Domare: Clare Coxall


Antal valpar: 3+6

Antal Vuxna  28+23





Khe-San´s Peter Pan S59414/2002  f 021014

e. Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Pay Cach

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Eva-Lena Sönksen  Upphärad

Pleasing head.Good shoulders and front.Good topline Moves soundly.

Valpkl 2


Khe-San´s Robin Hood S59415/2002 f 2002-10-14

e. Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Pay Cach

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Eva-Lena Sönksen  Upphärad

Really good head and expression.Shoulders to be slightly better.

Good mouth Good topline Moves soundly

Valpkl 1 Hp Bästa Valp


Tibets Pride's Pride And Prejudice S59167/2002 2002-10-21

e. Such Tangse Diamond Gun

u. Tibets Pride's Vanilla Chicka

Uppf.Jenny o Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Äg. Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Needs a tidier mouth.Need better shoulderplacement.Not at his best,

Not showing today.

Valpkl 3




Charity's Kicks Of Kisses  S53268/2002  2002-09-11

e. Finuch Ta Maria Stardust

u. Charity's It's Love Again

Uppf: Åsa  Andersson Hisings Kärra

Äg: Åsa  Andersson Hisings Kärra

Lovely head Good expression.Exellent shoulders and front.

Good topline Moves soundly.

Valpkl 1Hp


Choowo-Liz Signe Samantha Fox  S55077/2002  2002-09-24

e. Choowo-Liz Adam

u. Choowo-Liz Estelle

Uppf:Liz Larsson Barbro Ahl Ellös

Äg: Gert Karlsson Åsa

Nice expression.Shoulders could be slighty better.

Nice topline.Moves soundly.

Valpkl 4


Choowo-Liz Sigrid Ängel  S55078/2002  2002-09-24

e. Choowo-Liz Adam

u. Choowo-Liz Estelle

Uppf:Liz Larsson Barbro Ahl Ellös

Äg: Gert Karlsson Åsa

Mouth could be tidier for expression.Shoulders could be better.

Not showing at her best.

Valpkl R


Khe-San´s Make It Possible, S58136/2002 f 021003

e Sv-99 Norduch Intuch Ziams Mad Max

u. Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Eva-Lena Sönksen  Upphärad

Not quite full enough in face.Good shoulders.Moving soundly.

Good attitude.

Valpkl 2 Hp


Tibets Pride´s  Pinch Me I´m Dreamin  S59165/2002

e.Ch Tangse Diamond Gun

u.Tibets Pride´s Vanilla Chicka

Uppf: Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Äg: Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Good eye and expression.Her mouth could be tidier.

Shoulders and front assembly could be better.Nice balance.

Valpkl oplac.


Ziams Independent Girl S61386/2002 f. 2002-11-02

e. Sv-99 Norduch Intuch Ziams Mad Max

u. Such Ziams Believe In Music

Uppf. Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa.

Äg Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

Nice head and expression.Good shoulders and front.Good topline.

Moves soundly

Valpkl 3



Collchows Champ  S26877/2002   f 020321

e. Fannica´s Häftiga Harald

u. Tangse Ninja

Uppf. Britta o Susanne Hansson Alingsås

Äg: Susanne Hansson Henån

Liked his head and expression.Good shoulders and front.

Moves soundly.Nice topline.

1 jkl 4 jkk


Katitzi´s Son Of The Dance   S40893/2002   f 020524

e. Nordv-01Nuch Norduch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Katitzi´s Alice

Uppf: Katarina o Tage Strömbäck

Äg: Lena Sundberg Sjövik

Pleasing head Nice expression.Good shoulders and front.

Liked his balance.Moves soundly

1 jkl 2 jkk Hp


Max Garden´s Blue Diamond S42706/2002  f 020630

e. Ch Ziams Mad Max

u.Lady Chima´s Rising Sun

Uppf: Gunnel Andersson Onsala

Äg: Gunnel Andersson Onsala



Phe-Khan Bianco Oro  S36343/2002  f 020427

e.Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers

u. Tangse Lily

Uppf. Petra Karlsson Västra Frölunda

Äg. Lena Adås  Västra Frölunda

Nice balanced head.Good front.Kept a good topline.Moves soundly.

1 jkl 3 jkk


Zansaw´s Obi Wan Kanobi  S44219/2002   f 020607 

e. Such Zansaw´s Casanova

u Fly-Bie´s Piece of My Heart

Uppf Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg Ulla Olsson Mölndal



Zanzaw´s One Hell Of A Guy  S44218/2002 f 020607          

e. Such Zansaw´s Casanova

u Fly-Bie´s Piece of My Heart

Uppf Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg Tanja Andersson Vara

I liked his head and expression.Good neck,shoulders,front.

Carries himself well.Moves soundly

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck


Ziams Calvin Kleine S21948/2002 f 020304

e. Multich Popeye´s Love´n Money  

u. Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf Leslie-Anne Bergqvist, Åsa

Äg Lena Rhen, Agnesberg

Good eye.Nice expression.He is not collecting himself  for the

best affect on the move.Sound mover.

1 jkl R jkk


Ziams Return Of A Jida S40633/2002 f 020604       

e. Norduch Jardhu The Clansman

u. Ziams Golden Eye

Uppf & Äg Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

He needs his mouth to sort it self out.His shoulders could be better.

His attitude was good.He showing well.

2 jkl





Piquants Ready Aim Fire         S19573/2002  f 020123

e.Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You                

u. Tibets Pride´s Dear One                 

Uppf: Jack Stockstill                 

Äg:Birgitta Franck Mollösund

Liked his head and expression.Nice solid body and rear.

Nice front.Moves soundly.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-3 Cert


Tibets Pride´s A La Bonheur  S13525/2002  f 011223

e.Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You

u.Such Tibets Pride´s Cést Si Bon.

Uppf: Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Äg: Irene Söderström Vallda.

He has not quite got the eye and expression.

His shoulders could be better.

1 ukl R ukk


Tibets Pride´s Face The Facts  S53283/2001   f 010910

e. Jww-98Nordv&Kbhv-00 Ww-02Nuch Int&Norduch

     Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call

Uppf: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Äg: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Lovely head and eye.Good shoulders and front.

Good topline.Moves soundly

1 ukl 3 ukk Hp


Tipsy-Toe´s Traveling Man  S13885/2002  f 020101

e. Norduch Jardhu The Clansman

u. Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

Uppf. Lena Rehn Agnesberg

Äg: Yvonne Stenberg Lindome

Pleasing head Shoulders could be better.

Good topline.Moves soundly

1 ukl 2 ukk Hp


Zansaw´s Do You Wanna Dance  S37428/2001   f 010527

e. Nordv-01 Nuch Norduch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Norduch Ziams I´m A Maneater

Uppf. Carina Öhman Sävedalen

Äg. Ulla Olsson  Mölndal

His mouth could be better and his shoulders.Not moving to his

best advantage.Nice topline.Nice temperament.

2 ukl


Zansaw´s E-Type S56200/2001 f 010924

e. Nord Intuch Mai-Tai´s Zir Wi-Lee-Am

u. Zansaw´s Scarlett O´Hara

Uppf  Carin Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg Bittan Elofsson Vedum.

Liked his head and expression.Good shoulders.Moves soundly.

1 ukl 4 ukk





Choowo-Liz Mazzetti        S40524/98  f 980712

e.Choowo-Liz Pajasso

u.Moffelinos Blowing Bubbles

Uppf. Liz Larsson   Ellös

Äg. Eva Andersson  Ellös



Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy  S10349/2001  f 001120

e. Nord Intuch Tangse Quick Step To Vegas

u. Hashanah Love At First Sight

Uppf Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Bodafors

Äg Birgitta Hallengren Mölnlycke

Lovely head eye and expression.Good shoulders and front.

Good topline.Moves soundly

1 ökl


Nellie-Nette´s Callypso  S23025/2001  f 010226

e. Kbhv-99 Such DKuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram

u. Kbhv-99 Nv-01-02 Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker

Uppf. Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg. Lena Ekstrand  Lerum

Lovely head and eye.Good shoulders.Nice front assembly.

Good topline Moving soundly

1 ökl R ökk


Quatro Zampe´s Desperado  S12657/2000   f 991210

e. Such Quatro Zampe´s Bacetto

u. Bigg Sann´s Black-Duchess.

Uppf Vally Mazzo Hyssna

Äg. Marie Thunell  Göteborg

His mouth could be a bit tidier.Nice eye and expression.

Good shoulders.Nice topline.Moves well on the rear.

1 ökl 4 ökk


Finuch Ta Maria Stardust      Fin28047/01  f 010406

e. Mintzun Lots Of Fun

u. Ta Maria Angel Dust

Uppf. Anne o Maria Laaksonen Finland

Äg: Mall Wallengren Fjärås

Nice eye and expression.His mouth could be tidier.I like his

shoulders and front.Good upperarm.Nice topline.Moves soundly.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-R


Zansaw´s Coffe´n´Cream S26068/2000   f 000320

e. Santosha Midnight Caller

u. Zansaw´s Les Misérables

Uppf: Carina Öhman Sävedalen

Äg: Marit Schwerin Lindome

His mouth could be a bit tidier.Nice expression.Shoulders could

be fractionally better.He has stile.I liked him on the move.

1 ökl 2 ökk


Ziams Lord and Master  S59501/2000    f 001118

e. Nordv-01Nuch Norduch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Ziams The Red Label

Uppf Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa               

Äg Katarina Strömbäck  Grästorp

Good mouth.Nice expression.Good topline.Nice headcarriage.

Moves soundly.

1 ökl 3 ökk





Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers   S46467/97  f 970603             

e.Such Nuch Emrose Sune Chimney Sweep                

u.Sv-00 Kbhv-01 Norduch Intuch                    

Charity´s All For My Heart                

Uppf: Åsa Andersson Vänersborg                

Äg: Åsa Andersson Hisings Kärra

Lovely head and expression.Very hard condition and body.

Good shoulders. Sound mover.

2 Chkl Ck Bhkl-2


Such Dkuch Khe-San´s Snow Man   S35616/99   f 990503

e. Jww-98 Nordv & Kbhv-00 Ww-02 Nuch Int & Norduch   

    Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Jeuw-97 Kbhjv-97 Finuch Norduch Khe-San´s Dreams About Cocktails.

Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg  Mary Fosch  Mölnlycke

Not quite the expression. Good shoulders and topline.Move soundly.

R Chkl


Ww-02 Nordv-00 Kbhv-00 Jww-98 Int Norduch

Khe-San's Zim Zala Bim        S30354/97   f.970428   

e. S.SPuch Istas Look Out

u. Tangse O'Pretty Sue Ellen              

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen,  Upphärad

Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen,  Upphärad

Nice expression.Really good shoulder and front.Nice body.

Lovely coat.Moves soundly.

4 Chkl


Norduch Nuch

Lady Chima´s Oriental Cool To Bee   S17306/99  f 990112

e. Multich Nordv-96 Khe-San’s Cool Porter 

u. Lady Chima’s Elisabeth Taylor           

Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus Sabel, Rosenhill,  Bodafors

Ägare: Birgitta Hallengren, Mölnlycke

Good mouth.Nice head and expression.Good front.Solid body.

Good rear.Moves soundly.

3 Chkl Ck Bhkl-4

Such Tangse Diamond Gun        S15699/99  f 981202

e. Tangse Wiseguy                

u. Such Finuch Båga´s Columbin                

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna                

Äg: Annica o Hans Eriksson Kungsbacka

Nice shoulders.Good upperarm.Like his head and expression.

Lovely coat.Moves soundly.

1 Chkl Ck Bhkl-1 BIR


Ziams Great Balls Of Fire S 28953/2000  f 000414

e. Finv-99 Sv-01 Finuch Norduch Intuch

    Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u. Nordv-98 Norduch Intuch

    Ziams In Your Eyes I see The Light

Uppf: Lars o Lesslie-Ann Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Gunnel Andersson Onsala





Such Ziams What You Get Is What You See  S63621/93 f 931117

e.Norduch Inuch Ziams Master Of The House            

u. Ziams Catch The Beauty Princess.           

Uppf. Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa      

Äg. Gudrun Lundin Kungsbacka. 

Pleasing expression.Good shoulders.Nice coat.Good topline.

Moving OK.

1 vetkl  Hp






Choowo-Liz Nadija    S51113/2002 f 020821

e. Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers  

u. Choowo-Liz Alice

Uppf: Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg: Eva Eliasson Onsala

Good mouth.Sweet head.She needs more bodyweight.

Good type.Did everything right.Moves soundly.

1jkl 4 jkk


Choowo-Liz Nicolina    S51111/2002 f 020821

e. Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers  

u. Choowo-Liz Alice

Uppf: Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg: Tanja Samuelsson Lilla Edet

Very nice head and eye.Solid body.Good shoulders

and front.Very nice and moves soundly

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck


Katitzi´s Melody In Heaven   S40800/2002  f 020601

e. Ziams Lord And Master

u. Li-Lai´s Bell´s Are Ringing

Uppf: Katarina o Tage Strömbäck Grästorp

Äg:Katarina Strömbäck  Grästorp



Phe--Khan´s Bianca Nera  S36342/2002 f 020427

e. Norduch Charity´s Chinese´n Checkers

u. Tangse Lily

Uppf  Petra Karlsson, Västra Frölunda

Äg  Ing-Marie Ödman,  Västra Frölunda

Little plain in expression.Solid body.She lost her topline

on the move.

2 jkl


Tibets Pride´s On A Bed Of Roses   S36340/2002  f 020510

e. Nordv-01Nuch Norduch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u.Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call

Uppf: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Äg: Carina Ericsson  Kungsbacka

Good mouth and expression.Very good shoulders and front.

Nice balance and topline.She moves soundly

1 jkl 3jkk


Zansaw´s One In A Million  S44216/2002 f 020607   

e. Such Zansaw´s Casanova

u Fly-Bie´s Piece of My Heart

Uppf Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg Linda Hall o Malin Nilsson Karlstad



Ziams Coco Chanel   S21952/2002 f 020304

e. Multich Popeye´s Love N´Money

u. Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Äg  Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

She could have a tidier mouth.Nice expression.

Good coat.Solid body.Moves soundly.

1 jkl 2 jkk Hp





Anastasia    S38780/2001 f 010604

e. Norduch Charity´s Chinese´n´Chequers

u. Amadea-Wan

Uppf: Madelene Svensson  Hisings-Kärra

Äg: Jan Freijs o Madeleine Åhman Angered



Charity´s Joyful Love  S19312/2002  f 020210

e. Lyckobringarens Raz-A-Mataz

u. Charity´s Hidden Love

Uppf. Åse Andersson Hisings Kärra

Äg. Jan Freijs o Madeleine Åhman Angered

She needs to be handled better on the table.Pleasing head

and expression.She needs to be smoother on the move.

2 ukl


Country Flowers Malva  Roses   S21079/2002  f 020206

e. Österlyckans Prinscarl

u. Butterfly

Uppf: Gro Andersson  Sollebrunn

Äg: Tanja Samuelsson Lilla Edet

Nice expression.Very good shoulders and front.She moves

soundly.Needs to make more of herself on the move

1 ukl 3 ukk Hp


Tibets Pride´s Femme Fatale   S13523/2002   f 011223

e. Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You

u. Such Tibet Pride´s Cést Si Bon

Uppf. Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Äg. Eva Bergström Kullavik

Nice head and expression.Need a tidier mouth.Nice body.

Good shoulders.Moves soundly.

1 ukl 4 ukk


Tipsy-Toy´s Exiting Girl   S13888//2002  f 020101

e. Norduch Jardhu the Clansman

u. Such Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

Uppf & Äg  Lena Rhen, Agnesberg

Nice head and expression.Good shoulders and upperarm.

Good coat. Moves soundly.

1 ukl 2 ukk Hp



Zansaw´s Dancing Queen    S37424/2001  f 010627     

e.Nordv-01 Nuch Norduch Ziams Lord Of The Dance           

u. Norduch Ziams I´m A Maneater                  

Uppf: Carina Öhman Sävedalen

Äg: Carina Öhman Sävedalen

I like her head and very good shoulders and front.Good upperarm.

Solid body. Good style. Moved soundly.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Btkl-1 Cert BIM


Zansaw´s Enigma  S56199/2001 f 010924

e. Nord Intuch Mai-Tai´s Zir Wi-Lee-Am

u. Zansaw´s Scarlett O´Hara

Uppf  Carin Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg Malin Nilsson o Linda Hall Karlstad






Choowo Liz Alice  S49805/99  f 990908

e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf. Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg. Liz Larsson Ellös

Really good mouth.Nice expression.Good to go over.

Moves soundly

1 ökl 3 ökk


Eech Finch Khe-San´s Snow Flake  S35616/99   f 990503

e. Multich Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u. Multich Khe-San´s Dreams About Cocktails.

Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg  Nina Mäkälä Vantaa Finland

Nice expression.Very good body.Solid rear.

Moves with style and is sound.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


Khe-San´s Touch Me Tiger  S19683/2000  f. 000207

e. Finv-99 Sv-01 Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-san´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u. Khe-San´s Shaked To Be A Cocktail

Uppf.Eva-Lena Sönksen Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg.Jessica Lundqvist  Habo




Ta Maria Angel Dust  S14969/2002   f 990416

e. Finuch Santosha Red Admiral

u. Louwan´s Georgie Girl

Uppf   Maria Laaksonen, Finland

Äg: Mall Wallengren Fjärås

I liked her head and expression.Good eye.Very good shoulders

and front. Moves soundly.Nice topline.

1 ökl 4 ökk


Ziams Lovely Godiva                 

e. Nord Nuch Nordv-01 Ziams Lord of the Dance                

u. Ziams The Red Label                 

Uppf Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa               

Äg Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Nice head and eye.Good shoulders and front.

Solid body.Moving with style and is sound.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-R





Such Nellie-Nette´s Charlotine               

e. Kbhv-99 Such Dkuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram                

u. Kbhv Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker                

Uppf: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Very nice head and expression.Well made tight throught.

Good attitude.Moves soundly.

1 chkl Ck Btkl-3


Such Tibets Pride´s Cést Si Bon  S 40377/99 f 19990608

e. Tibets Pride´s Hail To The Victor

u. Tibets Pride´s Mummys Pride and Joy

Uppf: Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Äg: Eva Bergström Kullavik

Not quite the head.Need a tidier mouth.Solid body.

Moves soundly. Good topline

2 chkl Ck




Sv-00Kbhv-01 Norduch Intuch

Charity´s All For My Heart  S59268/94 f 940923               

e.Such Nuch Shanel´s Klassy Kid                  

u.Such Dkuch Khe-San´s Keep Me In Love                 

Uppf: Åsa  Andersson Hisings Kärra                 

Äg: Åsa  Andersson Hisings Kärra

Very solid body.Nice eye and expression.Good shoulders.

Good coat for her age.In good order.My compliments.

1 vetkl Ck Btkl-2 Bästa Veteran


Nordv-98 Norduch Intuch Ziams In Your Eyes I See The Light                         

e. Nv-96 Finuch Norduch Intuch Formaregårdens Zorro                  

u. Such Ziams For Your Eyes Only                  

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Äg: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Really nice expression and head.Good shoulders and front.

Good muscle rear.Moves with style.She is sound.

2 vetkl Ck Btkl-4





Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers

e.Such Nuch Emrose Sune Chimney Sweep

u.Sv-00 Kbhv-01 Norduch Intuch 

Charity´s All For My Heart

Uppf: Åsa Andersson Hisings Kärra

Äg: Åsa Andersson Hisings Kärra

Good heads and coats.Good topline and type.

1 Hp Bästa grupp.