SKK ÖLAND NAT 2006-09-03
Domare: Zoran Brankovic
Antal Vuxna:9+18
Domare: Cindy Pettersson
Antal valpar: 1+2

Valpklass Hanar

Satly´s  Maddison   S23562/2006  f: 060224

e.Int.Norduch DKuch NV-03 Satly´s Sidney

u.Int.Norduch DKuch Lac-Me´s Sugar Cain

Uppf: Eva Sjöberg Hägersten

Äg: Eva Sjöberg  Hägersten

Utmärkt typ storlek och proportioner härligt förbröst fin front välutvecklad

och djup bröstkorg mkt bra höjd på svansbågen välvinklad bak mask huvud

med bra uttryck nässtorlek haka och bett.

1 valpkl hp Bästa valp


Valpklass Tikar

Naked Lady Bohemia Acro     S25510/2006   f:051208

e: PLch Only You Forewer Bohemia Acro

u: Dame Fortune Bohemia Acro

Uppf: Jarmila Podzemska Tjeckien

Äg: Anders Ottosson  Vikingstad

Snart 9 mån med utmärkta proportioner nätt huvud med tillräcklig bredd i

skallen bra bredd i skallen och tillräcklig storlek tillräcklig bredd i nos bra

haka mkt bra hals raka fina framben behöver ännu utvecklas i förbröst bra

bredd bak och goda vinklar bra ansatt svans som kunde ha mer lyft i bågen

rör sig med goda flick-ups ännu ngt ostadig i fronten.

2 valpkl hp


Satly´s  Keenyha   S23566/2006  f: 060224

e.Int.Norduch DKuch NV-03 Satly´s Sidney

u.Int.Norduch DKuch Lac-Me´s Sugar Cain

Uppfödare: Eva Sjöberg Hägersten

Ägare: Eva Sjöberg  Hägersten

Utmärkt typ och storlek feminint huvud med utmärkt bredd bra hals utmärkt

förbröst fin front härligt djup välutvecklad kropp ljuvligt bred över baken

välvinklad välansatt svans med hög båge bra flick-ups och fin front.

1 valpkl hp


Juniorklass Hanar

Ziams I´m So Excited  S68458/2005  f.051111

e.Ch Satly´s Sidney

u.Ch Ziams Pennylane

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Berquist,Åsa

Äg: Leslie-Anne Bergquist,Åsa

Middle strong typical head a little bit narrow scul good eyes and ears strong

neck good uper and lower line good set tail well developed chest a little bit loose

in elbows a little bit soft pasteins free action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 jkl 1 jkk hp


Öppen klass

Aksu Paint-Bold  S61570/2004  f.040829

e.Santosha Midnight Caller

u. Aksu Run To Me

Uppf: Anita Edring Skivarp

Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

Strong male nice head full muzzle nice square scul good eyes and ears

strong neck good uper and lower line good set tail very well developed

chest strong legs very good in action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl 2 ökk


Limapa´s Billy Butt S64298/2003  f.031103

e.Kbhv-03 Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u.Nuch Norduch Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

Middle size middle strong nice head typical expression good eyes and ears

strong neck good uper and lower line but too soft back good set tail loose in

elbows a little bit steeper uperarm free action with a little bit shorter steps

typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl 3 ökk


Limapa´s Chai Latte    S18160/2004,   f 040204

e: SUCH Lyckobringarens Wu-Ling-Wong

u: Khe-San´s Snow Bird

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

Äg: Ingela Schönström,  Eslöv

Good size and type nice head typical expression good eyes and ears strong

neck good uper and lower line good set tail well developed chest a little bit

loose in elbows east-west feet free action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl 1 ökk ck Bhkl-3 cert


Championklass hanar

FinV-04 Kbhv-04 Such Sv-04Fossella Kama Sutra S13016/2003 f. 021207

e. Santosha Midnight Caller

u. Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Sofi Olsson, Malmö

Good type nice head dark eyes good set ears excellent uper and lower line

good set tail strong legs typical movement nice coat colour and temperament.

3 chkl ck Bhkl-R


Such Khe-San´s  Jerry WiliamsS50235/2003  f.030727

e.Jww-98Nordv&Kbhv-00 Ww-02Nuch Int&Norduch

     Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg: Gunilla Lindberg Fagersta

Middle size middle strong typical head good eyes and ears strong neck

good upper and lower line good set tail well developed chest a little bit

loose in elbows free action typical coat colour and temperament.

4 chkl ck



Raptures Prelude To Ovations  Ckcln768235  f.010724

e.Ch Lashalimar Reddy For Hollywood

u.Ch Raptures Magic Dancer

Uppf: Whitter Maureen D Canada

Äg: Stoddart Phylis USA

Good type beautiful head typical expression good eyes and ears strong

neck excellent upper and lower line good set tail very well developed chest

and forechest strong in action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 chkl ck Bhkl-1 Bir


Norduch Ziams Grease Lightning  S52838/2003  f.030804

e: Kbhv-98 Finuch Norduch Intuch Popeye´s Love N´money

u.Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Middle strong typical head good eyes and ears strong neck good uper

and lower line good set tail well developed chest a little bit close in elbows

in action a little close behind typical coat colour and temperament.

2 chkl ck Bhkl-2



Such Dkuch Skånhedens Mirac-Maker  S11341/99 f 981101

e.Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Lucky-Ronja.

Uppf. Eva-Kajsa Lundström Sjöbo

Äg. Gertsud Larsson   Staffanstorp

Good format middle strong nice head good eyes and ears strong neck

good upper and lower line good set tail well developed chest and forechest

enough strong legs typical coat colour and temperament.

1 vetkl ck Bhkl-4



Juniorklass tikar

Fossella Icing On The Cake S 51127/2005  f. 05.07.04                 

e. NordV-05 SV-04 KbhV-04 FinV-04 Norduch Fossella Kama Sutra

u. Fossella Love Me Do.

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup.

Äg. Linda Lindkvist,Malmö

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Fossella It´s A Girl S 51128/2005  f.05.07.04                 

e. NordV-05 SV-04 KbhV-04 FinV-04 Norduch Fossella Kama Sutra

u. Fossella Love Me Do.

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup.

Äg. Nina Lundbladh Löberöd

Middle strong typical head dark eyes good set ears strong neck typical uper

and lower line in action carries tail a little bit low enough develoed chest free

action but without full balance typical coat colours and temperament.

1 jkl 2 jkk


Shu-Ling La Dolce Lollita  S56160/2005  f.050805

e.Nord Intuch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Nordjv-03 Such Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim

Uppf:Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Äg: Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Good size and type typical expression good eyes and ears elegant neck

good uper and lower line good set tail enough developed chest strong

legs typical coat colour and temperament.

1 jkl 1 jkk ck


Tangse Eunice Barber    S57768/2005   f. 050810

e: Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy

u: JWW-98 Norduch Tangse Samanta Wee

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg: Siv o Eddie Engstrand Kvicksund

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Ao Chins Artemis  S30757/2005  f. 050304

e. Norduch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy

u. Tangse Priscilla

Uppf: Anders Ottosson Vikingstad

Äg: Anders Ottosson Vikingstad

Excellent type good size beautiful head typical expression good eyes and

ears good uper and lower line good set tail well developed chest and forechest

enough strong legs very good in action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ukl 1 ukk Btkl-4


Khe-San´s Disa Kleine  S17037/2005  f.050118

e.Ziams Calvin Kleine

u.Such Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

Äg. Mona Luddeckens-Olsson  Stenungsund

Good size and format typical head dark eyes good set ears strong neck

good uper and lower line a little bit soft back good set tail well developed

chest and forechest enough strong legs typical coat colour and temperament

1 ukl 3 ukk


Ziams Ring My Bell  S34982/2005    f.050430

e. Nuch Amstars Love Story

u. Such DKuch Ziams Coco Chanel

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Berquist,Åsa

Äg: Leslie-Anne & Lars Berquist,Åsa

Middle size middle strong nice head good eyes and ears strong neck good

uper and lower line good set tail very well developed chest and forechest a

little bit loose in elbow east- west feet free action typical coat colour and


1 ukl 2 ukk ck


Öppen klass

Fossella Show Me  S41049  f.040430

e. NordV-05 SV-04 KbhV-04 FinV-04 Norduch Fossella Kama Sutra

u. Fossella Love Me Do.

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup.

Äg. Sofi Olsson Tygelsjö

Good size and format nice head good eyes and ears strong neck good uper and

lower line good set tail very well developed chest strong legs a little bit soft pasterns

enough strong in action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl 4 ökk


Khe-San Zin Go Alla

e: Multi ch Multi W  Khe San Zim Zala Bim

u: Tangse Lily

Uppfödare: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

Ägare: Eva-Lena Sönksen

Viken 3253, 46021 Upphärad

Middle size middle strong typical head a little bit small nice expression

elegant neck good uper and lower line good set tail well developed chest a

little bit empty forechest enough strong in action typical coat colour and


1 ökl 2 ökk ck


Mai -Tai's Lady Marmalade    S32530/2004   f. 040316

e.Norduch Lady Chimas Trust Captain Christy

u.Mai-Tai's Queenie-Lee

Uppf: Ulla-Karin Ljung och Curth Gunsth Ljusdal 

Äg: Anders Ottosson Vikingstad

Good size and type nice head good eyes and ears strong neck good upper and lower line

good set tail very well developed chest a little bit loose in elbows but very nice in action with

long steps typical coat colour and temperament

1 ökl 1 ökk ck Btkl-3 cert


Queen Ariza    S47452/2004      f: 040615

 e. Such Finuch Tangse Midnight Cowboy                              

u. Solrosens Frida

Äg: Inga-Lill Andersson, Västervik

Uppf: Inga-Lill Andersson, Västervik

Good size typical head good eyes and ears strong neck good uper and lower

line good set tail loose in elbows a little bit soft in pasteins free action typical

coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl


Solrosens Frida S38821/2002   f.020519

e.Such Hashanah Bee Unique


Uppf.Siv Öst Vimmerby

Äg: Inga-Lill Andersson Västervik

Middle strong nice head typical expression good eyes and ears good uper and lower

line strong back good tail enough developed chest and forechest a little bit loose in

elbows free action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl 3 ökk ck


Tibets Pride's Frozen Raindrop S63559/2003     f.031019

e. Tibets Pride's Pride And Prejudice               

u. Tibets Pride's Lousy Looser             

Uppf: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka             

Äg: Carina Eriksson, Kungsbacka        

Middle strong typical head dark eyes good set ears strong neck good uper

and lower line enough developed chest loose in elbows soft pasteins in action

a little bit close behind typical coat colour and temperament.

1 ökl R ökk


Championklass tikar

Such Linbackens Gingerbread Heart   S37925/2000   f.000426

e.FinV-99 Sv-01 Finuch Norduch Intuch

  Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u.Linbackens Gingerbread Gossip

Uppf: Barbro Stensson Hökerum

Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

Good size format and type nice head typical expression good upper

and lower line good set tail well developed chest strong legs free action

typical coat colour and temperament.

2 chkl ck Btkl-2


Tangse Priscilla  S56736/2001   f. 010923

e.Tangse Zantana

u. Båga´s Carisma

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg: Anders Ottosson Vikingstad

Middle size middle strong nice head good eyes and ears strong neck

excellent uper and lower line a little bit soft back good set tail well

developed chest a little bit loose in elbows free action but without full

balance typical coat colour and temperament.

4 chkl ck


Norduch Nuch Tai´s One Vanila Girl N16637/00  f.000426

e.Ch Shieriko´s Ringo Star

u.Yu´Tai´s One Good Looking

Uppf: Hilde-Berit Selnes Tangen Norge

Äg:Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Good type nice head typical expression strong neck good uper and

lower line good set tail well developed chest a little bit loose in elbows

ree action typical coat colour and temperament.

3 chkl ck


DKuch Such Ziams CoCo Chanel   S21952/2002   f.020304

e.Multich Popeye´s Love N´Money

u.Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Lesslie-Ann o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Lesslie-Ann o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Good type and size nice head good uper and lower line good tail well

developed chest very good in action typical coat colour and temperament.

1 chkl ck Btkl-1 Bim



KBHV-03 Norduch  Fossella Smell Of Chanel   S20955/99   f. 990227

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Norduch SV-02 Fossella Dish Of The Day

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Bodil Olsson, Tygelsjö

Good size and format in excellent condition for the age nice head good

eyes and ears elegant neck good uper and lower line good set tail very

well developed chest enough strong in action typical coat colour and


1 vetkl ck Btkl-R Bästa Veteran




Kennel Ziams     Äg:Lesslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Excellent type beautiful heads very good profile lines very reach in

action Nice coat colour and temperament.

1 hp Bästa Grupp


Kennel Fossella  Äg: Bodil Fossenius Skurup

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