite example of the breed.Very typical.

          1 chkl Ck Btkl-1  Bir



Veteranklass Tikar




44      Int Norduch Sv-02 Fossella Dish Of The Day    S57937/1996  f.19961030

          e: Sch Rosaril Takes One To Know One                  

          u: Fossella Tickle Me

          Uppf: Bodil Fossenius Skurup                                 

          Äg: Sofi Olsson Malmö

          Veteranbitch that doesn´t show her age.Really well balanced.A lovely looking example of the breed.

          1 vetkl Ck Btkl-R


45     Such Kin-Dai´s Autumn Flower    S52257/1996  f.19961007

          e: Multich Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel

          u: Such Weeline Sunflower

          Uppf: Kerstin Pettersson Tyresö                              

          Äg: Kerstin Pettersson Tyresö

          Pretty smaller type.Attractiv expression.Beautiful coat.Moved very nicely.

         2 vetkl Ck







21      Jww-98 Nordv,Kbhv-00Nordv-03 Ww-02 Int,Norduch Nuch  S30354/1997 

           Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

          Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist

          Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen

          All of good shape,nice outline.The two males are two very good example of the breed.

          The bitches very feminine.They moves very well with good flick-ups.

          1 Hp Bästa Avelsgrupp



46      Norduch NordV-01  Ziams Lord Of The Dance  S38907/99 

          Uppf: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa                                         

          Äg: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

          Deltar ej








Kennel FOSSELLA  Bodil Fossenius Skurup

They are all just lovely.Four typical example of the breed.

1 Hp  Bästa Uppfödargrupp.


Kennel KHE-SAN  Eva-Lena Sönksen  Upphärad

These are nice varied in type.They all got good heads,they are all of a nice size.Nice coats.

1 Hp


Kennel PHE-KHAN  Petra Karlsson V:a Frölunda

They got nice heads,they are all of a type,very good type.

1 Hp