SKK NAT ÅNGE 2003-05-25

Domare Una Rigney

Antal valpar 0+0

Antal vuxna 12 + 9

Antal veteraner 2 + 0




Tanbell´s Napo-Leon  S40110/2002 f 020523

e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower

u. S Finuch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane

Uppf: Susanne Sarmell Haninge

Äg: Lilian Nordell Haninge

Lovely head,short stop.Good eyes.Good prop body length

to height. Moved well,not holding tail up.

1 jkl 1jkk




Khe-San´s Harry Potter S54672/2001 f 011009

e. Nord Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Marianne Jonasson,  Grycksbo



Mjuka Mockasinens Paiatzo   S10678/2002  f 011128   

e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower        

u. Skånhedens Pax-Tran.        

Upp: Marie Martinsson Abborträsk        

Äg: Sisko Karlsson Töre

Lovely headprop.Dark eyes.Good topline.Very good coat

for age. Good tailcarriage.Moved and showed well.

1ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-1 Cert BIR





Mai-Tai’s Let´s Twist Again  S37422/2001  f: 2001-04-26                 

e. Such Finuch Eech Santosha Dancing Brave

u. Mai-Tai’s Disco Dixie

uppf: U-C Ljungh & Curth Gunsth,  Ljusdal

äg: U-C Ljungh & Curth Gunsth,  Ljusdal



Meikwei Showtime  S27224/2000  f 990608

e. Meikwei Sir Duke

u. Meikwei April Song

Uppf: Miss S E Brace Storbritannien

Äg: Annalena o Matz Andersson Gävle

Lovely broad head.Dark eyes.Short stop.Good neck and

topline.Moved and showed very well.Would like coat hanging

more straighter.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


Tanbell´s Juan De Marco  S14098/97  f 961231

e. Int S Nuch Tangse King-Tzu

u. Such Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird

Uppf  Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

Äg  Lilian Nordell,  Haninge

Lovely broad head.Good neck,bodybalance very good.

Not carrying his tail moving.Good topline.

1 ökl 3 ökk


Zansaw´s My Point Of Wiew    S39076/96  f 960523   

e. Norduch Intuch Ziams Master Of the House        

u. Such Nuch Filippa        

Uppf: Carina Öhman Sävedalen        

Äg: Grete Blomgren Torsåker

Lovely qualitydog.Well balanced.Good head expression.

Perfect mouth.Good length of neck and topline.Correct tailcarriage

to balance head.Correct coat.Moved and showed well.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-3





Such Formaregårdens Royal Rap Tzu Dee    S47969/98  f  980806      

e. Nv-96 Finuch Norduch Intuch Formaregårdens Zorro                        

u. Norduch Formaregårdens Mirage         

Uppf: Elsa Lyman Norberg        

Äg: Monica Skoglund Ljusne

Lovely head expression.Would like a little more lenght in neck

to balance head.Good topline.Moved and showed well.

Frontmovement could be better.

2 chkl Ck Bhkl-R


Nv-02 Sv-02 Norduch

Tanbell's King Of The Savannah  S30202/99  f 990421         

e. Ww-02 NordV-00 Kbhv-00 Jww-98 Int Norduch 

    Khe-San's Zim Zala Bim                   

u. S.CH Ge-Mihs X-Zotic Bird        

Uppf & Äg  Susanne Sarmell,  Haninge

Lovely head expression.Well balance from neck to body.

Good topline and tailcarriage.Good coat.Well presented.

Moved and showed well.

1 chkl Ck Bhkl-2


Such Winmarz The Shejk Of Arraby  S40551/97  f  970618

e. Nuch Such Shierikos Ringo Star

u. Such Nuch Joy´s Talk About Topjoy

Uppf: Ulrika Pettersson Umeå.

Äg: Ulrika Pettersson Umeå






Norduch Intuch Mai-Tai´s Zir Wi-Lee-Am      S59123/94   f  941006     

e. Nv-96 Finuch Norduch Intuch Formaregårdens Zorro                        

u. Tangse Royale Rhapsody        

Uppf:Curth Gunsth o Ulla-Carin Ljung Ljusdal        

Äg: Ulla-Carin Ljung Ljusdal

Very well prop.Good head, expression.Lovely coat and texture.

Very well presented.Good topline and tailcarriage. Moved and

showed well.

1 vetkl Ck Bhkl-4  Bästa Veteran


Such Finuch Ziams Rhythm Of  My Heart  S20109/93   f 930302

e.Norduch Bymarkens Any Sensation

u. Norduch Intuch Ziams Christmas Joy

Uppf: Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Äg: Grethe Blomgren Torsåker.

Good head, expression Good topline and tailcarriage.Moved and showed

very well in great condition for age.

2 vetkl Ck




Kläpphällans Molly S46670/2002  f 020618

e. Such Joy´s X´treme Red Flame

u. Slussgårdens Berina.

Uppf: Kurt-Lennart Pettersson Piteå

Äg: Annika Hagström Bjuråker

Nice quality feminine.Good head.Very good coat.Needs more

Confident to show.Good bodyprop.

1 jkl 2 jkk Hp


Tangse Crystal Crown       S45911/2002  f 020621

e. Such Tangse Midnight Cowboy    

u. Tangse Dancing Adeline    

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna    

Äg: Matz Andersson  Gävle

Lovely size,balanced head.Good topline and tailcarriage.

Good prop body.Showed very well.Would like better hindmovement

1jkl 1 jkk Ck Btkl-2




Khe-San´s Hedda Hopper   S54673/2001  f  011009

e. Nord Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Christine Fjellborg Borlänge

Good bodyprop.Would like broader head and better underjaw.

Good topline.Showed very well.Would like better hindmovement.

2 ukl


Lo-Fan´s Classic Red Love       S45490/2001  f 010714

e.Quatro Zampe´s Red Hot Lover   

u. Dream Dog´s Classic Lady   

Uppf: Sisko Karlsson Töre

Äg: Sisko Karlsson Töre

Good prop body.Would like shorter stop.Good topline and

tailcarriage.Moved and showed very well.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Btkl-4


Tangse Pamela  S56737/2001  f 010923

e.Tangse Zantana

u. Båga´s Carisma

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg:Susanne Sarmell Haninge

Lovely head and expression.Nice eyes.Good topline.Moved well,

but not holding tail up in moving.

1 ukl 2 ukk




Formaregårdens Tansy Girl  S35710/2000  f 000412

e.Such Formaregårdens One and Only

u. Formaregårdens Lina Scott.

Uppf: Elsa Lyman Norberg

Äg: Monica Skoglund Ljusne

Nice eyes and prop.Good expression.Head in prop to body.

Good topline,would like stronger bone.Moved and showed well.

1 ökl 3 ökk


Mai-Tai´s Twistin´Patricia     S37421/2001  f 010426

e. Eech Such Finuch Santosha Dancing Brave         

u. Mai-Tai´s Disco Dixie         

Uppf: Curth Gunsth o Ulla-Carin Ljung Ljusdal        

Äg: Ulla-Carin Ljung Ljusdal

Beautiful head and expression.Nice eyes.Well balanced.

Good topline and tailcarriage.Good coat.Very good bone

and condition.Moved and showed well.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-1 Cert BIM


Tanemar Zammantha     S12882/98  f 971129

e.Such Nuch Tanemar Christoper Robin    

u. Mai-Tai´s Indian Copper Penny    

Uppf: Birgitta Brickner Söderala

Äg: Birgitta Brickner Söderala

Nice eyes.Good head.Dark eye.Good stop.Good neck and topline,

with correct tailcarriage.Moved and showed well.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck Btkl-3


Tangse Larissa  S47662/2000  f  000222

e.Tangse Wiseguy

u. Such Finuch Båga´s Columbin

Uppf. Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg: Matz Andersson Gävle

Nice size and type.Good head and expression.Needs more

Confidience and time.

2 ökl