Domare:  Darja Skok-Lamut, Slovenien 

Ringsekreterare:  Birgitta Kleveby & Joakim Ohlsson



Valpklass 4-6mån.                                           Hanhundar


1.           TIPSY-TOE´S BORN AT THE RIGHT TIME, S34180/2003, f 030425 

              e. Int Norduch Nuch Nordv-01 Ziams Lord of the Dance

                  u. Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

                  Uppf & Äg  Lena Rehn, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38 Agnesberg

A very pretty black and white puppy, pleasing head and expr, strong body, level topline, wellboned, high tailset carried high over the back, happy mover, moves well

1 valpkl HP


Valpklass 4-6mån.               Tikar


2.           BABRINGS EDELWEISS, S33438/2003, f 030410

                  e. Fin Int Norduch Tibets Pride´s Don Juan De Marco

                  u. Babrings Kim Novak

                  Uppf  Barbro Kärnbrink, Partille

                  Äg Kerstin Pettersson, Gråhundsvägen 32, 128 62 Sköndal

Typical blackwhite fem, nice head, the head is a little small, nice and sturdy, level back, tailset high and carried happily, moved with good drive

2 valpkl HP


3.              CHOWO-LIZ LJUVLIGA JULIA, S40242/2003, f 030604

                  e. Norduch Jardhu the Clansman

                  u. Chowo-Liz Amanda-My

                  Uppf  Liz Larsson & Barbro Ahl, Ellös

                  Äg Siv Lindberg, Såningsvägen 40, 175 52 Järfälla

A very …..golden white, very friendly temp, pretty head and expr, the body needs to develop, good bone, the chest is not yet very wide, has a lovely coat, moves well

R valpkl


4.           JADE HILL´S MOCCA LATTE, S39215/2003, f 030501

                  e. S Dkuch Popeye´s Artful Dodger

                  u. Jade Hill´s Maya Karisma

                  Uppf & Äg Tanja Karbacka Edvinson, Batterigatan 8 C, 415 01 Göteborg

Lovely solid gold puppy, excellent head, well defined stop, excellent bite, neck long enough, very good topline, chest quite deep, moves well with enough drive, high tailset but needs more time to carry it over the back

1 valpkl HP


5.              JADE HILL´S PAINTED LADY, S39214/2003, f 030501

                  e. S Dkuch Popeye´s Artful Dodger

                  u. Jade Hill´s Maya Karisma

                  Uppf & Äg Tanja Karbacka Edvinson, Batterigatan 8 C, 415 01 Göteborg

A very pretty solid gold, beautiful head and expr, chest well developed, angulation OK, back quite firm, high tailset and carried a bit tight over the back, needs a little bit more ringtraining

3 valpkl HP


6.           KIN-DAI´S KAVA-TINA, S37610/2003, f 030429

                  e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower

                  u. Kin-Dai´s Elvira Madigan

                  Uppf  Kerstin Pettersson, Sköndal

                  Äg Karl Bergander, Sandbäcksvägen 27, 144 62 Rönninge

A solid black with the most beautiful head, corr length of nose, well defined stop, exc bite, the topline is not yet firm and is a little high in the back, the tailset is a little bit low but carried well, needs to settle in movement

4 valpkl


Valpklass  6-9mån.              Hanhundar                   


7.              JOY´S PAPPAGALLO PREZIOSO, S29538/2003, f 030326

                  e. Such Ziams Great Balls of Fire

                  u. Joy´s Zanzara

                  Uppf  Marie Blom, Nyköping

                  Äg  Margaretha Davies, Arrendevägen 7B, 175 54 Järfälla

Quite nice golden white, typical head, good expr, eyes could be set wider apart and be more round, strong body, a little loose in front, good chest, well angulated behind, high tailset carried well, moves well for age

2 valpkl HP


8.           TANGSE LIONKING, S19779/2003, f 030121

                  e. S Fin Estuch Santosha Dancing Brave

                  u. Bågas Carisma

                  Uppf & Äg Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna

A very masc puppy, large round head, well defined stop, bite OK, would like a bit wider lower jaw, very mature in body, strong level back, chest broad and deep, strong bone, high tailset and carried in perfect shape over back, moves with a lot of drive

1 valpkl HP BIM valp



Valpklass 6-9mån                Tikar


9.           A-REAL-LADY, S19087/2003, f 030119                  

              e. Such Tanemar Mr Jazz Man

                  u. Bombers Adore

                  Uppf  Hans Almgren & Bhiyabut Tungsiri, Norsborg

                  Äg  Bhiyabut Tungsiri, Vetevägen 6, 145 68 Norsborg

Golden white almost 9 months, quite mature in body, pleasing head and expr, bite OK, nice round dark eyes, chest quite deep and round, slightly out at elbowes, OK topline, well angulated rear, tailset high and carried well over back, lovely happy flowing movement

2 valpkl HP


10.          LAC-ME´S BROWN SUGAR, S35646/2003, f 030111

e. Aylas Imp of My Mind

u. N Such Lac-Me´s Here Comes the Sun

Uppf  Merete Baraa & Eva Larsen, Krokelvdalen, Norge

                  Äg Tanja Karbacka Edvinson, Batterigatan 8 C, 415 01 Göteborg

Very compact solid gold, very good head, exc stop and noseplac, showing a bit white in eyes, broad and deep chest, level back, well angulated, tailset high carried well over back, typical movement

Opl valpkl


11.          LAC-ME´S CHINA BABY, S22675/2003, f 030111

e. Aylas Imp of My Mind

u. N Such Lac-Me´s Here Comes the Sun

Uppf  Merete Baraa & Eva Larsen, Krokelvdalen, Norge

Äg  Marie Blom, Smaragdvägen 2, 611 44 Nyköping

Pretty solid gold, beautiful head, excellent bite, the body is strong, deep and broad chest, slightly high in .......well carried tail, OK rearangulation, needs to settle in frontmovement

R valpkl


12.          LAC-ME´S SUGAR CAIN, S25122/2003, f 030111

e. Aylas Imp of My Mind

u. N Such Lac-Me´s Here Comes the Sun

Uppf  Merete Baraa & Eva Larsen, Krokelvdalen, Norge

                  Äg  Eva Sjöberg, Eksätravägen 288, 127 61 Skärholmen

A very beautiful golden white, exc head, wellbal body, strong deep chest, level back, tailset high carried very well, wellangulated, moves well but a little bit close behind

1 valpkl HP BIR valp


13.            LADY CHIMA´S COOL MADAME DE BEE, S32604/2003, f 030331

                  e. Multich Lady Chima´s Oriental Cool To Bee

                  u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´Bee

                  Uppf & Äg  Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors

Deltar ej


14.            LIMAPA´S VANILLA NEWS, S15746/2003, f 030116

                  e. Nord Int Finuch Khe-San Rock A Gil News

                  u. Nord Nuch Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl

                  Uppf & Äg  Lillvi Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 241 34 Eslöv

A lovely fem, very typical head, sweet expr, very good bite, strong body, wide and deep chest, a little bit out of elbows, topline needs to tighten, well angulated rear, tailset high and carried well, typical movement, could be a bit wider in the rear

3 valpkl HP


15.            TANGSE LET ME LOVE YOU, S19784/2003, f 030121

                  e. S Fin Eech Santosha Dancing Brave

                  u. Bågas Carisma

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg  Cecilia Bergman, Galoppgatan 31, 194 30 Upplands Väsby

Pretty golden white, typical head, exc bite, shows a little bit white in eyes, exc body, broad and deep chest, firm and level topline, tailset high and carried well, prefer a lot more rearangulation, moves OK

Opl valpkl


16.            VIXAX STELING MY HEART, S21402/2003, f 030301

                  e. Amie-Bell´s Freddy Fudpucker

                  u. Vixax Amber

                  Uppf  Marie Axelsson, Veberöd

                  Äg  Anna-Lena Backlund, Föreningsvägen 11, 941 53 Piteå

Pretty solid gold, beautiful head and expr, exc bite, good strong body, deep chest, could be a little broader, firm topline, tailset high and carried well, moves with strong rear drive

4 valpkl



Juniorklass                         Hanhundar



17.           KHE-SAN´S MAD ABOUT YOU, S58133/2002, f 021003

              e. Multich Ziams Mad Max

                  u. Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

                  Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                  Äg Christine Fjellbort & Jörgen Ek, Ols Gustavs väg 12, 784 56 Borlänge

Golden white, friendly temp, well prop head, good bite, unfortunately showing white in eyes spoiling the expr, chest could be broader and deeper, level back, high tailset carried well, moves OK

2 junkl



Unghundsklass                   Hanhundar


18.            EMTEE TUVOK , S23589/2002, f 020314

                  e. S Fin Estuch Santosha Dancing Brave

                  u. Tale-Shih´s Nicole

                  Uppf & Äg  Mari Trogen, Spelmansvägen 3 D, 740 30 Björklinge

Golden white, very masc head, strong body, chest could be a bit deeper, firm back, perfect bite, good prop, high tailset carried nicely, OK angulation, moves a little narrow behind

1 ukl R kk


19.            KHE-SAN´S HARRY POTTER, S54672/2001 f 011009

                  e. Nord Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

                  u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

                  Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

                  Äg Marianne Jonasson, Appelmansväg 3, 790 20 Grycksbo

Slightly smaller in type, pretty head, big enough, nice dark round eyes, bite OK, quite strong body, level back, tailset high carried well, prefer a broader chest, exc coat quality, typical movement

1 ukl 2 kk HP


20.          LORD DIVA´S EL DIAVOLOO, S36574/2002, f 020512

                  e. Tangse Gaspar                 

                  u. Tale-Shih´s Brenda

                  Uppf  Alexis Valenzuela, Bandhagen

                  Äg  Katarina Nauclér, Stormyrav. 31, 82451 Hudiksvall

Black white, masc in type, typical head, bite OK, firm body, chest could be deeper and wider, OK topline, high tailset, well carried tail, would like more muscle, moves well

2 ukl


21.            TANBELL´S NAPO-LEON,  S40110/2002  f 020523                            

                  e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower

                  u. S Finuch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane

                  Uppf  Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

                  Äg  Lilian Nordell, Krogtäppan 184, 136 53 Haninge

Very masc, broad round head, typical expr, well prop, exc coatquality, deep broad chest, wellang rear, typical movement, bite OK

1 ukl 4 kk


22.            TANGSE GOOD LUCK CHARM, Fin25999/03, f 011128

                  e. Int Norduch V-01-02  Tangse Robin Fantasy

                  u. S Finuch Bågas Columbin

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg  Maria Laaksonen, Tamminaantie 1, 211 40 Rymättylä, Finland

Lovely dog of a larger type, he´s a bit high on the leg, beautiful round head, beautiful expr and eyes, good bite, strong deep chest, level firm topline, high tailset carried well, wellangulated rear, a little bit close in front

1 ukl 1 kk CK opl bhkl


23.            TIPSY-TOE´S TRAVELING MAN, S13885/2002 f 020101

                  e. Norduch Jardhu the Clansman

                  u. Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

                  Uppf  Lena Rhen, Agnesberg

                  Äg  Yvonne Stenberg, Norra Barnsjövägen 30 E, 437 35 Lindome

Masc strong black white, good head, bite OK, firm back quite level, deep chest, good forequarters, wellangulated rear, tailset high a bit tight

1 ukl 3 kk


Öppen klass                        Hanhundar


24.            BAILEYS, S37065/2001, f 010525

                  e. Österlyckans Beethoven

                  u. Raffa

                  Uppf  Monica Scherdin, Vallentuna

                  Äg  Hélène Kindwall, Vikavägen 2, 186 94 Vallentuna

Red white, smaller type, typical head, exc bite, firm level back, straight in shoulders, OK rear, tail set high, friendly temp, a little out at shoulders, moves OK

2 ökl


25.            KIN-DAI´S FROSTY FLOWER S14111/2000  f 000109

                  e. Nord Dkuch Tanbell´s Here I Come       

                  u. Such Kin-Dai´s Autumn Flower

                  Uppf & Äg  Kerstin Pettersson, Gråhundsvägen 32, 128 62 Sköndal

Handsome male, nice size, lovely head, Ok bite, exc expr, wellbalanced, OK angulation in both ends, level back, strong topline, good chest, moved well

1 ökl 4 kk


26.            LADY CHIMA´S REAL TUTTI CAPI, S54806/2000, f 000921

C               e. S Nuch Fossella Capo di Tutti Capi

              u. Lady Chima´s Madam Dee´Bee

                  Uppf  Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus, Bodafors

                  Äg  Lena Persson & Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus, Sidenvägen 25, 179 34 Ekerö

Golden white, mature dog, beautiful head and expr, firm back, good chest deep and broad, a little out at elbows, would be better movement with better drive behind

1 ökl R kk


27.            LADY CHIMA´S TOP CLASS BUSINESS MAN, S10351/2001, f 001120                e. Int Norduch Tangse Quick Step To Vegas

                  u. Hashanah Love At First Sight

                  Uppf  Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus, Bodafors

                  Äg  Gunilla Lindberg, Snödroppsvägen 35, 737 42 Fagersta

Deltar ej


28.            FINUCH LOVELION´S SNOW BOOTS, Fin37519/01, f 010716

C               e. Fin Eeuch Bam-Wam´s Dante Domino

                  u. Nord Fin Ee Dk Such Khe-San´s Snow Flake

                  Uppf & Äg Nina Mäkelä, Leikkitie 6 G 22, 01390 Vantaa, Finland

Lovely very masc dog, wellbalanced prop, exc head, very strong chest, well let down, elbows fit him nicely, exc level topline, tailset high and carried very nicely, well angulated, moves well

1 ökl 3 kk


29.            TANBELL´S LEADER IN TIME, S11332/2000 f 991205

C               e. Nord & Intuch JWW-98 WW-02 Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

                  u. Such Ge Mih´s X-Zotic Bird

                  Uppf Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

                  Äg Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd

Beautiful male, exc head and expr, superb coatquality, wellbalanced, exc topline, broad and deep chest, nicely fitted elbows, high tailset carried well, very typical movement

1 ökl 1 kk CK 4 bhkl CERT CHAMPIONAT


30.            TANGSE GASPAR, S30502/2001, f 010305

                  e. Such Peking Just Brandy Tangse

                  u. Tangse Song of Vodoo

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg  Alexis Valenzuela, c/o Nord, Ervallakroken 11, 124 66 Bandhagen

Solid black male, beautiful head and expr, chest should be deeper and wider, topline isn´t absolutely level, high tailset carried well, angulation OK

2 ökl


31.            TIPSY-TOE´S SHORT CUT, S31945/2001 f 010418

                  e. Norduch Jardhu the Clansman

                  u. Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

                  Uppf & Äg  Lena Rhen, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38 Agnesberg

Lovely brindle male, exc head and expr, bite OK, chest well developed, level back, strong loin, OK angulation in both ends, high tailset carried …..moves well

1 ökl 2 kk CK opl bhkl


Championklass                   Hanhundar


32.            S FINUCH GI-JAN´S FAIR N´SQUARE, S54524/00, f 001017

                  e. S Finuch Ziams Hugo Boss

                  u. Such Gi-Jan´s Clear.Chance Lillis

                  Uppf & Äg Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 Gävle

Pretty male, lovely head and expr, could be stronger in pigmentation, good body, exc topline, tailset high, carried well, moves well

Opl chkl


33.          INT NORD FINUCH KHE-SAN'S ROCK A GIL NEWS  S55844/97   f.971108

                  e. Multi.UCH Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel  

                  u. Multi.UCH Khe-San Twice As Nice

                  Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad          

                  Äg  Lillvi Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 241 34 Eslöv

Pretty male, very typical, could have a bit more masc head with a bit wider lower jaw, body well put together, strong level topline, beautiful tailcarriage, moves with a lot of style

Opl chkl


34.          WW-02 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 JWW-98 INT NORD NUCH

              KHE-SAN'S ZIM ZALA BIM  S30354/97   f.970428   

                  e. S.SPuch Istas Look Out

                  u. Tangse O'Pretty Sue Ellen              

                  Uppf & Äg  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 Upphärad

Very attr male, exc size and prop, strong body, good bone, level topline, well angulated, tailset high and carried well, could have a bit more drive behind, exc coatqual

4 chkl CK opl bhkl


35.            NORD FINUCH SATLY´S SIDNEY  S13276/2000  f 991219

                  e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

                  u. Int Norduch Satly´s Velvet´N´Lace

                  Uppf & Äg  Eva Sjöberg, Eksätravägen 288, 127 61 Skärholmen

Pretty male, a bit higher on the leg, lovely head and expression, wellbuilt front, deep chest, level topline, carries his tail high over the back, angulation OK, would like to see him move with more attitude

Opl chkl



            S30202/99   f.990421

                  e.Multich Khe-San's Zim-Zala-Bim

                  u. Such Ge-Mihs X-Zotic Bird

                  Uppf & Äg: Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72 Haninge

Strong masc male, good head and expr, his bite could be better, well prop, a little bit out at elbows, level firm back, could move with more drive, tailset high and well carried, beautiful coat and presentation

Opl chkl


37.            S FINUCH TANGSE MIDNIGHT COWBOY  S30503/2001, f 010305

                  e. Such Pekings Just Brandy Tangse  

                  u. Tangse Song of Woodoo

                  Uppf & Äg  Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24B, 191 60 Sollentuna

Solid black, exc size and prop, beautiful head and expr, exc bite, deep broad chest, strong loin, level back, tailset high and carried well, well angulated in front and rear, typical movement

1 chkl CK 1 bhkl BIM


38.            INT NORDUCH V-01-02 TANGSE ROBIN FANTASY, FIN26080/01 f 991229

                  e. Fin S Dkuch V-00 Ta Maria Red Rouser

                  u. Norduch JWW-98 Tangse Sammantha Wee

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg  Maria Laaksonen, Tammihaantie 7, Fin-211 40 Rymättylä, Finland

Very masc dog of larger type, gorgeous head and expr, strong wellbuilt body, very balanced, strong deep chest, level back, perfectly carried and set tail, beautif presentation, super coat

2 chkl CK 2 bhkl


39.            S FINUCH ZIAMS HUGO BOSS, S56300/97, f 971103

                  e. S N Intuch Sv-91 Sv-95 Ge-Mihs Phoenix of Fire

                  u. Multich Ziams Xanadu

                  Uppf L-A Bergqvist, Åsa

                  Äg Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 Gävle

Another very pretty dog, very nice large head with a pleasing expr, exc bite, strong body, deep chest, well angulated, beautifully carried tail set high, typical movement

3 chkl CK R bhkl                  


40.            SUCH ZIAMS PRIVAT DANCER, S12866/2001 f 001218

                  e. Multich Popeye´s Love´N Money

                  u. Norduch Ziams Xanadu

                  Uppf  Lesslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

                  Äg  Anders Ottosson, Gerstorp 1, 585 99 Linköping

Beautiful male, nice large head, compact body, deep chest, strong topline, tail set high carried well, moves well

R chkl CK opl bhkl


Veteranklass                       Hanhundar


41.            S NUCH LADY CHIMA'S CLINT EASTWOOD   S39594/93   f.930425

                  e.Such Hashanah Bee Unique          

                  u. Such Tangse Elaine

                  Uppf  BarbroSabel-Stockhaus, Bodafors  

                  Äg  Gunilla Lindberg, Snödroppsvägen 35, 737 42 Fagersta

Veteran still in good cond, exc head and expr, wellbuilt body, firm level back, well angulated, moved well on a loose lead

2 vetkl HP


42.          S NUCH SPOVENS JOLLY JOSHUA, S23134/96, f 960128

                  e. Spovens Never Goes Out of Style

                  u. Spovens Little Cherry-Merry-Muffin

                  Uppf & Äg  Lillevor Lindberg, Spovvägen 1, 738 33 Norberg

Pretty male, well balanced body, lovely head, level topline, tailset high and carried well, moved very well

3 vetkl HP


43.          INT NORD DKUCH JWW-96 SV-97,98 NordV-99

          TANGSE ROCK A BILLY REBEL  S28431/95   f.950307  

          e. Multich Formaregårdens Zorro  

            u. Tangse Cassandra Wee

                  Uppf & Äg   Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24B, 191 60 Sollentuna

Very nice dog, beautiful head and expr, very wellbalanced body, deep chest, level strong topline, well angulated front and rear, tailset high and carried in balance with head

1 vetkl CK 3 bhkl


Juniorklass                         Tikar


44.          LADY CHIMA´S UNIQUE MISTRAL, S53627/2002, f 020829               

                  e. Lady Chima´s Real Tutti Capi

                  u. Lady Chima´s Non-Stop-To-Bee

                  Uppf & Äg Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors

Deltar ej


45.            TA MARIA MANCHU QUEEN, Fin45965/02, f 020927

                  e. Fin Such Le Bon Beat´Em All

                  u. Fin Such Ta Maria Little Madonna

                  Uppf Anne & Maria Laaksonen, Rymättylä, Finland

                  Äg  Satu Junnola, c/o Maria Laaksonen, Tamminhaantie 7, Fin-21140 Rymäätylä, Finland

Very pretty fem bitch, solid golden, lovely head with a slightly shorter nose, very fem expr, wellbuilt, welldeveloped chest, level topline, wellangulated front and rear, tailset high and carried well, moves with a lot of drive and style

1 junkl 1 kk CK R btkl



Unghundsklass                   Tikar


46.            ANIBES ASHLEY FASHION, S57708/2001, f 011019

              e. Tangse Zantana

                  u. S Finuch Formaregårdens Out of Order

                  Uppf  Anita Berggren, Västerås

                  Äg  Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd

Lovely bitch, typical head, fem expr, exc bite, wellbalanced body, level back, well angulated in front and rear, tailset high and carried well, typical movement

1 ukl 1 kk CK 4 btkl


47.            KHE-SAN´S HEDDA HOPPER S54673/2001  f 011009

                  e. Int Norduch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

                  u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

                  Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                  Äg Christine Fjellborg & Jörgen Ek , Ols Gustavs väg 12, 784 56 Borlänge

Pretty female, typical head, lower jaw could be wider and nostrils could be more open, well built compact body, strong level back, tailset high carried well, angulation OK, typical movement

1 ukl R kk


48.            SPOVENS LADY MADONNA, S35443/2002, f 020424

                  e. S Fin N Norduch Spovens So Smart Play

                  u. Spovens Want To Catch Your Eye

                  Uppf & Äg  Lillevor Lindberg, Spovvägen 1, 738 33 Norberg

Very fem, medium size, pretty head and expr, a little shorter nose, lower jaw could be wider, well balanced compact body, level back, chest medium with elbows fitting in nicely, tailset hig carried well, typical movement

1 ukl 4 kk


49.            TANBELL´S NO-ELLA, S40111/2002, f 020523

                  e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower

                  u. S Finuch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane

                  Uppf  Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

                  Äg  Melita Princis, Ottesångsvägen 6, 151 34 Södertälje

Very fem, still quite a puppy, pretty head, exc bite, pretty eyes round and dark, needs to gain more muscle, moves OK when in the mood, should have some more confidence

2 ukl


50.            TANGSE CRYSTAL CROWN, S45911/2002 f 020621          

            e. S Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy

                  u. Tangse Dancing Adeline

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg Annalena & Matz Andersson, Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 Gävle

Pretty black white, exc broad round head, very balanced wellbuilt compact body, broad deep chest, strong level topline, well angulated, nicely carried tail, exc coatquality, moves well

1 ukl 2 kk CK opl btkl


51.            TIPSY-TOE´S EXITING GIRL,  S13888/2002 f 020101

e.Norduch Jardhu the Clansman

u.Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

Uppf & Äg Lena Rhen, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38 Agnesberg

Pretty female, typical head, fem expr, perfect bite, well built compact body, nicely balanced, strong body, deep broad chest, strong level topline, angulation OK, wellset tail carried high over the back

1 ukl 3 kk HP


Öppen klass                        Tikar


52.          CHOOWO-LIZ ALMA, S49804/99, f 990809

                  e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

                  u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

                  Uppf  Barbro Ahl & Liz Larsson, Ellös

                  Äg  Kathleen Berggren, Tvåans väg 6 C, 285 40 Markaryd

Of a large type, quite high on the legs, typical head, exc bite, showing a little white in eye, compact body, should have more chest to her size, strong level topline, nicely fitted elbows, good angulation, moves OK

2 ökl


53.          LADY CHIMA´S REAL PROMISE FOR YOU, S54811/2000, f 000921                     e. S Nuch Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capo

                  u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´Bee

                  Uppf & Äg  Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors

Deltar ej


54.          LOVELION´S SWEET TALKING, S22872/2002, f 010716

C               e. Fin Eeuch Bam-Wam´s Dante Domino

                  u. Nord Fin Ee Dk Such Khe-San´s Snow Flake

                  Uppf  Nina Mäkelä, Vaanta, Finland

                  Äg.  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 Upphärad

Pretty fem bitch, a bit smaller head, typical expr, exc bite, well built compact body, deep well let down chest, good front, level strong topline, angulation OK, wellset tail but carried a bit flat on the move, movement OK, excellent coat

1 ökl 2 kk CK opl btkl


55.            TANGSE GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY, S30504/2001, f 010305

              e. Such Pekings Just Brandy Tangse

u.      Tangse Song of Voodo   

Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg  Birgitta Stolt, Norralundsgatan 19 B, 602 14 Norrköping

Solid black, pretty female, lovely head shape and expr, good bite, well proportioned body, good chest, firm level topline, exc angulation, tailset high and carried well, exc movement

1 ökl 1 kk CK 3 btkl CERT


56.          TANGSE PAMELA  S56737/2001 f 010923

          e. Tangse Zantana

            u. Bågas Carisma

            Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

            Äg  Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72 Haninge

Fem golden white, pretty head, exc bite, shows a little white in left eye, good body, nice deep chest, level back, high tailset carried well, moves OK

1 ökl R kk


57.            TANGSE PRISCILLA, S56736/2001 f 010923

          e. Tangse Zantana

            u. Bågas Carisma

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg,  Anders Ottosson, Gerstorp 1, 585 99 Linköping

Lovely female, beautiful head and expr, exc bite, deep broad chest, well balanced body, level strong topline, wellangulated rear, a bit loose in front, corr tailset and carriage, strong reardrive

1 ökl 4 kk


58.          TANGSE YOKO-ONO, S58637/2001, f  011003

C               e. Finuch Santosha Red Admiral

                  u. Norduch JWW-98 Tangse Samantha Wee

                  Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                  Äg  Alexis Valenzuela, c/o Nord, Ervallakroken 11, 124 66 Bandhagen

Another pretty fem bitch, exc head and bite, lovely expr, beautiful eyes, nice compact body, deep and wide chest, a little bit loose in elbows, wellangulated rear, high tailset, corr carriage, moves OK

1 ökl 3 kk


Championklass                   Tikar


59.            SUCH GHIAS BEE-AH-TRIZ, S20186/99 f 990212

                  e. Multich Formaregårdens Zorro

                  u. Such Anibes Ya-Lee-Tza

                  Uppf & Äg  Birgitta Holm, Brantingsgatan 15 nb, 115 35 Stockholm

Nice bitch, typical large head, good bite, a little bit too short nose, wellbalanced body, could have a bit wider chest, level strong topline, tailset high and carried well, well angulated, typical movement

1 chkl CK 2 btkl


60.            SUCH JANG-BIS FLAMMANDE MÅNLJUS, S47496/99, f 990726

                  e. Such Joy´s X´Treme Red Flame

                  u. Spovens Petit Chou

                  Uppf & Äg  Anna-Lena Backlund, Föreningsvägen 11, 941 53 Piteå

Beautiful female, very pretty head and expr, exc bite, strong muzzle, well balanced body, topline could be more level, good chest, well nagulated, tailset high and carried well, typical movement

3 chkl CK opl btkl


61.            NORD ESTUCH KHE-SAN´S SNOW FLAKE, S35618/99  , f 990503

                  e. Multich Khe-San Zim-Zala-Bim

                  u. Fin Norduch Jeuw97 Kbhjv97 Khe-San Dream About Cocktail

                  Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                  Äg Nina Mäkelä, Leikkitie 6 G 22, 01390 Vantaa, Finland

A lovely female, pretty fem head, good bite, compact well balanced body, very wide and deep chest, strong firm topline, dips in the middle, tailset high and carried well over the back, strong rear drive, typical Shih-Tzu

2 chkl CK opl btkl


62.          S FINUCH TANBELL´S JUNGLE JANE, S14100/97, f 961231

                  e. S N Intuch Tangse King-Tzu

                  u. Such Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird

                  Uppf  Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

                  Äg  Ewa Marie Lindquist, Ranunkelgränd 3, 136 37 Tyresö

A very typical female, pretty head, very fem expr, wellbalanced compact body, broad deep chest, a little out at elbows, strong level back, tailset high and carried in balance with head

4 chkl CK opl btkl



Veteranklass                       Tikar


63.            INT NORDUCH V-02 TA MARIA DANCING MAY, SF42795/94, f 940610

                  e. Lin-Pearl´s Disco Dancer

                  u. Int Norduch PMV-97 V-98-99 Mai-Tai´s Daisy May

                  Uppf  Anne & Maria Laaksonen, Rymättylä, Finland

                  Äg  Maria Laaksonen, Tammihaantie 1, Fin-21140 Rymättylä, Finland

Beautiful most typical bitch, conforming to standard i nevery detail, beautiful head, strong compact body, head and tailcarriage in perfect balance, typical movement

1 vetkl CK 1 btkl BIR Bästa veteran




KHE-SAN´S Kennel, Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Tävlar med följande: 19, 33, 34, 61

Uniform group all showing similar body structure, pretty faces and exc coats

1 uppfkl HP


LADY CHIMA´S, Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Bodafors

Tävlar med följande: 26, 27, 41, 44, 53

Deltar ej


TANBELL´S Kennel, Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

Tävlar med följande:  21, 29, 36, 62

Pretty group, quite similar in size and coats, head shapes quite alike, some of them out at elbows

1 uppfkl HP


TANGSE Kennel, Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

Tävlar med följande:  22, 38, 43, 57

Beautiful group, a bit larger type, exc heads and warm friendly expr, exc coats and balance in bodies

1 uppfkl HP Bästa uppfödargrupp