SKK INT VISBY 2004-07-03

Domare: Michael Leonard

Antal Vuxna: 10+13

Antal valpar: 1+1


Valpklass Hanar

Limapa´s Billy Butt S64298/2003  f.031103

e.Kbhv-03 Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u.Nuch Norduch Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

Typical chrysanthemum head.Good eyecolour.Excellent bite.

Good reach of neck.Strong bone.Coat of excellent quality and

texture for age.Needs time to mature and develop in all areas.

To be critical the topline could be much stronger.Moves well.

1 valpkl Hp Bästa valp!


Valpklass Tikar

Sabayonne's The One And Only S65672/2003  f.031115

e. Zansaw's Casanova

u. Habib's Wee Wa Golden Qveen

Uppf: Carina Norräng Vikingstad

Äg: Carina Norräng Vikingstad

Very much a baby.Needs time to mature and develop in all areas.

Sweet expr.Corr.bone.Coat of good texture.Moves with great

drive and confidence.At the moment the head are not developed

and the muzzle lacks widh,topline could also be stronger.

1 valpkl. Hp




Intch Charmeur Lord Vom Palaisgarten  Vdhvk 961785  f.961021

e.Vdhch Intch Dominik Zo Slovenska

u.Dkuch Intuch Dream Baby von Ping-Ting-Schan

Uppf: Pia Grahl Tyskland

Äg: Pia Rytter o Pia Grahl Egtved Danmark

Very glamourus and beautifully presented.Coat of excellent quality

and conditio.Head broad,muzzle of corr.lenght and widh.Corr.eye.To

be critical for me he´s too big.Bone is too heavy and I like a shorter

back.Needs more drive in the move

2 ökl


Limapas Prince Of The Dark S10028/2001  f.001120

e.NordV-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u.Khe-San´s Snow Bird

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

Strong impressive head typical of the breed.Corr.lenght and

width of muzzle.Head broad,round and wide between ears.

Excellent topline.Coat of good quality and texture.Moves well

around the ring.To be critical for me he´s little too big but

the body is balanced.

1 ökl 3 ökk Ck


Ziams Lord And Master   S59501/2000  f.001118

e. NordV-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Ziams The Red Label

Uppf: Lesslie-Ann o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Katarina Strömbäck Grästorp

Very nice outline.Strong impressive head.Excellent reach of neck.

Corr.topline.Coat of excellent quality and condition.Moves well

both front and rear.Legs could be shorter to get better balance.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck Bhkl-3

Ziams Return Of A Jida   S40633/2002 f. 2002-06-04

e. Norduch Jardhu The Clansman

u. Ziams Goldeneye

Uppf. Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

Äg. Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

I love the shape and size.Body in very good proportions.Corr.

lenght of back.Good topline.Attractive head and expr.Good

reach of neck.Coat of excellent quality and texture.Needs

more drive on the move.Champion i dag.Grattis!

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-2 Cert Cacib-R


Ziams Save Your Kisses For Me  S 13010/02   f. 011230

e Such Gi-Jan´s Fair´n Square

u. Such Ziams Believe In Music

Uppf: Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa                 

Äg: Pernilla Ekman, Motala

To be critical he´s little feminin in type.I like more body,bone

and substance.Body is in proportions.Attractive head and expr.

Coat of good quality and texture.Moves well.Neck could be stronger.

1 ökl 4 ökk


Finuch Don Juan Baron Vom Palaisgarten Dk11971/2002  f.010327

e.Vdhch Intuch Dominik Zo Slovenska

u.Dkch Intch Dream Baby von Ping-Ting Schan

Uppf: Pia Grahl Tyskland

Äg: Pia Rytter Danmark.

Lyes around the ring with great drive and force.To be critical little

too high on legs and lacks undercoat.Corr.bone.Good head and

expression.Good reach of neck.Corr.topline.

1 ökl R ökk



Such Dkuch Popeyes Artful Dodger   S25374/2001 f. 20010227

e. Such Fossella Talking In My Sleep

u. Popeye's Trick Or Treat

Uppf. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Äg. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

In beautiful condition.Very attractive to the eye.Coat of

excellent quality and texture.Excellent topline.Attactive head

and expression.Corr.bone.Moves well around the ring.To

be critical I like a shorter back to give better balance.

2 chkl Ck Bhkl-4


Such Dkuch Skånhedens Mirac-Maker S11341/99 f. 981101

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Lucky-Ronja

Uppf. Eva-Kajsa Lundström, Sjöbo

Äg. Gertrud Larsson, Staffanstorp

In excellent condition.Very attractive to the eye.Coat of excellent

quality and texture.Corr.bone.Attractive head and expression.Good

topline.Moves with great drive and force.To be critical I like a

shorter back to give better balance.

3 chkl Ck Bhkl-R


NordV-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch

Ziams Lord Of The Dance  S.38907/99.  F99.06.17

e. SF.uch. Leeward`s Fire Lion

u. SF.Nord.Int,uch. Ziams Xanadu

Uppf:.Lesslie-Anne Bergqvist  Åsa

Äg: Lesslie-Anne Bergqvist  Åsa

Excellent example of the breed.I love the shape and size.Very impreeive

 head and expr.Excellent topline.Coat of excellent quality and texture.

Corr.bone.Needs more power around the movement.

1 chkl Ck Cacib Bir



Ww-02 Nordv-00 Kbhv-00 Jww-98 Int Norduch

Khe-San's Zim Zala Bim        S30354/97   f.970428   

e. S.SPuch Istas Look Out

u. Tangse O'Pretty Sue Ellen              

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen,  Upphärad

Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen,  Upphärad

Deltar ej



Ziams Gonna Love U Like Money  S52842/2003  f.030804

e: Kbhv-98 Finuch Norduch Intuch Popeye´s Love N´money

u.Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Charlotte Wistad Tygelsjö

Very mature for her age.Head broad,round and wide between the

ears.Excellent reach of neck.Corr.bone.Body well developed for

 her age.Coat of excellent quality and texture.I like a shorter

back to get better balance.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck


Ziams Greatest Love Of All  S52841/2003  f.030804

e: Kbhv-98 Finuch Norduch Intuch Popeye´s Love N´money

u.Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Katarina Strömbäck Grästorp

Ver sweet and feminin.Needs time to mature and develop in all

areas.Body very nicely balanced with corr.lenght of back.Corr.topline.

Coat of good quality and texture.Moves well.At the moment the head

needs time to mature.

1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


Ziams That Scarlet hara  S45875/2003  f.030618

e: Kbhv-98 Finuch Norduch Intuch Popeye´s Love N´money

u.Ziams The Red Label

Uppf: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Irene Söderström  Vallda

Needs time to mature and grow into her body.To be critical:I like

a stronger topline and less hight of legs to get better balance.The

head also needs time to develop.Coat of good quality and texture.

Lacks drive and confidence on the move and tend to keep

her body tought up.

2 jkl



Lac-Me´s Sugar Cain S25122/2003, f 030111

e. Aylas Imp of My Mind

u. N Such Lac-Me´s Here Comes the Sun

Uppf  Merete Baraa & Eva Larsen, Krokelvdalen, Norge

Äg  Eva Sjöberg,  Skärholmen

Body very nicely balanced.I like the shape and size.Attractive

head and expr.Good pigmentation.Corr.bone.Good reach of neck.

Coat of excellent quality and texture.Moves well.I would prefer the

gap between the teeth to been tighter.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck


Ziams Independent Girl     S61386/2002 f. 021102

e. Sv-99 Norduch Intuch Ziams Mad Max                 

u. Such Ziams Believe In Music

Uppf. Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

Äg: Irene Söderström  Vallda

To be critical for me she lacks body bone and substance.

The head also not developed as much I would had like.I

like more width and more square muzzle.Good topline.

Needs more drive on the move.

2 ukl



Katitzi´s Melody In Heaven  S40899/2002  f.020601

e.Ziams Lord And Master

u.Li-Lai´s Bell´s Are Ringing

Uppf:Katarina o Tage Strömbäck Grästorp

Äg: Katarina Strömbäck Grästorp

Body nicely balanced.I like the shape and size.Corr.bone.

Attractive head and expression.Coat of good quality and texture.

Moves well in front and behind.Well laid back shoulders.To be

critical the topline could be stronger.

1 ökl 3 ökk Ck Btkl-R


Linbackens Gingerbread Heart  S37925/2000  f.000426

e.Finv-99 Sv-01 Finuch Norduch Intuch

Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u.Linbackens Gingerbread Gossip

Uppf: Barbro Stensson Hökerum

Äg:Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

Deltar ej


Sabayonne´s Sweet And Souer  S27829/99  f.990409

e.Norduch Jardhu The Clansman

u.Habib´s Wee Wa Golden Queen

Uppf:Carina Norräng o Anders Larsson Vikingstad

Äg: Carina Norräng Vikingstad

I like the shape and size.Attractive head and expression.good

lenght of back.Excellent topline.Corr.bone.Coat of good quality

and texture.Although missing the plume on the tail.Neck could

also be stronger,eye could be darker.

1 ökl 4 ökk Ck


Shizi-Lin´s New Look  Dk 05221/99  f.990309

e.Ch Puttin On The Tophat

u.Ch Poppi Vom Tsangpo

Uppf: Pia Rytter Egtved Danmark

Äg: Pia Rytter Egtved Danmark

Deltar ej

Ziams Coco Chanel   S21952/2002 f 020304

e. Multich Popeye´s Love N´Money

u. Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Äg  Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

What I like about this lady is the shape and size.She has a

excellent head and expression and moves around the ring with

great drive and force.Coat of excellent quality and texture,with

corr.lenght of back.Champion i dag.GRATTIS!

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-1 Cert Cacib Bim


Ziams Goldeneye  S28954/2000  f.000414

e. finv-99 Sv-01 Finuch Nord Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u. Nordv-98 Norduch Intuch Ziams In Your Eyes I See The Light

Uppf Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa               

Äg Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Body of excellent proportions with corr.lenght of back.Good reach

of neck.Excellent topline with a topquality bite.Moves around the

ring with great drive and confidence.To be critical I like the head

little larger to the body.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck Btkl-3



Such Ghias Bee-Ah-Triz  S20186/99  f.990212

e.Nv-96Finuch Norduch Intuch Formaregårdens Zorro

u. Such Anibes Ya-Lee-Tza

Uppf: Birgitta Holm Stockholm

Äg: Birgitta Holm Stockholm

Excellent quality and condition.Very nice example of the breed.

Attractive head and expr.Good topline.Coat of excellent quality

and texture.Good reach of neck I would like little more drive

and force on move.

1 chkl Ck Btkl-2 Cacib-R


Nuch Tigerbay´s Strawberry Delight  N17182/00  f000516

e.Shigrepa´s Leonardo Dicaprio

u.Nuch Tigerbay´s Am-An-Da

Uppf:Per-Åge o Mai Brit Frank Norge

Äg:Bente Langaker Norge

Very feminine.Very pretty head and expr.Corr.bone.Good reach

of neck.Corr.lenght of back.Coat of ex.quality and condition.

Would like a stronger back and more force and drive on the move.

2 chkl Ck Btkl-4



Kennel Ziams   Uppfödare: L-A & Lars Bergqvist,  ÅSA

All very similar in type with good lenght of back.Good

heads and expr.Coat of excellent quality and texture.

Corr.bites and good pigmentation.

1 Hp Bästa Grupp!