Domare: LigitaZake, Lettland
Antal Vuxna:25+16
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Juniorklass Hanar
S13219/2006 f 051223
e.Jang-Bis Mummy`s Little Zacke
u.Wild Knight`s Piece of Your Action
Uppf: Björn Näsman Kramfors
Äg: Ulrica Näsman Kramfors.
Nice masculine young male of corr balance strong cage short
muzzle a bit bowing eyes showing some white strong topline
enough volyme of body fore age loin short enough corr angulated
very good general impression
1 jkl 2 jkk hp
All-By-Myself S61716/2005 f.050822
e.Such Finuch Mjuka Mockasinens Paiatzo
u.Kim-Ono´s Show Me Heaven
Uppf: Johanna Lejon Gammelstad
Äg:Katarina Soler Boden
Strong masc male strong muzzle and head of corr prop strong
topline straight enough when standing corr volyme of body for
age well angulation moves well exc. tempr
1 jkl 1 jkk ck Bhkl-4
Wild Knight´s Walk This Way S10343/2006 f.051112
e.Tibets Pride´s Dungeons N´Dragons
Svensson Falun
Sofie Björk Frövi
Zhan-Thal Shu Fang S52156/2005 f.050720
e. Multiuch SV-04
KBHV-04 FINV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra
u. Country
Flowers Malva Rosea
Uppf. Taina
Samuelsson, Lilla Edet.
Äg. Elisabeth
Strömberg, Luleå
Corr type and prop strong head forhead prenanced enough
eyes showing a bit white streng but could have more level
topline a bit shape in crup good volyme of body corr angulated
moves with enough stride.
2 jkl
Unghund Hanar
Eastfane´s Make My Day S45415/2005 f. 2005.05.19
e. Meikwei Showtime
u. Tangse Larissa
Annalena o Matz Andersson, Gävle
Annalena o Matz Andersson, Gävle
Corr type and prop strong expr
corr enough level topline corr volyme
of body for his age well angulated but stands a bit close in
front corr
coat and temperament.
1 ukl 2 ukk ch
Tanbell's On Demand S37211/2005 f. 050429
e.NV-02 SV-02 Such Nuch Finuch Tanbell's King Of The Savannah
u. Tangse Pamela
Uppf: Susanne
Sarmell Haninge
Äg: Ewa-Marie Lindqvist Tyresö
Corr type and balance nice type of head with exc expression corr topline
exc volyme of body for his age good angulation exc forequarters good
coat and exc temp.
1 ukl 1 ukk ck Bhkl-1 cert Cacib Bim
Öppenklass Hanar
Amstar Love Hearts N23558/03 f.030613
e: Multich Tangse Wee Wa Zapata
u.Nuch Carmen Electra
Uppf: Unni o Hilde Amundsen Norge
Äg: Anne Britt Mailund Norge
Corr type compact body masculine enough nice type of head and
expression strong topline chest broad a bit short ribcage could have
more layd back shoulder good forequarters exc.temp.
1 ökl 4 ökk
Jade Hill`s Chewinàt The Shoes S19014/2004 f.040202
e: Norduch Spovens So Smart Play
u: Jade Hill`s Viola Bambini
Uppf: Tanja
Karbacka Edvinsson Göteborg
Äg: Barbro Groth
Corr type and prop nice type of head with corr expression corr topline
good volyme of body for his age corr angulated but could have more
free movement corr tempr.
1 ökl 2 ökk ck
Jang-Bis Mummy`s Little Zacke S29988/2004 f.040313
e.Such Joy`s X`treme Red Flame
u.Spovens Petit
Uppf: Anna-Lena o
Roland Backlund Piteå
Äg: Siv Näsman
Corr type and prop strong masc head with corr expression could have
more level topline strong enough when moving chest broad deep enough
corr angulated moves with enough stride.
1 ökl
Jang-Bis Prinz Solo S29178/2004 f.040221
e.Tangse Song Of Brave
u.Jang-Bis Wonderful Springtime
Uppf: Anna-Lena o
Roland Backlund Piteå
Äg: Elisabeth Strömberg Luleå.
Corr type and prop strong head short nose expression corr enough
could have straighter topline good volyme of body a bit straighter
shoulder corr quarters in standing moves with enough stride.
2 ökl
Kim-Ono´s Speedy Gonsales S47010/2003. f.030625
e Norduch Intuch Tanemar Mr Jass Man,
u Kim-Ono´s Ofelia.
Uppf: Eivor
Wallmark Skellefteå
Flygel Musikgränd Öjebyn
Corr type and prop strong head short muzzled a bit tight nostrils
enough length of neck corr topline good volyme of body bit straight
shoukders exc ang behind moves with enough stile
1 ökl R ökk
Tibets Pride’s Face The Truth S53285/2001 f. 010910
e: Intuch Norduch
Nuch Khe-San’s Zim Zala Bim
u: Tibets Pride’s Indian Love Call
Uppfödare: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka
Ägare: Ellinor Svensson Falun
Deltar ej
Nuch Vazir Tsan v H Martinihaim Nhsb2495712 f.040228
e: Ch Epsylon Kwei-Tsu-Kou
u: NLch Zazarac`s Juloh-Chi
Uppf: P.Vlieghuis-Wijkstra
Äg:Marit Windjusveen Norge
Corr type and balance corr type of head eyes showing a bit white corr
topline well developed body corr angulated moves well exc tempr.
1 ökl 1 ökk ck Btkl-3
GBch Wynele Realization Kcac02824704 f.020525
e.Peekin Bartimeus-Tu
u.Wynele Fascination Rhythm
Naulls Messrs R o Barker N Storbritannien
Äg: Alexis Valenzuela Skogås
Corr type and prop corr type of
head and expression good level
topline well developed body enough laid back shoulders stands a
bit close in front moves all right corr tempr.
1 ökl 3 ökk ck
Zansaw's One Hell Of A Guy S44218/2002
f. 2002-06-07
e. Such Zansaw's Casanova
u. Fly-Bie's Piece of my Heart
Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen
Äg. Tarja Andersson, Vara
Strong compact male strong scull short muzzled eyes dark enough
strong topline well developed body corr angulated stands a bit close
in front could have more undercoat.
2 ökl
Championklass Hanar
Such & Finuch Gi-Jan’s Fair’n’ Square S54524/2000 f.001017
e: S& Finuch Ziams Hugo Boss
u: Gi-Jan’s Clear-Chance Lillis
Uppf: Birgitta
Jansson, Gävle
Äg: Birgitta
Jansson Gävle
Nice type and balance strong masculine head exc topline very well
developed body moves well very well presented.
1 chkl ck Bhkl-2 Cacib-R
DKuch Nuch KBHV-05
NV-04 Hin Chen´s Foundation
N00372/02 f:011129
e.Nordv-98 Nuch Whisky Man
u: Hin Chen´s Electra Glide
Uppf: H M o O M Finanger Norge
Äg: Hege Mari Finanger Norge
Over medium size of corr prop strong head
enough preumced forehead eyes large
enough strong topline exc volyme of body proumced angulation in front moves ok
4 chkl ck
Nuch Hin Chen´s Jay-Walker N15144/04 f:040412
e. FinV-04 Kbhv-04 Such Sv-04Fossella Kama Sutra
u: Nord&Dkuch&NordV-02Hin Chen´s Foxy
Uppf: H M o O M Finanger Norge
Äg: Hege Mari Finanger Norge
Corr type and prop strong head dark enough
eyes corr topline enough
volyme of body corr angulated need selfensuring in the ring
Oplac chkl
Such Khe-San´s Tom Jones S50234/2003 f.030727
e.Jww-98Nordv&Kbhv-00 Ww-02Nuch Int&Norduch
Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim
Gingerbread Heart
Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen
& Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad
Äg: Marianne Jonasson Furudal
Strong male of corr prop strong head a bit tight nostrils straight but
a bit soft topline when moving very well ang stands a bit close in front
enough undercoat corr tempr
R chkl ck
Raptures Prelude To Ovations Ckcln768235 f.010724
e.Ch Lashalimar Reddy For Hollywood
Ch Raptures Magic Dancer
Uppf: Whitter Maureen D Canada
Äg: Stoddart
Phyllis USA
Deltar ej
Such Tanbell’s Napo-Leon S40110/2002 f:020523
e. Kin-Dai’s Frosty Flower
u. S Fin UCh Tanbell’s Jungle Jane
Uppf: Susanne Sarmell, Haninge
Äg: Lilian Nordell, Haninge
Corr type and prop strong head could have slighly darker eyes
corr topline exc volyme of body a bit straight shoulder a bit out
in elbows moves with enough stride corr tempr.
2 chkl ck Bhkl-R
FINuch Tatokasin Wisecracker Fin16400/00 f.000206
e. Finuch Moffolinos Close To You
u. Finuch Lo-fans Lovely
Uppf. Sisko
Törnvall Finland
Äg Seija
Rantamäki Finland
Corr type and
balance corr type of head strong straight enough topline enough
volyme of body
stands a bit close in front enough undercoat corr tempr.
3 chkl ck
Such Finuch Tibets Pride’s I’ll Do It My Way S44627/2000 f.000624
e Norduch Zansaw`s My Point Of View
u Tibets Pride`s Indian Love Call
Margareta Hansen , Kungsbacka
Ägare Grete
Blomgren Torsåker
Deltar ej
Norduch Tanemar Mr Jazz Man S12880/98 f..971129
e:Such Nuch Tanemar Christoper Robin
u:Mai-Tai´s Indian Copper Penny
Uppf: Birgitta
Brickner Söderhamn
Äg: Britt-Inger
Flygel Öjebyn
Almost 9 year old in exc cond very well balanced nice head a bit
downtured muzzle exc topline and volyme of body very well angl
exc movement for his age very well presented
1 vetkl ck Bästa veteran
S & Finuch Ziams Hugo Boss S56300/97 f. 971103
e: S & N & SV-91 SV-95
u: Ch Ziams Xanadu
Uppf: L-A Bergqvist, Åsa
Äg: Birgitta Jansson Gävle
Nine years old male in exc cond nice head big bowing eye straight
strong enough topline very well developed body a bit straight shoulder
moves well for his age.
2 vetkl ck
Juniorklass Tikar
Alex S13219/2006 f 051223
e.Jang-Bis Mummy`s Little Zacke
u.Wild Knight`s Piece of Your Action
Uppf: Björn Näsman Kramfors
Äg: Siv Näsman Kramfors.
Nice young bitch corr prop of head with a little to bowing eyes
could have stronger muzzle corr topline good volyme of chest
stands a bit close in front needs ringtraining and time to mature
2 jkl
S69011/2005 f.051119
e. Kim-Ono´s Speedy Gonsales
u. Wild Knight`s Attitude
Uppf. Karina
Soler Gonzalez-Tobar Boden
Äg. Anna-Lena Larsson Boden
9 month young bitch nice fem head lovely expression strong level
enough topline enough body for her age very well angulated stands
a bit close in front enough coat.
1 jkl 2 jkk hp
Naked Lady
e: PLch Only You Forewer
Dame Fortune Bohemia Acro
Jarmila Podzemska Tjeckien
Anders Ottosson Vikingstad
10 month old bitch very well
balanced exc type of head and
express straight topline when moving enough volyme of body very
well angl but stands a bit close in front very showy moves
1 jkl 1 jkk ck
Ao Chins
Artemis S30757/2005 f. 050304
e. Norduch Lady
Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy
u. Tangse
Uppf: Anders
Ottosson Vikingstad
Äg: Anders
Ottosson Vikingstad
Corr type and
prop strong head with exc expression corr topline
good volyme of
body well angulated moves well.
1 ukl 1 ukk ck
Jang-Bis Diamond H Girl S14742/2005 f.041223
e.Popeye`s Art Deco
u. Jang Bis Wonderful Springtime
Uppf: Anna-Lena o Roland Backlund Piteå
Äg.Anna-Lena Backlund Piteå
Corr type and prop strong head with short broad enough muzzle
level enough topline well developed body corr angulated a bit out
in elbows turns out hooks a bit corr temperament.
1 ukl 3 ukk hp
Joy´s Talenta Temeraria S 41877/2005 f. 2005.05.17
e. Such Finuch, Dkuch,
SV-04, KBHHV-04 Fossella Kama Sutra
u. Joy´s Isella
Uppf. Marie Blom,Nyköping
Äg. Barbro Groth,
Corr type and
prop nice type of head with corr express straight topline when
moving well done body corr angulated stands a
bit close in front moves ok.
1 ukl 2 ukk ck
Öppenklass Tikar
Nuch Hin Chen´s
Joyful Emma N15148/04 f:040412
e. FinV-04 Kbhv-04 Such Sv-04Fossella Kama Sutra
u: Nord&Dkuch&NordV-02Hin Chen´s Foxy
Uppf: H M o O M Finanger Norge
Äg: Anne Britt Mailund Norge
Nice fem bitch very fem head with exc
expression corr topline enough
volyme of body very well angulated stands a bit close in front exc tempr
1 ökl 2 ökk ck Btkl-4
Joy´s Isella Influente S39572/2001 f.010528
e.Ch Ziams Lord Of The Dance
u.Fossella Five Mile Smile
Uppf: Marie Blom Nyköping
Äg:Marie Blom Nyköping
type and prop strong head and muzzle broad enough corr topline
volym of body very well ang.exc forequarters moves well.
1 ökl 1
ökk ck Btkl-3 cert
Finuch Lo-Fan´s Electra S42071/2003 f.030517
e.Such Joy´s X´treme Red Flame
u.Finuch Lo-Fan´s Pretty Bel Air
Sisko Karlsson Töre
Sisko Karlsson Töre
Corr type and prop strong head
expr corr enough level enough
topline strong good volyme of body enough laid back shoulder
forequarter parallel enough moves ok.
1 ökl
3 ökk
Tangse Larissa S47662/2000 f 000222
e.N Finuch Tangse Wiseguy
u.S Finuch
Bågas Columbin
Uppf Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna
Äg: Matz Andersson, Gävle
Very fem bitch nice fem head with corr expression could have
more level topline needs more volyme of body corr angulated
could have more undercoat moves ok.
2 ökl
Mai -Tai's Lady Marmalade S32530/2004 f. 040316
e.Norduch Lady Chimas Trust Captain Christy
Ulla-Karin Ljung och Curth Gunsth Ljusdal
Äg: Anders Ottosson Vikingstad
Corr type and balance lovely head
and expression strong topline exc
volyme of body corr angulated free movements exc.temp.
1 chkl ck Btkl-1 Cacib Bir
NordV-02 Nuch Hin
Chen´s Foxy Lady
N00372/02 f:011129
e.Nordv-98 Nuch Whisky Man
u: Hin Chen´s Electra Glide
Uppf: H M o O M Finanger Norge
Äg: Hege Mari Finanger Norge
Corr type and balance nice type of head and
corr expression strong topline
exc volyme of body very well angulated corr movement exc presentation
2 chkl ck Btkl-2 Cacib-R
Such Tanbell´s Kiara S42306/2004 f. 040521
e: Norduch NV-02, SV-02
Tanbell´s King of The
u: Tangse Pamela
Uppf: Susanne
Sarmell, Haninge
Äg: Susanne Sarmell Haninge
Nice type and balance corr prop of head a bit upturned nose corr
topline exc volyme of body very well angulated forequarters parallel
enough moves ok exc temperament.
4 chkl ck
Such Finuch Tangse Crystal Crown S45911/2002 f 020621
e. Such Tangse
u. Tangse Dancing Adeline
Uppf: Rose
Åkersten Sollentuna
Äg: Matz
Andersson Gävle
Corr type and prop nice type of head eyes large enough strong
topline a bit short crup a bit straight shoulders a bit out in elbows
moves with enough stride.
3 chkl ck
N o DKuch Zansaw`s Lily Of The Vally S11436/2005 f.041111
e. Kucheng Express Delivery
u. Norduch Intuch Zansaw`s La Diva
Uppf: Carina
Öhman Sävedalen
Äg: Anne Britt
Mailund Norge
Corr size and prop strong head a bit bowing eyes strong topline a
bit short crup enough volyme of body corr angulated stands a bit
close in front corr coat.
R chkl ck
Flammande Månljus S47496/99 f.990726
e Such Joy’s X’treame Red Flame,
u Spovens Petit
Uppf: Anna-Lena
Backlund Piteå
Äg: Anna-Lena Backlund Piteå
7 years old bitch in exc cond strong head and expr corr level topline
enough volyme of body corr angulated moves well exc temp.
1 vetkl ck
FinV-04 Kbhv-04 Such
Sv-04Fossella Kama Sutra S13016/2003 f. 021207
e. Santosha
u. Such Fossella Smell Of
Bodil Fossenius, Skurup
Äg. Sofi Olsson, Malmö
Deltar ej
Hin-Chen Uppf: Hege-Marie o Morten
Finnanger Norge
Nice group of
presented dogs corr eyes and express and toplines could have
better movements
in front for some of them exc temp good coats.
1 hp Bästa Grupp
Kennel Jang-Bis Uppf: Anna-Lena o Roland Backlund Piteå
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