SKK INT VADSTENA  2003-07-16

Domare vuxna: Francesco  Cochetti

Antal Vuxna: 14+22 

Antal valpar: 0+0


Juniorklass Hanar


Zansaw's One Hell Of A Guy S44218/2002 f.020607

e. Such Zansaw's Casanova

u. Fly-Bie's Piece of my Heart

Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg. Tarja Andersson, VaraNice head and exp.Good mouth

a little bit short in the legs.Quite nice topline.I would like

longer tail.Quite nice coat.Front is alittle closed in

movement.Moves quite nice.

1 jkl 1 jkk Hp


Unghundsklass Hanar


Khe-San´s Harry Potter S54672/2001 f 011009

e. Nord Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Marianne Jonasson, Grycksbo

Nice scull nice mouth.I would like bigger eyes.A little bit

to short in the legs.Front could be better.Nice topline and

tailset.Really soft coat quality.Moves quite nice.

1 ukl 2 ukk Ck


Piquants Ready Aim Fire         S19573/2002  f 020123

e.Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You                

u. Tibets Pride´s Dear One                  

Uppf: Jack Stockstill                 

Äg:Birgitta Franck Mollösund

Nice head and expr.Quite nice mouth with strong underjaw.Nice

proportions.Good topline and tailset.Quite nice coat.Moves nice

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-4


Tangse Good Luck Charm   S58640/2001 f: 011128

e: FINV-01-02 Finuch Such Nuch Dkuch Tangse Robin Fantasy

u: Such Finuch Bågas Columbin

Uppfödare: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

Ägare: Maria Laaksonen  Finland

Nice type,masculine head,nice expression,nice proportions.

Strong body,quite good front.Nice coat.Unfortunally doesn´t

show him self in movement.

2 ukl


Zansaw´s E-Type S56200/2001 f 010924

e. Nord Intuch Mai-Tai´s Zir Wi-Lee-Am

u. Zansaw´s Scarlett O´Hara

Uppf  Carin Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg Bittan Elofsson Vedum.

Nice head and exp.Good mouth Front could be better.

A little bit short in front.Nice topline and tailset.Quite

nice coat.Moves quite nice.

1 ukl 3 ukk


Ziams Save Your Kisses For Me   S 13010/02   f: 011230

e. Such Gi-Jan´s Fair´n Square

u. Such Ziams Believe In Music

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

Äg: Pernilla Ekman, Motala

To strong undershot,nice head and expression,could

have a better front.Quite nice proportions.Coat is a little

bit soft.Moves quite nice

1 ukl 4 ukk


Öppenklass Hanar


Finuch Ta Maria Stardust      Fin28047/01  f 010406

e. Mintzun Lots Of Fun

u. Ta Maria Angel Dust

Uppf. Anne o Maria Laaksonen Finland

Äg: Mall Wallengren Fjärås

A little bit strong undershot,very good head and expression.

Good neck carriage and topline.Could have better front also

in movement.Nice coat,moves nice.

Grattis till championatet!!

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-1 Cert Cacib Bim


Zansaw's Do You Wanna Dance S37428/2001 f. 20010527

e. NordV-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Ziams I'm A Maneater

Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg. Ulla Olsson, Mölndal

Siccors bite,nice head and expression.Nice proportions.Good

topline and tailset.For the mouth I have to penalies this lovely dog

2 ökl


Championklass Hanar


SuchNellie-Nette´s Callypso   S23025/2001  f 010226

e. Kbhv-99 Such DKuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram

u. Kbhv-99 Nv-01-02 Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker

Uppf. Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg. Lena Ekstrand  Lerum

Nice head and exp.Nice mouth,could have a stronger underjaw,

nice prop. A little bit short in front.Quite nice topline Quite nice

 tailset.Nice coat .Moves nice.

2 Chkl Ck Bhkl-3


Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers   S46467/97  f 970603             

e.Such Nuch Emrose Sune Chimney Sweep               

u.Sv-00 Kbhv-01 Norduch Intuch                     

Charity´s All For My Heart                

Uppf: Åsa Andersson Vänersborg                

Äg: Åsa Andersson Hisings Kärra

Nice head,quite good exp.Nice mouth,strong underjaw,to narrow

 in front and easyli to se in movement to.Nice coat condition.

Moves quite nice.

4 Chkl


Nuch Hin Chen´s Foundation  N00372/02  f:011129

e.Nordv-98 Nuch Whisky Man

u: Hin Chen´s Electra Glide

Uppf: H M o O M Finanger  Norge

Nice head and exp.Good neck and topline,quite good front,

nice tail,nice coat,moves quite nice.

3 Chkl Ck Bhkl-R


Such Tanemar Mr Jazz Man  S12880/98  f.971129

e.Such Nuch Tanemar Christoper Robin

u.Mai-Tai´s Indian Copper Penny

Uppf:Birgitta Brickner Söderala

Äg: Britt-Inger Flygel Öjebyn

Good scull nice expression. A little short in front,nice

topline and tailset,could have a better front in movement.

Nice coat,moves nice.

R Chkl


FINV-01, 02 Finuch Such N & Dkch

Tangse Robin Fantasy   S21500/2000 f: 991229

e: FINV-00 Such Dkuch Finuch Ta Maria Red Rouser

u: JWW-98 Norduch Tangse Samantha Wee

Uppfödare: Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

Ägare: Maria Laaksonen  Finland

Nice head and expression,nice mouth,could have a

better front.Nice proportions.Nice topline and tailset.

Good coat.Moves quit nice.

1 Chkl Ck Bhkl-2 Cacib-R


Jww-96 Sv-97 Sv-98 Intuch Norduch Dkuch   

Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel    S28431/95   f.950307           

e.Nv-96 Intuch Norduch Finuch                

Formaregårdens Zorro            

u.Tangse Cassandra Wee           

Uppf:Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg:Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Nice head and expression.I would like a better front.Nice

neck and topline.Good rear.Tail is a little straight in carriage

in movement.A little bit soft coat.

Oplac. Chkl



Juniorklass Tikar


Bacalos Ottilia  S36032  f.020503

e.Such Nuch Intuch Tangse King-Tzu

u.Bacalos Lollipop

Uppf: Lars o Elisabeth Billred Ödeshög

Äg: Elisabeth Billred Ödeshög

To short muzzle and to strong undershot.A little small eyes.

Quite nice proportions.Not yet in coat condition.Moves quite nice

2 jkl


Charity´s Kicks of Kisses     S53268/2002   f. 020911

e: Finuch Ta Maria Stardust

u: Charity´s It´s Love Again

Uppf: Åsa Andersson, Hisings Kärra

Äg: Thyra Albertsson, Lödöse

Nice type, nice mouth, strong underjaw, good neck and topline.

Nice proportions,nice coat.I would like more drive in movement.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Btkl-4


Choowo-Liz Nadija    S51113/2002 f 020821

e. Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers  

u. Choowo-Liz Alice

Uppf: Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg: Eva Eliasson Onsala

Nice scull, expression and mouth.Nice proportions.

I would like more angulations in the rear and better

front.Nice tail.A little soft coat.Moves quite nice.

1 jkl 3 jkk


Choowo-Liz Signe Samantha Fox    S55077/2002 f 020924

e. Choowo-Liz Adam

u. Choowo-Liz Estelle

Uppf: Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg: Gerth Karlsson Åsa

Nice scull, a little bit small eyes,a little short in front.I would

like a little more angulations behind.Soft coat,not in condition

today.Tail is a little to straight carried in movement.

2 jkl


Choowo-Liz Sigrid Ängel    S55078/2002 f 020924

e. Choowo-Liz Adam

u. Choowo-Liz Estelle

Uppf: Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg: Gerth Karlsson Åsa

Nice head and expression.A little short in front.Topline is not

perfectly straight.Soft coat not in condition today.

Tail is not properly carried

2 jkl


Ta Maria Manchu Queen Fin45965/02  f.020927

e.Le Bon Beat´em All

u.Ta Maria Little Madonna.

Uppf: Anne o Maria Laaksonen Finland.

Äg: Maria Laaksonen Finland

Nice head and exp.Nice mouth,could have a better front.

Nice neck and topline.nice coat,moves quite nice

1 jkl 2 jkk Ck



Unghundsklass Tikar


Choowo-Liz Princessan Augusta    S56203/2001 f 011023

e. Fannica´s Häftiga Harald

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf: Liz Larsson o Barbro Ahl Ellös

Äg: Monica Sporre Bor

Nice head and expression.Good mouth.Could have a better

front and better angulations in the rear.Quite nice proportions.

Good quality coat.Moves quite nice.

1 ukl 2 ukk


Country Flowers Malva Rosea   S21079/2002  f.020206

e. Österlyckans Prinscarl


Uppf: Gro Andersson Sollebrunn

Äg: Taina Samuelsson  Lilla Edet

Nice head and expr.Nice neck and topline.Could have

a better front and a little more angulations behind.Nice

proportions.Nice coat.Little bit closed in front in movement.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck


Khe-San´s Hedda Hopper S54673/2001  f 011009

e. Int Norduch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Christine Fjellborg,   Borlänge

Nice head and expression,quite nice general prop.Nice neck and

topline.Could have better front and more drive in movement.Nice coat.

1 ukl 3 ukk


Tangse Priscilla  S56736/2001  F010923

e: Tangse Zantana

u: Båga´s Carisma

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg: Anders Ottosson Linköping

Lovely female,nice head and expression.Good proportions.

Nice topline and tailset.Quite good front.She doesn´t show all

of her temperament,espessially in movement.Nice coat.

1 ukl 4 ukk



Öppenklass Tikar


Choowo Liz Alice  S49805/99  f. 990908

e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf. Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg. Liz Larsson Ellös

Nice head.I would like a bit bigger eyes.A little bit long

in body.Nice neck and topline.Tail is a little bit straight in

carriage.Coat is not in perfect condition.She doesn´t show

the best of her self in movement.

1 ökl 4 ökk


Khe-San´s Touch Me Tiger  S19683/2000  f.000207

e.Finv-99 Sv-01 Finuch Norduch Intuch

Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u.Khe-San´s Shaked To B A Cocktail.

Uppf: Eva Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg: Jessica Lundqvist Habo

Nice elegant type.Lovely head and expression.Nice proportions.

Could have a better front and a little more body.Free mover.

Nice coat.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-3 Cert


Lady Chima´s Red Tara  S54810/2000 f 000921

e. Such Nuch Fossella Capo Di Tutti Capi

u. Lady Chima´s Madame De´bee       

Uppf Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Bodafors

Äg Ewa-Marie Karlsson Jönköping

Nice head and expression.A little short in front,strong body.

Nice tailset.I would like her opp.more alert in movement.Nice coat

1 ökl 3 ökk


Nuch Red´n´sweet Precious Energy  N24114/01  f.010624

e.Norduch Spovens So Smart Play

u.Ming-tzing´s Happy Go Lucky

Uppf: Frode Jevne  Norge

Äg: Frode Jevne Norge

Nice head and expression.Nice proportions.I would like a better

front.Quite nice coat.Moves quite nice.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


Championklass Tikar


Kbhv-99 Nv-01 Nv-02 Norduch

Babrings Josefine Baker  S43354/98  f.980715

e.Such Nuch Intuch Babrings Tom-Jones

u.Babrings Roxanne.

Uppf:Barbro Kärnbrink Partille

Äg: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Nice head and expressions,could have a better front also in

movement.Nice neckcarriage and topline.Nice proportions.

Nice coat.Moves nice.

3 Chkl Ck Btkl-R


Nuch Hin Chen´s Foxy Lady  N00374/02  f.011129

e.Nordv-98 Nuch Whisky Man

u: Hin Chen´s Electra Glide

Uppf: H M o O M Finanger  Norge

Äg: H M o O M Finanger  Norge

Nice head and expression.I would like a stronger topline.

Nice neck and proportions.Good coat.Moves nice.

4 Chkl


Such Nellie-Nette´s Charlotine   S23029/2001  f.010226            

e. Kbhv-99 Such Dkuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram                

u. Kbhv Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker                

Uppf: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Nice head and expression,good mouth,a little bit short legs.

Could have a better front.Nice coat.Moves quite nice.

R Chkl


Ta Maria Angel Dust   S14969/2002   f 990416

e. Finuch Santosha Red Admiral

u. Louwan´s Georgie Girl

Uppf   Maria Laaksonen, Finland

Äg: Mall Wallengren Fjärås

Nice bitch,nice head and exp.Very good general proportions.

Nice coat,quite good front.I would like a bit more drive in movement.

1 Chkl Ck Btkl-1 Cacib Bir


Such Tanemar Lilla My  S12881/98  f.971129

e.Such Nuch Tanemar Christoper Robin

u.Mai-Tai´s Indian Copper Penny

Uppf:Birgitta Brickner Söderala

Äg:Birgitta Brickner Söderala.

Nice head and expression.Loose in front,quite nice prop.

A little bit soft coat.Moves quite nice.

Oplac Chkl


Such Finuch Tangse Cheyenne  S10093  f.991128

e.Tangse Wiseguy

u. Tale-Shih´s Wilma

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna.

Nice head and exp.A little bit short in front.Nice neck,nice

coat.Front is not her best part in movement

Oplac Chkl


Such Dkuch Zansaw´s La Diva    S56788/2000  f.000926

e: Such Nuch Shanel´s Klassy Kid

u: Noruch Ziams I´m a Maneater

Uppf: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg:Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Nice head,Nice elegant type.Nice proportions,could have

a better front.A little bit cowhocks in behind,very nice

coat.Moves free.

2 Chkl Ck Btkl-2 Cacib-R



Veteranklass tikar


Sv-00Kbhv-01 Norduch Intuch

Charity´s All For My Heart  S59268/94 f 940923               

e.Such Nuch Shanel´s Klassy Kid                  

u.Such Dkuch Khe-San´s Keep Me In Love                 

Uppf: Åsa  Andersson Hisings Kärra                 

Äg: Åsa  Andersson Hisings Kärra

Nice head and exp.Nice prop,in very good condition,nice

neck and topline.Nice coat a little bit soft.

1 Vetkl Ck  Bästa Veteran!