SHIH TZU                                                                                                                                                
Domare: Roger Bayliss, GB                                                                                                                                               
Ringsekreterare: Thomas Dömstedt, Helena Eriksson                                                                                                 
Valpklass 4-6 mån.                                                                                                      Hanhundar                                 
1.                        Formaregårdens Zeke                                                                                                                              21398/2003
                           f. 2003-02-11                                                                                                                  
                           e. NV-02 SV-02 NORDUCH                                                                                                                   
                               Tanbell´s King Of Savannah                                                                                                                                        
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Formaregårdens Q-Ti-Bee                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf: Elsa Lyman, Norberg                                                                                                                   
                           Äg: Sari Kemell, Solgårdsvägen 9, 739 31 Skinnskatteberg                                                                                                                    
4 month, gold and white …... very good quality, good front and shoulders, needs to develop in rib, nice tailset, corr noseplacement and .... are coming nicely.
2 valpkl HP
2.                        Tangse Lionking                                                                                                                                      19779/2003
                           f. 2003-01-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH FINUCH EECH                                                                                                                        
                               Santosha Dancing Brave                                                                                                                   
                           u. Båga´s Carisma                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf & äg: Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna                                                    gold and white, very good front and shoulders, very good sternum, nice level topline and corr teapot tail, moved well with drive for his age, very good deep chest, good coat for his age, showed with pref.
1 valpkl HP BIR valp 4-6                                                                  
Valpklass 4-6 mån.                                                                                                      Tikar                                           
3.                        Amie-Bell´s La Grande Dame                                                                                                                 S 18707/2003
                           f. 2003-01-20                                                                                                                  
                           e. Santosha Midnight Caller                                                                                                                  
                           u. Amie-Bell´s Mesi-Marja                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf & äg: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 471 32 Skärhamn                                                                                                                             
4 month, gold and brindle, very nice head and expression, very good bite, good front and shoulders, needs to develop a little bit in rib, a little high over the line for the moment, very good tailset, needs to settle in the movement
4 valpkl HP
4.                        Lac-Me´s Sugar Cain                                                                                                                               S 59168/2003
                           f. 2003-01-11                                                                                                                  
                           e. Aylas Imp Of My Mind                                                                                                                     
                           u. NUCH SUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Lac-Me´s Here Comes The Sun                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf: Merete Baraa & Eva Larsen, NORGE                                                                                                                   
                           Äg: Eva Sjöberg, Eksätravägen 288, 127 61 Skärholmen                                                                   Almost 5 month, gold and white, lovely head balance, good eyes, nice front and shoulder, good topline, very good quality coat for her age, good teeth, moved with lots of style and drive
1 valpkl HP BIM valp 4-6                                     
5.                        Limapa´s Vanilla News                                                                                                                            S 15746/2003
                           f. 2003-01-14                                                                                                                  
                           e. INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                                                                                                             
                           u. NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                              
                               Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf & äg: Lillvi Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 241 34 Eslöv                                                                                                                         
4 months, gold and white, very good head, proper teeth, nice eye, mouth developing very well, good front and shoulder, nice high tailset that must come down a bit, moved well with drive, good quality coat.
3 valpkl HP
6.                        Tangse O´Carol                                                                                                                                        S 19785/2003
                           f. 2003-01-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH FINUCH EECH                                                                                                                        
                               Santosha Dancing Brave                                                                                                                   
                           u. Båga´s Carisma                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf & äg: Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna                                                                                                                                     
Very nice make and shape, exc front and shoulders, dentition coming through nicely, lovely expr, very good pigment, nice developed ribcage, moved nicely with drive.
2 valpkl HP
Valpklass 6-9 mån.                                                                                                      Hanhundar                                 
7.                        Tibets Pride´s Poetic Justice                                                                                                                  S 59168/2002
                           f. 2002-10-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Tangse Diamond Gun                                                                                                                        
                           u. Tibets Pride´s Vanilla Chicka                                                                                                                                       
                           Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                                                                                                                          
                           Äg: Ellinor Svensson, Sjötäktsvägen 6, 791 93 Falun                                                                        9 month, red white, very good head and expr, exc pigment, dark eye, good front and shoulder placement, corr tailset, superb placem of teeth, good quality coat for his age, moved well with drive, covering the ground
2 valpkl HP                                  
8.                        Yringhs Fabulous                                                                                                                                    S 60806/2002
                           f. 2002-10-26                                                                                                                  
                           e. Yringhs Eminent                                                                                                                                  
                           u. Yringhs Cocky                                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf & äg: Ylva Ringh, Utsiktsvägen 46, 605 98 Norrköping                                                                                                                
Very good quality, black/white, very good head balance, nice front and shoulder, a little high over the line, needs to settle, very good quality coat for his age, moved well covering the ground
1 valpkl HP BIR valp 6-9 BIS valp
Valpklass 6-9 mån.                                                                                                      Tikar                                           
9.                        Khe-San´s Make My Day                                                                                                                       S 58135/2002
                           f. 2002-10-03                                                                                                                  
                           e. SV-99 INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                               
                               Ziams Mad Max                                                                                                                                  
                           u. Linbackens Gingerbread Heart                                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Antonio Sanchez, Ringvägen 6, 117 26 Stockholm                                                                                                                          
8,5 month, very feminine, nice head balance, good mouth and dentition, good front and shoulders, would prefer a larger rib cage, I also would prefer if tail was higher set, moved well over the ground
3 valpkl HP
10.                      Rigolette´s Black Princess Pandora                                                                                                                                  S 58595/2002
                           f. 2002-09-17                                                                                                                  
                           e. Rigolette´s Little Primo Commander                                                                                                                            
                           u. Rigolette´s Princesse Angelique                                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf & äg: Carola & Torsten Andersson, S:a Hallersrudsvägen 3, 663 42 Hammarö                                                                                                                               
8 month, black/white, very nice quality, good front and shoulders, good reach in neck, needs to develop more in ribcage, nice level topline, needs to develop more strength in the back end to complete balance, could be a bit higher in the leg
2 valpkl HP
11.                      Rigolette´s Black Princess Pricilla                                                                                                                                     S 58598/2002
                           f. 2002-09-17                                                                                                                  
                           e. Rigolette´s Little Primo Commander                                                                                                                            
                           u. Rigolette´s Princesse Angelique                                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf & äg: Carola & Torsten Andersson, S:a Hallersrudsvägen 3, 663 42 Hammarö                                                                                                                               
8 months, black/white, nice head proportion, very good finish of mouth, would prefer larger eye, needs to develop in ribcage, a little weak in the hock, needs a higher tailset, needs to settle in the movement
4 valpkl
12.                      Yringhs Flame                                                                                                               S 60808/2002
                           f. 2002-10-26                                                                                                                  
                           e. Yringhs Eminent                                                                                                                                  
                           u. Yringhs Cocky                                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf & äg: Ylva Ringh, Utsiktsvägen 46, 605 98 Norrköping                                                                                                                
7 month, gold/white partic... large of type doesn´t need to grow any more, nice large scull, good noseplacement, very good finish of mouth, good front and sternum, good high tailset, could just be a little shorter in the line, very good quality in the coat, moved very best in the class
1 valpkl HP BIM valp 6-9
Juniorklass                                                                                       Hanhundar                                 
13.                      Lillefots Choise Too Bee Unique                                                                                                                                      S 53624/2002
                           f. 2002-09-03                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lillefots Alma-Cogan                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf: Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Kristinehamn                                                                                                                  
                           Äg: Ewa & Lasse Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn                            Deltog ej          
14.                      Rigolette´s Master Filip                                                                                                                          S 58138/2002
                           f. 2002-09-12                                                                                                                  
                           e. Rigolette´s Cyrano De Paris                                                                                                              
                           u. Rigolette´s Julia Filippadotter                                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf & äg: Carola & Torsten Andersson, S:a Hallersrudsvägen 3, 663 42 Hammarö                                                                                                                               
9 months very good head and expr, gold and white, black over line, good finish in mouth, needs to develop a little in chest, nice hind movement, would prefer higher set tail, moved well covering the ground
1 junkl 2 kk CK opl bhkl
15.                      Tanbell´s Napo-Leon                                                                                                                              S 40110/2002
                           f. 2002-05-23                                                                                                                  
                           e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower                                                                                                                    
                           u. SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
                               Tanbell´s Jungle Jane                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge                                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Lilian Nordell, Krogtäppan 184, 136 53 Haninge                                                                         Good quality, gold and white, needs a lot more training, very good head balance, a lovely size, ribcage needs to develop a little, corr high tailset, very good quality coat for his age, a good dog, try to get him with handling better
2 junkl                                          
16.                      Tuvok                                                                                                                             S 23589/2002
                           f. 2002-03-14                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH FINUCH EECH                                                                                                                        
                               Santosha Dancing Brave                                                                                                                   
                           u. Tale-Shih´s Nicole                                                                                                                              
                           Uppf & äg: Mari Trogen, Spelmansvägen 3D, 740 30 Björklinge                                                     14 month, gold/white, very good head balance, corr nose placement, a little large to it kind, very good fininsh of mouth, nice level topline, good high tailset, very good quality coat, moved with drive covering the ground, nicely presented
1 junkl 1 kk CK opl bhkl                                                                   
Unghundsklass                                                                                                            Hanhundar                                 
17.                      Khe-San´s Harry Potter                                                                                                                           S 54672/2001
                           f. 2001-10-09                                                                                                                  
                           e. INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                                                                                                             
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Charity´s Example For Khe-San                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Marianne Jonasson, Appelmansvägen 3, 790 20 Grycksbo                          
18 month, high quality, gold white, very good head and expr, good pigment, good mouth finish, good front and shoulders, nice angulated ribquarters and would getbetter balance with a bit higher on the leg, would prefer higher tailset, nicely presented coat, moved very well
1 ukl 2 kk CK opl bhkl                                                                                                 
18.                      Lillefots Born After Unique                                                                                                                    S 48808/2001
                           f. 2001-09-01                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´Mim                                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf: Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Kristinehamn                                                                                                                  
                           Äg: Ewa Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn                                                                       Deltog ej                                      
19.                      Tangse Good Luck Charm                                                                                                                      S 58640/2001
                           f. 2003-06-14                                                                                                                  
                           e. FINV-01 FINV-02 SUCH NUCH DKUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                               
                               Tangse Robin Fantasy                                                                                                                       
                           u. SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
                               Båga´s Columbine                                                                                                                               
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna                                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Maria Laaksonen, Tammihaantie 1, FIN-21140 Rymättylä, FINLAND                                     20 month, gold white, very lovely head balance, nice large round scull, very good high of leg to it balance of body, excellent high tailset, nice finish of mouth, exc pigmentation, beautifully growned, moved well with drive covering the ground, excellent handled
1 ukl 1 kk CK 1 bhkl CERT BIR                                                                                 
20.                      Tibets Pride´s Face The Truth                                                                                                               S 53285/2001
                           f. 2001-09-10                                                                                                                  
                           e. JWW-98 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 AMV-02 WW-02 INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                                                                                                                    
                           u. Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                                                                                                                          
                           Äg: Ellinor Svensson, Sjötäktsvägen 6, 791 93 Falun                                                                        2 years old, gold white particolour, nice quality dog, nice large scull, nice large round eye, nicely balanced outline, good big ribcage, would prefer higher tailset, moved well covering the ground
1 ukl 4 kk                                     
21.                      Yringhs Eminent                                                                                                                                       S 47812/2001
                           f. 2001-07-24                                                                                                                  
                           e. NORDV-01 INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                    
                               Ziams Lord Of The Dance                                                                                                                 
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Tawellas Brought To Yringh By Zanza                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf & äg: Ylva Ringh, Utsiktsvägen 46, 605 98 Norrköping                               23 month, gold white with black over…, high quality dog, nice large round scull, corr noseplac, very good pigment, good ribcage, nice front and shoulder, prefer slightly high tailset, very good quality coat, moved well with drive covering the ground
1 ukl 3 kk CK opl bhkl
Öppen klass                                                                                       Hanhundar                                 
22.                      Gi-Jan´s Fair N´ Square                                                                                                                           S 54524/2000
                           f. 2000-10-17                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                    
                               Ziams Hugo Boss                                                                                                                               
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Gi-Jan´s Clear-Chance Lillis                                                                                                               
                           Uppf & äg: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 Gävle                                   2,5 years, gold white, very nice head balance, good round scull, corr nose plac, very good pigm, nice level topline, good high tailset, very good quality coat, lovely presented, moved well covering the ground
1 ökl 3 kk CK opl bhkl                                                                      
23.                      Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower                                                                                                                         S 14111/2000
                           f. 2000-01-09                                                                                                                  
                           e. NORDUCH DKUCH                                                                                                                           
                               Tanbell´s Here I Come                                                                                                                        
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Kin-Dai´s Autumn Flower                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf & äg: Kerstin Pettersson, Gråhundsvägen 32, 128 62 Sköndal                                               Lovely head balance, corr round scull, very good noseplac, would prefer him slightly higher on the leg, good toplline, would prefer slightly higher tailset, good quality coat, nice dark eye, moved well covering the ground
1 ökl opl kk CK opl bhkl                                                                  
24.                      Lady Chima´s Perfect Partner                                                                                                                 S 12666/2000
                           f. 1999-11-30                                                                                                                  
                           e. INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                                          
                               Tangse Quick Step To Vegas                                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lady Chima´s Ko-Kos-To-Bee                                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Inga-Lill Johansson, Almersåkra Bialite, 571 66 Bodafors                              Deltog ej                                                                 
25.                      Lady Chima´s Real Tutti Capi                                                                                                                S 54806/2000
                           f. 2000-09-21                                                                                                                  
C                         e. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi                                                                                                              
                           u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´ Bee                                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Inga-Lill Johansson, Almersåkra Bialite, 571 66 Bodafors                              Deltog ej                                                                 
26.                      Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Christy                                                                                                                                S 10349/2001
                           f. 2000-11-20                                                                                                                  
C                         e. INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                                          
                               Tangse Quick Step To Vegas                                                                                                                                       
                           u. Hashanah Love At First Sight                                                                                                                                     
                           Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Birgitta Hallengren, Råda Portar 22, 435 32 Mölnlycke                                   2 year old, gold white particolour, lovely head and expr, good front and shoulder, level topline, lovely high tailset, good finish of mouth, for perfect balance I would prefer him a bit higher on the leg, nice good ribcage, very good body, very good profile movement, nicely presented
1 ökl 1 kk CK 3 bhkl                                                                          
27.                      Meikwei Showtime                                                                                                                                   S 27224/2000
                           f. 1999-06-08                                                                                                                  
                           e. Meikwei Sir Duke                                                                                                                                
                           u. Meikwei April Song                                                                                                                           
                           Uppf: Sharon Brace, ENGLAND                                                                                                                                      
                           Äg: Annalena & Mats Andersson, Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 Gävle                                             
4 year old, gold white, lovely head set nicely expression, good front snd shoulder, corr ……….., nice ribcage, lovely topline, nicely angulated rear, would prefer slightly higher tailset, good quality coat, moved well with drive
1 ökl 2 kk CK opl bhkl                                                                      
28.                      Popeye´s Art Deco                                                                                                                                  S 25376/2001
                           f. 2001-01-27                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Fossella Talking In My Sleep                                                                                                                                       
                           u. Popeye´s Trick Or Treat                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf: Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö                                                                                                                                   
                           Äg: Lena Persson, Sidenvägen 25, 178 37 Ekerö                                                                                Deltog ej                                      
29.                      Tanbell´s Juan De Marco                                                                                                                       S 47383/97
                           f. 1996-12-31                                                                                                                  
C                         e. INTUCH SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                       
                               Tangse King-Tzu                                                                                                                                
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Ge-Mihs X-Zotic Bird                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge                                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Lilian Nordell, Krogtäppan 184, 136 53 Haninge                                                                         6 year old, red gold, nice head and expression, reasonable front, would prefer larger ribcage, needs more body, nice high tailset, moved reasonably well, could be slightly better in the mouth finish, good quality coat
2 ökl                                             
30.                      Tanbell´s Leader In Time                                                                                                                        S 11332/2000
                           f. 1999-12-05                                                                                                                  
                           e. JWW-98 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 AMV-02 WW-02 INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                                                                                                                    
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird                                                                                                                       
                           Uppf: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge                                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd                                                                              3,5 year old, gold, very good quality, corr head balance, nice large round scull, very good eye color, good expr, good front and shoulder, would prefer larger ribcage, lovely topline, nice tailset, good quality coat, moved well with drive, well handled
1 ökl R kk CK opl bhkl                                          
31.                      Tangse Zoogin                                                                                                                                         S 58372/96
                           f. 1996-09-13                                                                                                                  
                           e. NV-96 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Formaregårdens Zorro                                                                                                                       
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Tangse Sharon Wee                                                                                                                           
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna                                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Eva & Hans Lindholm, Gevärsgatan 13, 723 38 Västerås                               6 year old, red gold white, very good quality dog, nice head and expr, would prefer larger eye, nice high tailset, nicely angulated ribquarters, lovely topline, good quality coat, little reluctant to move but when he moved he moved OK
1 ökl                                                                         
32.                      Tawellas Baltha-Zaar                                                                                                                               S 55282/97
                           f. 1997-10-04                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Spovens Jolly Joshua                                                                                                                        
                           u. Yringhs A X-Tra Love Song                                                                                                                                        
                           Uppf & äg: Inger Ekström, Finntorpsvägen 18, 733 94 Sala                                   5 year old, pale gold white, very good quality dog, lovely head and expr, very good eye, nice finish of mouth, lovely high tailset, corr level topline, moved well with drive covering the ground, good quality coat, nicely presented
1 ökl 4 kk CK opl bhkl                                                                      
33.                      Tempelhundens Coffee And Milk Tzu                                                                                                                            S 51340/2000
                           f. 2000-08-20                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Qin Zhe Shou V Zai Ling Sjiao                                                                                                                                     
                           u. Tempelhundens Be-Linda-Tzu                                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf: Rose-Marie Häremo, Malung                                                                                                                                
                           Äg: Ann-Sofie Shlimanoff, Ö. Långstrand 50, 780 68 Transtrand                                                    3 year old lovely black white good quality dog, nice round scull, nice finish in mouth, reasonable front and shoulder, nice high tailset, need some more training, would prefer larger ribcage and better muscle back in his rear end
2 ökl                                                                         
Championklass                                                                                                            Hanhundar                                 
34.                      Cacophony-Cad                                                                                                                                       S 14109/2000
                           f. 1999-12-25                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                           u. SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
                               Tanbell´s Jungle Jane                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf & äg: Ewa Marie Lindquist, Ranunkelgränd 3, 135 37 Tyresö                                                Deltog ej                                                                 
                           INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                              
35.                      Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                                                                                                                  S 55844/97
                           f. 1997-11-08                                                                                                                  
                           e. JWW-02 SV-97 SV-98 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel                                                                                                               
                           u. NV-98 SV-99 KBHV-00 WW-02 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
                               Khe-San´s Twice As Nice                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad                                                                                                                               
                           Äg: Lillvi Dellgren, Arildsvägen 4, 241 34 Eslöv                                                                                 5,5 years, gold white particolour, lovely make and shape, lovely head balance, large round scull, corr noseplac, good front and shoulder, lovely toplline, good ribcage, lovely high tailset, beautifully presented in good coat, moved well covering the ground
4 chkl CK opl bhkl                                                 
                           JWW-98 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 AMV-02 WW-02 INT, NORD & NUCH                                                                                                                         
36.                      Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                                                                                                                         S 30354/97
                           f. 1997-04-28                                                                                                                  
                           e. SPACH SUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Ista´s Look Out                                                                                                                                   
                           u. Tangse O´Pretty Sue Ellen                                                                                                                
                           Uppf & äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 Upphärad                              5,5  gold white, lovely front and shoulder, corr head balance, good round scull, lovely topline, lovely high tailset, good pigmentation, shown in beautiful coat, well bodied, moved well covering the ground, lovely presented
Opl chkl CK opl bhkl                                                                        
                           NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                  
37.                      Lady Chima´s Oriental Cool To Bee                                                                                                                                 S 17306/99
                           f. 1999-01-12                                                                                                                  
                           e. NORDV-96 INTUCH NORDUCH DKUCH                                                                                                                 
                               Khe-San´s Cool Porter                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lady Chima´s Elisabeth Taylor                                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Birgitta Hallengren, Råda Portar 22, 435 32 Mölnlycke                                   Very good quality red gold with black trim, very good expr, lovely dark eyes, good front and shoulder, would prefer larger ribcage, nice level topline, good high tailset, moved well, shown for a …... good quality coat
1 chkl CK 2 bhkl                                                                                
                           FINUCH SUCH                                                                                                                                        
38.                      Le Bon Beat ´Em All                                                                                                                                FIN 24251/98
                           f. 1997-06-15                                                                                                                  
                           e. NUCH SUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Kimili´s Like A Mystery                                                                                                                     
                           u. Boreas´ Golden Jellaba                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf: Rune Strand, NORGE                                                                                                                  
                           Äg: Ulla Kinne, Hyljetie 35 C, 02260 Espoo, FINLAND                                                                     Deltog ej                                      
39.                      Satly´s Sidney                                                                                                               S 13276/2000
                           f. 1999-12-19                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Tsantha Devil May Dare                                                                                                                   
                           u. INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                                          
                               Satly´s Velvet ´N´ Lace                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf & äg: Eva Sjöberg, Eksätravägen 288, 127 61 Skärholmen                                                      3 years old, gold white, lovely head and expr, good front and shoulder, good head balance, corr noseplac, good pigm, nice tailset, would prefer more round ribcage, shown in very good quality coat, nicely presented
Opl chkl CK opl bhkl                                                                        
                           NV-02 SV-02 NORDUCH                                                                                                                       
40.                      Tanbell´s King Of Savannah                                                                                                                  S 30202/99
                           f. 1999-04-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. JWW-98 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 AMV-02 WW-02 INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                                                                                                                    
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Ge-Mihs X-Zotic Bird                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf & äg: Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72 Haninge                                4 year old, gold whiteparticolour, high quality dog, nice head and expr, nice head balance, reasonable front and shoulder, good ribcage, level topline, good high tailset, moved well covering the ground, just a little insure of himself, good quality coat, nicely presented
3 chkl CK opl bhkl                                                                            
                           SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                        
41.                      Tangse Midnight Cowboy                                                                                                                     S 30503/2001
                           f. 2001-03-05                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Pekings Just Brandy Tangse                                                                                                                                        
                           u. Tangse Song Of Voodoo                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf & äg: Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna                                                    Just over 2 years, black, lovely head and expr, very good head balance, nice large round scull, very good eye plac, good front and shoulders, good ribcage, nice tailset, very good quality coat, moved well with drive, nicely shown
R chkl CK opl bhkl                                                                           
                           FINV-01 FINV-02 SUCH NUCH DKUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
42.                      Tangse Robin Fantasy                                                                                                                            FIN 26080/01
                           f. 1999-12-29                                                                                                                  
                           e. FINV-00 SUCH DKUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                
                               Ta Maria Red Rouser                                                                                                                         
                           u. JWW-98 NORDUCH                                                                                                                          
                               Tangse Samantha Wee                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Maria Laaksonen, Tammihaantie 1, 21140 Rymättylä, FINLAND                                             3 year old, gold white, high quality very good head bal, very large eye, good front and shoulders, very good pigment, large ribcage, lovely topline, good high set tail, beutifully presented, moved with drive, ex... handled
Opl chkl CK opl bhkl
                           JWW-96 SV-97 SV-98 INTUCH NORDUCH DKUCH                                                                                                                              
43.                      Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel                                                                                                                    S 28431/95
                           f. 1995-03-07                                                                                                                  
                           e. NV-96 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Formaregårdens Zorro                                                                                                                       
                           u. Tangse Cassandra Wee                                                                                                                    
                           Uppf & äg: Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna                                                    8,5 year old gold white, very well balanced, good head and expr, nice round scull, good front ad shoulder, level topline, nice high tailset, good ribcage, very good profile movement, good quality coat, well handled
2 chkl CK R bhkl
                           SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                        
44.                      Ziams Hugo Boss                                                                                                                                    S 56300/97
                           f. 1997-11-03                                                                                                                  
                           e. SV-91 SV-95 INTUCH SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                           
                               Ge-Mih´s Phoenix Of Fire                                                                                                                  
                           u. INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Ziams Xanadu                                                                                                                                     
                           Uppf: Lesslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa                                                                                                                                
                           Äg: Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 Gävle                                                                           5 year old, very good quality very good finish of mouth, for complete balance I would like him a little longer on the leg, lovely high tailset, but would prefer a bigger ribcage, good quality coat, very well presented, moved with drive, well handled
Opl chkl CK opl bhkl
Veteranklass                                                                                     Hanhundar                                 
                           SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                
45.                      Lady Chima´s Clint Eastwood                                                                                                                S 39594/93
                           f. 1993-04-25                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Tangse Elaine                                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Gunilla Lindberg, Snödroppsvägen 35, 737 42 Fagersta                                 10 years old, nice quality, lovely head and expr, nice large round scull, good front and shoulder, good ribcage, nice topline, nice high tailset, moved well covering the ground, good quality coat
1 vetkl CK 4 bhkl
                           INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                                              
46.                      Mai-Tai´s Zir Wi-Lee-Am                                                                                                                       S 59123/94
                           f. 1994-10-06                                                                                                                  
                           e. NV-96 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Formaregårdens Zorro                                                                                                                       
                           u. Tangse Royale Rhapsody                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf: Ulla-Carin Ljungh & Curt Gunsth, Ljusdal                                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Ulla-Carin Ljungh, Bäckänge 32, 827 92 Ljusdal                                                                          8, 5 year old gold white, good head balance, corr nose plac, reasonable front and shoulder, lovely topline, nice tailset, good qual coat ,a little bit close in the back movement, going away not showing full pad, nicely presented
3 vetkl CK opl bhkl
                           SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                
47.                      Spovens Jolly Joshua                                                                                                                             S 23134/96
                           f. 1996-01-28                                                                                                                  
                           e. Spovens Never Goes Out Of Style                                                                                                                              
                           u. Spovens Little Cherry-Merry-Muffin                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf & äg: Lillevor Lindberg, Spovvägen 1, 738 33 Norberg                                7,5 years old, gold white particolor, lovely head and expr, for complete balance I prefer him slightly higher on the leg, would prefer bigger ribcage, nice high tailset, shown in very good coat, nicely presented, well handled
2 vetkl CK opl bhkl
Juniorklass                                                                                       Tikar                                           
48.                      Alva                                                                                                                                S 49727/2002
                           f. 2002-08-09                                                                                                                  
                           e. Bacalo´s I Put You In My Heart                                                                                                                                   
                           u. Vixax Agnes                                                                                                             
                           Uppf & äg: Marie Kennmark, Bangatan 5, 577 50 Silverdalen                               10 month, dark sable brindle, reasonable head and expr, very good mouth, too long in the line, nice tailset, good detition, nice eyecolour, good noseplac, good coatcondition, moved .... well
2 junkl
49.                      Lady Chima´s Unique Mistral                                                                                                                S 53627/2002
                           f. 2002-08-29                                                                                                                  
                           e. Lady Chima´s Real Tutti Capi                                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lady Chima´s Non-Stop-To Bee                                                                                                                                 
                           Uppf & äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors                                                    9 months, gold white with black oveline, very high quality bitch, very fem head and expr, very good dentition, nice front and shoulders, very good outline when posed, it needs to settle in the move, the dog needs training
1 junkl 2 kk CK opl btkl
50.                      Lillefots Cogans Amanda                                                                                                                       S 53623/2002
                           f. 2002-09-03                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lillefots Alma-Cogan                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf: Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Kristinehamn                                                                                                                  
                           Äg: Ewa Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn                                                                       Deltog ej
51.                      Lillefots Cogans Belize                                                                                                                            S 53622/2002
                           f. 2002-09-03                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lillefots Alma-Cogan                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf & äg: Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn                                            Deltog ej
52.                      Tangse Crystal Crown                                                                                                                            S 45911/2002
                           f. 2002-06-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. Tangse Midnight Cowboy                                                                                                                
                           u. Tangse Dancing Adeline                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna                                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Annalena & Mats Andersson, Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 Gävle                                              11,5 month, black white, very nice balance, very good head and expr, corr nose plac, good alrge round scull, nice teethplac, good ribcage, nice high tailset, moved well covering the ground, good quality  coat, for perfect balance I´d prefer a little bit longer leg
1 junkl 1 kk CK opl btkl
53.                      Tibets Pride´s Kissed By A Rose                                                                                                                                     S 36339/2002
                           f. 2002-05-10                                                                                                                  
                           e. NORDV-01 INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                    
                               Ziams Lord Of The Dance                                                                                                                 
                           u. Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka                                                                                                                          
                           Äg: Ellinor Svensson, Sjötäktsvägen 6, 791 93 Falun                                                                        1 year old, particolour, reasonable quality, nice head and expr, good ribcage, just a little higher in the tailset, needs to settle in the topline, needs to settle in the movement
1 junkl 3 kk                                  
Unghundsklass                                                                                                            Tikar                                           
54.                      Anibes Ashley Fashion                                                                                                                          S 57708/2001
                           f. 2001-10-19                                                                                                                  
                           e. Tangse Zantana                                                                                                                                  
                           u. SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
                               Formaregårdens Out Of Order                                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf: Anita Berggren, Västerås                                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd                                                                              18 month, top quality gold white very fem head, good head balance, corr nose plac, exc bite, good front and shoulder, good ribcage, nice topline, good high tailset, very good mover showing full pad, well handled
1 ukl 1 kk CK opl btkl                                            
55.                      Jade Hill´s Tilia Tomentosa                                                                                                                    S 19899/2002
                           f. 2002-01-20                                                                                                                  
                           e. KBHV-95 KBHV-96 WW-98 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                              
                               Popeye´s Love N´ Money                                                                                                                 
                           u. Jade Hill´s Susie-Q                                                                                                                             
                           Uppf: Tanja Karbacka Edvinson, Göteborg                                                                                                                   
                           Äg: Antonio Sanchez, Ringvägen 6, 117 26 Stockholm                                                                     16, 5 month particolour, nice fem head, good bite, good front and shoulder, would prefer better ribcage and a higher tailset, moved well covering the ground with full pad
1 ukl                                             
56.                      Jade Hill´s Viola Bambini                                                                                                                        S 19898/2002
                           f. 2002-01-20                                                                                                                  
                           e. KBHV-95 KBHV-96 WW-98 INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                              
                               Popeye´s Love N´ Money                                                                                                                 
                           u. Jade Hill´s Susie-Q                                                                                                                             
                           Uppf: Tanja Karbacka Edvinson, Göteborg                                                                                                                   
                           Äg: Mia Hagman, Spiksmedsvägen 37, 590 90 Ankarsrum                                                               16,5 month, fem bitch, good dentition, reasonable front and shoulder, topline needs to level out a bit, would prefer her a bit higher on the legs for complete balance, would prefer higher tailset, moved reasonably well
1 ukl 4 kk                                     
57.                      Khe-San´s Hedda Hopper                                                                                                                      S 54673/2001
                           f. 2001-10-09                                                                                                                  
                           e. INTUCH NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News                                                                                                             
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Charity´s Example For Khe-San                                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Christine Fjellborg, Ols Gustavs Väg 12, 784 56 Borlänge                              20 month old, gold white particolour, very nice head and fem expr, good nose plac, nice large round scull, good front and shoulder... good ribcage, nice body, moved reasonably well covered the ground
1 ukl Rkk                                                                 
58.                      Lillefots Born Too Bee A Star                                                                                                                S 48812/2001
                           f. 2001-09-01                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´Mim                                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf: Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Kristinehamn                                                                                                                  
                           Äg: Ewa Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn                                                                       Deltog ej                                      
59.                      Tangse Pamela                                                                                                              S 56737/2001
                           f. 2001-09-23                                                                                                                  
                           e. Tangse Zantana                                                                                                                                  
                           u. Bågas Carisma                                                                                                                                     
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna                                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72 Haninge                                                                        20 months, gold white, very fem, very nice headbal, large round scull, corr nose plac, nice large dark eyes, good dentition, good front and shoulder, would just prefer her a little bit higher for perfect balance, good movement, very arrogant
1 ukl 2 kk CK opl btkl                                            
60.                      Tangse Yoko-Ono                                                                                                                                   S 58637/2001
                           f. 2001-10-03                                                                                                                  
                           e. FINUCH                                                                                                                    
                               Santosha Red Amiral                                                                                                                          
                           u. JWW-98 NORDUCH                                                                                                                          
                               Tangse Samantha Wee                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna                                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Alexis Valenzuela, Ervallakroken 11, 124 66 Bandhagen                                 18 month, high quality bitch, very fem expr, good mouth placement, nice head balance, lovely topline, good ribcage, nice high tailset, very good coat for her age, for perfect balance would prefer a little higher on her legs, moved well over the ground, show full pad, handled perfect
1 ukl 3 kk CK opl btkl                                                                       
Öppen klass                                                                                       Tikar                                           
61.                      Amie-Bell´s Mesi-Marja                                                                                                                          S 20258/98
                           f. 1998-01-02                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Amie-Bell´s Ama-Rillo                                                                                                                        
                           u. NORDUCH                                                                                                               
                               Fossella Copy-Cat                                                                                                                              
                           Uppf & äg: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 471 32 Skärhamn                                            5 year, golden white, very fem, good head bal, very good dentition, nice front and shoulder, lovely topline, good ribcage, high tailset, moved well covering the ground, nice coat
1 ökl R kk                                                                
                           FINUCH EECH                                                                                                             
62.                      Khe-San´s Snow Flake                                                                                                                            S 35618/99
                           f. 1999-05-03                                                                                                                  
C                         e. JWW-98 KBHV-00 NORDV-00 AMV-02 WW-02 INTUCH NORDUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                                                                                                                    
                           u. JEUW-97 KBHJV-97 NORDUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                
                               Khe-San´s Dream About Cocktails                                                                                                                             
                           Uppf & äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 Upphärad                              3 year, gold white, particolour, lovely type, good headbal, very fem good eyecolour, would prefer slightly larger scull, good front and shoulder, nice eye and expr, good high tailset, moved well covering the ground, nice coat
1 ökl 2 kk CK R btkl                                                                          
63.                      Lady Chima´s Always Promise To Bee                                                                                                                            S 54812/2000
                           f. 2000-09-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi                                                                                                              
                           u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´ Bee                                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf & äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors                                                    2 year old, golden white, nice large scull, good noseplac, good front and sternum, reasonable front and shoulder, would prefer bigger ribcage, needs to carry a bit more bodyweight, moved well covering the ground, need more spirit
1 ökl                                                                         
64.                      Lady Chima´s Non-Stop-To Bee                                                                                                                                       S 42429/98
                           f. 1998-07-22                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH                                                                                                                         
                               Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                       
                           u. Lady Chima´s Isglass                                                                                                                         
                           Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Bodafors                                                                                                                       
                           Äg: Emma Kennmark, Kanalgatan 3 A, 577 51 Silverdalen                                                                5 year old, golden white, nice fem expr, well balanced, good topline, I´d prefer bigger ribcage, nice tailset, moved reasonably well, just a little close in the back, good coat
1 ökl                                             
65.                      Lady Chima´s Real Promise For You                                                                                                                                S 54811/2000
                           f. 2000-09-21                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi                                                                                                              
                           u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´ Bee                                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf & äg: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors                                                    Deltog ej                                                                 
66.                      Mai-Tai´s Twistin´ Patricia                                                                                                                     S 37421/2001
                           f. 2001-04-26                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH FINUCH EECH                                                                                                                        
                               Santosha Dancing Brave                                                                                                                   
                           u. Mai-Tai´s Disco Dixie                                                                                                                        
                           Uppf: Ulla-Carin Ljungh & Curt Gunsth, Ljusdal                                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Ulla-Carin Ljungh, Bäckänge 32, 827 92 Ljusdal                                                                          3 year old, golden white bitch, nice quality, fem head and expr, nice large scull, corr noseplac, good ribcage, reasonable front and shoulder, nice tailset, very good coat for her age, moved reasonably well covering the ground, nicely presented
1 ökl                                             
67.                      Spovens Zhandy                                                                                                                                     S 57460/2000
                           f. 2000-10-17                                                                                                                  
C                         e. NORDUCH                                                                                                               
                               Spovens So Smart Play                                                                                                                      
                           u. Spovens Ara-Bella Of Lady                                                                                                              
                           Uppf & äg: Lillevor Lindberg, Spovvägen 1, 738 33 Norberg                                2 years old, lovely head and expr, good noseplac, nice scull, good front and shoulder, nice ribcage, nice high tailset, moved well covering the ground, good coat
1 ökl 1 kk CK 3 btkl CERT CHAMPIONAT                                                            
                           KBHV-02 FINUCH DKUCH                                                                                                                  
68.                      Ta Maria Vanity Fair                                                                                                                                FIN 33800/00
                           f. 2000-06-12                                                                                                                  
C                         e. INTUCH                                                                                                                    
                               Ta Maria Dancing Master                                                                                                                 
                           u. FINUCH                                                                                                                    
                               Krysanteemin Kiss Me Kate                                                                                                             
                           Uppf: Anne & Maria Laaksonen, FINLAND                                                                                                                 
                           Äg: Ulla Kinne, Hyljetie 35 C, 02260 Espoo, FINLAND                                                                     3 year old, gold white, nice outline, good headbal, good scull and noseplac, nice front and shoulder, nice topline, high tailset, moved well covering the ground, very good coat, nicely presented, lovely shown
1 ökl 3 kk CK opl btkl                                            
69.                      Tangse Larissa                                                                                                                                         S 47662/2000
                           f. 2000-02-22                                                                                                                  
                           e. Tangse Wiseguy                                                                                                                                
                           u. SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                   
                               Bågas Columbin                                                                                                                                  
                           Uppf: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna                                                                                                                                    
                           Äg: Annalena & Mats Andersson, Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 Gävle                                              3 year old, gold white, particolour, very fem head and expr, very good dentition, good front and shoulder, nice topline, nice tailset, good texture coat, moved well covering the ground
1 ökl 4 kk CK opl btkl
Championklass                                                                                                            Tikar                                           
                           INTUCH SUCH NUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                      
70.                      Ta Maria Mayflower                                                                                                                                FIN 27442/98
                           f. 1998-01-27                                                                                                                  
                           e. FINUCH                                                                                                                    
                               Santosha Red Admiral                                                                                                                       
                           u. FINV-02 INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                                                     
                               Ta Maria Dancing May                                                                                                                      
                           Uppf: Anne & Maria Laaksonen, FINLAND                                                                                                                 
                           Äg: Maria Laaksonen, Tammihaantie 1, 21140 Rymättylä, FINLAND                                             5 year old, golden white particol, lovely head bal, nice scull, good nose plac,good front and shoulder, nice topline, lovely high tailset, well bodied, good ribcage, moved well covering the ground, beautiful cond, exc handled
3 chkl CK opl btkl                                                                             
                           SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                        
71.                      Tanbell´s Jungle Jane                                                                                                                              S 14100/97
                           f. 1996-12-31                                                                                                                  
                           e. INTUCH SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                       
                               Tangse King-Tzu                                                                                                                                
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird                                                                                                                       
                           Uppf: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge                                                                                                                                     
                           Äg: Ewa Marie Lindquist, Ranunkelgränd 3, 135 37 Tyresö                                  6,5 year old gold white bitch, very fem, very fem head, good head bal, very good noseplac, very good pigm, would prefer slightly bigger ribcage, nice topline, good high tailset, moved very well covering the ground, good coat, lovely handling, beautifully presented
2 chkl CK 4 btkl                                                                                 
                           SUCH FINUCH                                                                                                                                        
72.                      Tangse Cheyenne                                                                                                                                    S 10093/2000
                           f. 1999-11-28                                                                                                                  
                           e. Tangse Wiseguy                                                                                                                                
                           u. Tale-Shih´s Wilma                                                                                                                              
                           Uppf & äg: Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B, 191 60 Sollentuna                                                    3 years old, nice bitch, very good ..., very good front, good neck and shoulder, very good ribcage, very good coat quality, nice tailset, nice angulated rear quarters, nicely pres, moved well covering the ground
1 chkl CK 1 btkl BIM                                                                        
Veteranklass                                                                                     Tikar                                           
73.                      Fossella Copy-Cat                                                                                                                                   S 12821/95
                           f. 1995-11-27                                                                                                                  
                           e. NORDUCH                                                                                                               
                               Skånhedens Pale Rider                                                                                                                       
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Jessame´s Lagacy Li-Jen                                                                                                                   
                           Uppf: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup                                                                                                                                        
                           Äg: Elisabeth Pettersson, Lönneskogen 14, 471 32 Skärhamn                              9 years old, very nice quality, fem bitch, lovely dark eye, good head and nosebal, nice front and shoulder, just prefer slightly higher on the leg, good ribcage, nice high tailset, moved well covering the ground with drive, shown in very good coat, nicely handled
2 vetkl CK opl btkl                                                                            
74.                      Rigolette´s Filippa Of Linchihi                                                                                                               S 48808/92
                           f. 1992-05-08                                                                                                                  
                           e. SUCH NUCH                                                                                                                                       
                               Charmabö´s Ideal Investment                                                                                                                                      
                           u. SUCH                                                                                                                        
                               Spovens Just For Rigolette                                                                                                               
                           Uppf & äg: Carola & Torsten Andersson, S:a Hallersrudsvägen 3, 663 42 Hammarö                                                                                                                               
9 years old, very good qual bitch, lovely head and expr, nice round scull, good nose plac, good front and shoulder, good topline, nice high tailset, very good coat, shown in beautiful condition, moved very well
1 vetkl CK 2 btkl Bästa veteran
                           FINV-02 INTUCH NORDUCH                                                                                                              
75.                      Ta Maria Dancing May                                                                                                                           SF 42795/94
                           f. 1994-06-10
                           e. Lin-Pearl´s Disco Dancer
                           u. NORDV-97 FINV-98 FINV-99 INTUCH NORDUCH EECH
                               Mai-Tai´s Daisy May
                           Uppf: Anne & Maria Laaksonen, FINLAND
                           Äg: Maria Laaksonen, Tammihaantie 1, 21140 Rymättylä, FINLAND
                           9 year old, topquality bitch, nice head and expr, nice dark eyes, good pigment, lovely expr, nice topline and ribcage, slightly drops its topline when going round, very beautifully prepared, very nicely shown
3 vetkl CK opl btkl
                           JWW-98 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 AMV-02 WW-02 INT, NORD & NUCH                                                                                                                         
36.                      Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim                                                                                                                         S 30354/97
                           SKALL TÄVLA MED:    20    30    40    62                                                                                           
All four high class, all similar type, golden white, lovely head type, all quite good movers
1 avelskl HP Bästa avelsgrupp
76.                      Hashanah Bee Unique                                                                                                                            S 50230/92
                           SKALL TÄVLA MED:    13    18    45    50    51    58    64                                                                                               Deltog ej          
77.                      Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird                                                                                                                            S 59856/92
                           SKALL TÄVLA MED:    29    30    40    71                                                                                                                       Deltog ej
                           UPPFÖDARE: SÖNKSEN EVA-LENA LUNDQVIST JESSICA, UPPHÄRAD,                                                        
                           KENNEL KHE-SAN                                                                                                                                
                           17    35    36    62   
All very similar type, very similar head and expr, all about the same size, all golden white and high quality
1 uppfkl HP Bästa uppfödargrupp
                           KENNEL LADY CHIMA´S
                            26    37    45    49      
                           Nice type, similar head and expr, all similar size, good quality coat
                           1 uppfkl  HP
                           KENNEL LILLEFOTS
                           13    18    50    51    58
                           Deltog ej
                           UPPFÖDARE: SARMELL SUSANNE, HANINGE
                           KENNEL TANBELL´S
                           15    30    40    71   
                           Nice quality in this group, slightly different type contained within it, nice coat
                           1 uppfkl HP
                           UPPFÖDARE: ÅKERSTEN ROSE, SOLLENTUNA
                           KENNEL TANGSE
                           19  42    43   72
                           Very similar group, good head and expr, lovely coat
                           1 uppfkl HP